new guy not a GN owner yet but soon


New Member
Jan 29, 2008
ive wanted a GN for the last 15 years, i have my eye on one. i just need to sell my truck first.
Post a picture of your's the last time you will see it in your pocket.:biggrin:

Welcome to the disease. Currently there is no cure for Turbitis.
Post a picture of your's the last time you will see it in your pocket.:biggrin:

Welcome to the disease. Currently there is no cure for Turbitis.

LMAO.... No doubt!!!!!

Welcome and like mentioned before these cars are like a crack addiction...:eek: I guess I have never used crack:confused: but from what I hear it is very much the same minus the phsyical side effectss...LOL

But really they are great cars lots of fun and a piece of history, do your home work and read up as much as you can. There is a ton of knowledge on this board and the internet.

Good luck on selling your truck and buying a TB...

Let us know when you pick one up:smile:

While you are looking, do some reading here and willpay you dividends later on. :)
Post a picture of your's the last time you will see it in your pocket.:biggrin:

Welcome to the disease. Currently there is no cure for Turbitis.

So VERY true.....I think if I wouldn't have bought my Buick, my house would be paid off! :D

"....Speed costs fast you 'wanna go?"
I had my first ride in a highly customized and modified burgundy 86 turbo T that my uncle bought new in 86. It was the first fast car Id ever been in. It ruined me. I wanted a GN for almost 20 years. I finally got it. Lets just say that not all fantasies should become a reality. They tend to lose their fantasy like qualities. If you want a scared straight kinda intervention before you jump off this cliff, read all my posts from 3 years ago till now.
They can be alot of fun when they work, but look very very closely and study your butt off on these forums before buying. There are so many things that can be wrong with a 20 year old car that you would never even think of. It will destroy every bit of hope and optimism you had about this new hobby/venture. Unless you get a low mile (not a fake where it has low miles because they disconnected the speedometer) car, you'll be sorry. Look for an original paint car. Drive the car toward the sun and look for tiny pitting all over the windshield. That will give you a better idea of original miles than what the odometer says. ALOT of people disconnect the speedos on these cars so look for other indicators of true mileage. Another indicator that they've disconnected the speedo for quite awhile, is that they have a torque converter lockup switch. When you disconnect the speedo, the lockup doesnt work so you get a check engine light and you have to manually lock it up. Study the front suspension. Are all the bushings there and healthy? Do the front wheels rock side to side when you grab them? Is the underbelly clean or covered in oil/grease/dirt? Is the paint cracking around the rear pillar windows? DEMAND a compression test. DEMAND a test drive. Dont let them convince you that it rides great and runs great without actually driving it yourself. Do all the gauges work? Does the shifter drop all the way to 1st gear? Look at the differential housing from the rear or the car. Look at the bottom corners of the pumpkin. Does it have little elf ears cast in, or square bosses? If they're little hook like "elf ears" then its not the right rear end. That was something that cost me 1300 bucks to fix. I have a list in microsoft word thats 3 pages long of all the things wrong with my car, not including the current problem where my engine my have to come out.
The main thing to look for is whether or not the previous owners took pride or cared about quality, or just hacked/welded/sawed/hammered things into place and neglected things that were out of sight, out of mind.
the car im looking at is almost 2 hours away, my friend who lives there looked at it for me. hes a body guy the car was repainted he knows what to look for. it needs a little paint work, has 75,000 mi has a 3 inch DP, 160 thermostat, a bunch of gauges, and a few other things. the turbo has rebuilt, as well as the trans. he went for a ride in it and told me it was worth what the guy is asking. since its so far away im not going to look at it until my truck is sold. if its not quite what i want ill look for another one.
What kind of truck are you trying to sell? Post it in here along with pic's and info in the "For sale - Non buick section".

Scot W.
i already did that sort of.... i posted in it in the buick section cause i was looking to sell or trade the truck for a GN. i have pics and a for sale price there too.
I had my first ride in a highly customized and modified burgundy 86 turbo T that my uncle bought new in 86. It was the first fast car Id ever been in. It ruined me. I wanted a GN for almost 20 years. I finally got it. Lets just say that not all fantasies should become a reality. They tend to lose their fantasy like qualities. If you want a scared straight kinda intervention before you jump off this cliff, read all my posts from 3 years ago till now.
They can be alot of fun when they work, but look very very closely and study your butt off on these forums before buying. There are so many things that can be wrong with a 20 year old car that you would never even think of. It will destroy every bit of hope and optimism you had about this new hobby/venture. Unless you get a low mile (not a fake where it has low miles because they disconnected the speedometer) car, you'll be sorry. Look for an original paint car. Drive the car toward the sun and look for tiny pitting all over the windshield. That will give you a better idea of original miles than what the odometer says. ALOT of people disconnect the speedos on these cars so look for other indicators of true mileage. Another indicator that they've disconnected the speedo for quite awhile, is that they have a torque converter lockup switch. When you disconnect the speedo, the lockup doesnt work so you get a check engine light and you have to manually lock it up. Study the front suspension. Are all the bushings there and healthy? Do the front wheels rock side to side when you grab them? Is the underbelly clean or covered in oil/grease/dirt? Is the paint cracking around the rear pillar windows? DEMAND a compression test. DEMAND a test drive. Dont let them convince you that it rides great and runs great without actually driving it yourself. Do all the gauges work? Does the shifter drop all the way to 1st gear? Look at the differential housing from the rear or the car. Look at the bottom corners of the pumpkin. Does it have little elf ears cast in, or square bosses? If they're little hook like "elf ears" then its not the right rear end. That was something that cost me 1300 bucks to fix. I have a list in microsoft word thats 3 pages long of all the things wrong with my car, not including the current problem where my engine my have to come out.
The main thing to look for is whether or not the previous owners took pride or cared about quality, or just hacked/welded/sawed/hammered things into place and neglected things that were out of sight, out of mind.

VaderV6 sounds like your not as happy as you should have to remeber like you mentoned these cars are old now and they will have issues that is just part of owning an older car not just a TB. Most of these cars have been repainted unless they sat in a gagrage covered for 10years and most of them have had engine work. I am now on my 3rd TB and let me tell after rebuilding 3 of these cars and breaking trans after trans and rebuilding engines I still love these cars. I am a car nut by nature I also have a '69 vette that I am constantly breaking ( just broke the spindel....Large drag radilas:D ) but that is just part of it.

I hate to hear that you are a little dissapointed...this Buick I own now is probably the worst one of the 3 I have owned as far as body but it is also the lowest milage. The car has 84,000 miles on it but is was in Missisippi for a while and sat and sat and sat some more so it has some rust. But everything can be repaired it is just a matter of how much you are willing to take on.

Daksprt4x4....if you really want one of these cars just do your home work and go buy one.....If you have the green to buy a prestiege piece then great but if you have to buy that has been beat on a little or just drivin a lot don't be scared just realize as VaderV6 mentioned that there will be wrench turning and money spent

Good Luck and remember there are lots of people on this and other boards that are more than willing to help when you hit issues and beleive me issues are going to happen thats just part of hot rodding:biggrin: