New York statewide smoking ban signed into law

Originally posted by bandwidthpolice
I think I'll write my congressman and ask for the window tint legal limit to be rewritten to abolish any sort of tint. After all, the driver might be fine with it, but it is more vision imparing than clear glass. Therefore, there is a chance that the driver might not see me and I could be hurt from the resulting accident should we collide. Sorry but I have to protect my life and if the legal system is the way to get it accomplished, then you'll just have to conform to my selfish needs should I be successful. Government would rake in millions in fines each year.

Oh not this again, we all know where I stand on window tinting (tinting laws are unconstitutional)! :)
Re: Hah! Smokers respectful??

Originally posted by TT/A1233
I take issue with the fact "most smokers are respectful". Take a walk down a city or suburban street and look down at the ground. Nothing but cigarette butts. They're tossed out of car windows as if they dissolve within minutes. Look at the car ashtray of a smoker, is it dirty? That's because they use our community as an ashtray and not the one the manufacturer engineered.

Why should they be respectful? The government is discriminating against them!
Originally posted by lp2
As for the arguments about how non-smokers can leave, well, the same argument is being applied to the smokers (which works now as smokers are a minority rather then a majority like the past).

No, it's not the same. A smoker can't leave to smoke in another bar or restaurant if no other bar or restaurant allows it.
Originally posted by orion681
i guess i would have to kind of revamp my opinion and say that I don't think that the gov't should tell public places that they can't allow smoking. I can honestly say that I have never been to a bar with a non smoking area, but if more bars did that, that would be great. I'm not saying that there aren't bars like that, just none around me at all. I do feel bad for smokers that have to stand out in the rain a snow, but at the same time, they did choose to smoke. It's a teeter-totter situation in my head :D

I think a restaurant should have a no-smoking section, but it really doesn't matter in a bar, as everyone in there is doing something that's bad for you.
Originally posted by zam70
Ok..ok..everyone has rights and I respect that...

I went a little off topic there so I'm actually going to delete my prior rant.

My general point was, If you allow "Big government" to start regulating your personal freedoms, when will it (they)stop?

SURE, you might favor a smoking ban...what about when they outlaw alcohol? old cars (emissions)? Pitbulls?

It's the big picture, like i said, I HATE guns...I see no reason to have one or for anyone to have one BUT, I will fight for them NOT to be illegal because it is a constitutional right...If the government is allowed to change ONE thing, they will never stop.

I'm still trying to figure out WHY there are seatbelt laws.

Agreed 100%. The same can be applied to motercycle helmet laws.
Originally posted by strikeeagle

I didn't mean to offend you, but think about this:

Suppose your Dad never smoked a single cigarette his life, and you had him around and healthy until he was 100?

Suppose all the money and medical talent directed at treating smokers was directed at keeping your non-smoking Dad alive and healthy until he was 125? Imagine living long enough to see your great great great grandchildren grow. To dance at your 100th wedding anniversary.

Now suppose your Dad was a non-smoking bartender, and died when he was 55 from 2nd hand smoke?

You get the idea...


I don't get it. He had the choice not to be a bartender in the first place. ;)
Re: Re: Hah! Smokers respectful??

Originally posted by TurboTer
Why should they be respectful? The government is discriminating against them!
That makes sense.:rolleyes: I guess if you THINK your rights are being violated it gives you the RIGHT to act like a disrespectful jerk. That explains a lot about some people's personalities.
Re: Re: Re: Hah! Smokers respectful??

Originally posted by TT/A1233
That makes sense.:rolleyes: I guess if you THINK your rights are being violated it gives you the RIGHT to act like a disrespectful jerk. That explains a lot about some people's personalities.

I'm not even a smoker and it bothers me (as some of my friends are smokers). I can only imagine how smokers feel. When your rights keep getting taken away, and you pay $7.00+ (in NYC) for a pack, I can understand why some are a little cranky.
Originally posted by strikeeagle
I DO NOT buy the argument that non-smokers don't have to patronize establishments that allow smoking. For example, we have a favorite restaurant that (regretfully) allows smoking. Should we stop going because a few pukes insist on smoking? I say let the few pukes go home and set themselves on fire in their beds, like they seem to like to do.

Actually yes. If you walk in on something you dont like, dont expect things that were there before you came to change. ie: Restaurant....if they allow smoking, and you like their food, either deal with it, or stay home. SO yes, if you dont like it...STAY HOME.

If you go to your friends house for dinner, and theres something you dont like...not even smoking..maybe the dog stinks, do you ask him to get rid of his dog? Or do not to go over next time?

To be honest, I bet you money, that restaurants and other establishments with those big ionizing air purifiers are cleaner than the air in your own home!

This law is the beginning of the end of our "liberty"

Welcome to the Communist USA
I guess if you THINK your rights are being violated it gives you the RIGHT to act like a disrespectful jerk. That explains a lot about some people's personalities.

And this doesn't apply to non-smokers? Non-smokers are portrayed to be the poor little victims here by working hard to ensure their message is carried forward. And it's working!

Being a non-smoker is just more popular these days. Everyone who smoked was cool in the early to mid part of the 20th century. They were more popular then. The effects of smoking weren't any different then than now; people got cancer, emphizema (sp), etc, then just as much as folks do now. The anti-smokers have bought enough media to bring "their" views to the forefront early. It would be political suicide not to fall into step with the smoking bashers.

If you think back, does anyone recall anyone in their family who worked for an organization as their primary function in life at that point in time? Folks used to go to work everyday and produce something other than hype; causes were secondary functions performed on your own personal time. Now there are human rights groups (and others) who employ people full-time to get their message out. The difference is perception: if you believe it, then it must be true.

Think for yourself. BTW, I think cigarette smoke smells bad too. This is a fun debate.
TurboTer, I actually AGREE with the helmet laws, but only for the eye protection...

This IS a fun debate...I figured everyone would be more on the "pro" side of things.

I'm just glad alot of people see the BIG picture.

As far as the organizations, The thing i hate most about them are the inaccuracies (sp) they bring forth as "fact".

"xxx,xxx amount of people die from smoking every year"
Ok great.
What they don't tell you is if a guy falls off a cliff and splatters like a melon, if he smoked, they include his statistic as a "dead smoker". It's almost comical.

Also, how can ANYONE prove second hand smoke has killed anyone? The only real way to prove it would be to put this person in a perfect "long life" situation and then feed them second hand smoke. I'm not saying second hand smoke isn't bad...there's just ALOT of other factors involved.

OH well....smokers will keep killing them selves until the wize up I guess...(Oh Yeah...that includes me! ;) )
Originally posted by bandwidthpolice

Being a non-smoker is just more popular these days. Everyone who smoked was cool in the early to mid part of the 20th century. They were more popular then. The effects of smoking weren't any different then than now; people got cancer, emphizema (sp), etc, then just as much as folks do now. The anti-smokers have bought enough media to bring "their" views to the forefront early.

This is true. That's why most of the cool heavy smokers of the 50's and 60's are dead of cancer now. Now we no why and the majority is trying to help smokers and the people who will be unwilling effected by it. I put smoking in the same class as vehicle safety. The govt has to protect people from others.
Heh! This is awesome! We already have this up here in Ontario.

Smokers suck. :D

You all smell like ass... like you don't know how to wipe properly.

While you are mostly good people, I don't see why I should have to have vital oxygen replaced with 1000 cancer related agents (there is no one single "cause" of cancer). Just because you can't live without a chemically enhanced fix. :rolleyes:

Have you ever seen what you look like with that thing sticking/hanging out of your mouth?! :p :eek:

This is'll be good for your health, the health of those around you, and the general appearance of the population! :D

My parents were both smokers (during 3 pregnancies) and up until a few years ago... when my Mom finally quit. :) My Dad however, is still a walking bag of tar... smells like death... and ass. :eek: This resulted in a lot of health conditions for myself... I begged them to quit for years... Nothing.

I am glad that when my Mom quit... my Dad was sent outside. :p

My little (~5'-1") sister (19ish) is a chain smoker... with a nice hacking cough. Thanks Mom and Dad.

So F' the tabacco industry and its junkies... smarten up people! :mad:
Now we're arguing that there's no proof that second hand smoke is a killer? And that by definition, my favorite restaurant shouldn't be my favorite restaurant just because some Camel sucking turkeys choose to foul the air? You people are unbelievable. But it's all good. Because the Grim Reaper is squarely on your tail, and just about to grab you by the back of the hair...

strikeeagle, My point was: No matter WHAT a smoker dies of it is ALWAYs blamed on smoking. It's just another way for the media to "influence" the populace with large scary #s.

If a non-smoker lives with a smoker and dies of cancer, people are quick to point the finger at second hand cigarette smoke and ignore the fact that the person who died also smoked pot, drank beer, tanned constantly and had venereal disease or was simply genetically influenced to die of cancer....It was the cigarettes!

