No olympics for chicago!!


Active Member
Apr 1, 2006
Oprah, check.
Obama, check
Michelle, check

Guess trying to add a 'wow' factor didn't work for Chicago. Probably saved us BILLIONS in tax payer money too!! :D
No surprise! Where would you rather go RIO or Chicago? :biggrin: No offense to the folks in Illinois.
I thought Chicago would get the event but maybe the appearance of pompous and arrogant people like Oprah simply turned the world's olympic voters off.
Except what it cost to fly him over there on Air Force 1

Yea, but I figured Air Force One is now his personal taxi to the world so what the heck! :D Wonder how much "green house gases" have been added to the atmosphere since he's been in office??? As Salvage would say....Oh the shame!!
I thought Chicago would get the event but maybe the appearance of pompous and arrogant people like Oprah simply turned the world's olympic voters off.

I would say that had a large part in it as they (Chicago) were out in the FIRST round! :eek:
Well it wasn't a total waste. Obama met with General McChrystal and got a one on one with him. That probably woudn't have happened if he wasn't over in Europe. Hopefully that will help him decide whether to send more troops to Afganistan or not. Personally I think the Olympic committee is against the US and it wouldn't have mattered where in the US it would be. Rio does have some nice topless beaches for women to show off their breasts. That could be the next Olympic event.;)

No offense taken, the jobs that would have been created would have been great for the area.Chicago is one of the best citys in the world and has alot to offer, however right outside of the downtown area is not a great place to be and I can only imagine what would have happened if a visitor took a wrong turn and ended up in the projects. Look on youtube of the video of the kid that just got beat to death outside his school for going to aid of two girls. Mayor Daley could clean that town up but not enough to showcase Chicago to the world.