Need your VIN # check?

Hey Jesse i think what your doing for the buick community is great and is really appreciated by all the buick family hope you can get around to my car.

And I would like to thank all of the members that have help me when they had there accounts , I could not do it alone

Jesse, could you please run these 2 for me:
1969 Z-28 124379N666691
1987 G.N. 1G4GJ1179HP449172
Thank you, Mike
Hey Jesse i am new to the forum, it would be greatly appreciated if you would check this for me thanks again.
Can You Also Check Mine If Possible

not sure if the year is too old though. 1981 buick regal sport coupe. 3.8 turbo car. here's the vin# 1g4ak4738bz107913
if you can get it check'd, thanks, if not, thanks anyways. :cool: you can post here or email me at
VIN check please.

1G4GJ1177HP422228 87t

1G4GJ1177HP425761 87t


but the guy who posted this said he kept a car fax for members and is a moderator? oh well, i'll probably have to buy one :frown:

Could I get a car fax that lists the previous owners. I am trying to track down where my car was purchased. 1g4gj117xhp463226. I know that it was purchase somewhere in Missouri. My email is I have a car fax just doesn't list the previous owners. Thanks
Hi Jesse....I'm in the process of restoring my 87 GN. I'd love to have any info on my car that you can find (unless of course if it was underwater :biggrin: ). Here ya go ... 1G4GJ1176HP463126. You can email me at . Thanks bud :)

Can you check this out for me: 1FABP42E3JF157935
Title and car reads this vin#, but insurance company and tax collector office have to change the "B" to an 8 in order to get the car it seems. Thanks! My email is