Here's the facts: Smoking is BAD - it can kill you. Does this mean it will kill you? No, but it does add another factor into the "lethal" chain. why does the general public think that smokers aren't aware of the dangers of smoking? Believe me, Smokers know ALOT more on this subject than any non - smoker could possibly know.

Now before jumping on the "so why don't you quit" bandwagon, make a list of your own vices (most that will probably contribute to your demise and annoy other people as well). If there is ONE on the list (I promise, everyone has at least one), shut up. You are no different, only your choices have been.

What I do feel is Utterly ridiculous is the fact that people can sue others for their own actions...THAT should be a crime. The "I was to stupid to think for myself" attitude is well, stupid - AND our courts are falling for it.
First I would like to state that I am an occasional smoker, mostly while drinking . First and foremost I believe that any business operator should have the right to make their establishment smoking, non-smoking, or a mix of the two. Why does your choice on where to go allow you to force others out. If a restaurant owner wants to allow smoking then the smoker has just as much right to be there as you. If you don’t want to deal with second hand smoke then don’t go their and call it a boycott to make yourself happy. There are unaccountable risks that everyone takes everyday (performance cars anyone?) and if you go into a smoking establishment it is YOUR choice. You are not being forced to go out to a bar and poison your liver, but you still feel that you have the right to complain about the guy standing next to you smoking. If you are going out to a bar you should know what you are getting yourself into, and if you don’t like it stay home and stop complaining to me.

Now about the whole risk to employees. If you don’t want to work in a smoke filled environment DON’T. It really is that simple no one has force these people to become bartender, waiters, ect. I am going into the construction industry where work related hazards will splatter you into a pancake faster they you can react, these are the risks that I am willing to accept. Should construction be banned cause it is hazardous to employee health? People get paid in compensation for the risks that they take on the job. O’h those poor bartenders who have to deal with all that nasty smoke can walk away with over 500 dollars in tips a night. Well they choose to be there and are being well compensated for their work so what is the problem here?

Just more fuel for the fire,
Black Sabbath
Originally posted by Mr. T
Smokers suck. :D

You all smell like ass... like you don't know how to wipe properly.

post of the year :D

fwiw,smoking has been banned in bars around here for about a year.i think it's great,you stinky-ass bastards take that crap outside:D.

that's really all it's come to,all the bars have an enclosed area outside,covered,heated and ventilated where the cancer victims congregate and share their stinky-ass habit with the other's nice to get home from the bar and not have your clothes smell like a dirty ash tray.

also-basically all my friends either chew or smoke.i tell every one of them,daily,that they're a bunch of money wasting friggin retards.yes,it's their right to pay a corporate monster to give them cancer,but it's also my right to bust their balls about it constantly:D.

my .02...
Originally posted by TT/A1233
Cigarette smoke is the by-product of a habit and infects everyone in the immediate area. Urine is the by-product of beer drinking (such as in a bar). How would anyone near a beer drinker like to be urinated upon? Take a tobacco chewer. He has to spit on occasion which is the by-product of his tobacco habit. Would anyone appreciate being spit on by tobacco laden saliva?
I see you PRO-PUBLIC smoking guys never touched my analogy quoted above. I wonder why? I'm guessing because it's hard to argue against.
Originally posted by TT/A1233
I see you PRO-PUBLIC smoking guys never touched my analogy quoted above. I wonder why? I'm guessing because it's hard to argue against.

true. i dont want to get peed on.:p
Strikeeagle, I guess you just struck a nerve. I just feel like our freedoms are being taken away at an alarming rate.

I really wish my Dad would stop smoking, though. He stopped a few years ago and even though he gained about 20 pounds, he looked better than I had seen him in a long time. But he started again in '94 when my parents got divorced. My Dad's Dad died in his mid 50's and he smoked. My Dad turned 51 on tuesday:( I really don't want to lose my Dad. I want him to see my daughter grow up. I want her to know what a wonderful person he is. I've lost both my Grandparents in the last two years and I constantly think about my Dad. I'm just not ready for that. Sad thing is he is too set is his ways. He says he should quit but it never seems to happen. His wife says she will quit but never does. I know if they would both stop they could do it. Every time I see him or talk to him on the phone he is always coughing, hard.

Sorry for lashing out, this is just a friendly place to have friendly debates, not a shrinks office where I should probably be.:(