Name calling and Bashing


May 25, 2001
People I realize tension is high. But the Name calling and Nationality bashing stops now! You must remember this country consists of a whole plethora of humanity. Even on this BB we have those of German descent, Polish Descent, French Descent, African descent, Arabic descent, even Native American descent(yours truly full blooded and proud). WE also have various Political affiliations present. By name calling, using profanity and bashing your only showing your ignorance and violating the rules as set forth by administration as:

You agree, through your use of this service, that you will refrain from posting any material which is exceedingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, gross, disgusting, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, extremely sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violate of any law. This includes posts about religion, illegal substances, posts that turn to arguments and flame wars, etc...

In short, in the immediate future please post with Maturity and be Respectful of others or find another place to play. To those who have chosen not to reply to various rhetoric and name calling threads, I commend you, thanks.
I do not want to see this BB fall to the wayside as one who is just like any other BB out there with Langauge and Content problems. This type of stuff only serves to divide the members into factions which leads to mistrust and abuse of other members. I can see it happening already. At one time we had an adage that applies, it goes like this, "Buick" "Going fast With Class" I'd like that to return to our forum. I honestly hope this finds its mark for we as a community have a common interest in hoping things go well for those in harms way.

Thanks for your time,

I guess I am guilty of some of this for firing back. Sad part is I don't feel bad about defending myself. Not to bash the Mod's but if they were on top of things most would get nipped early on instead of getting out of hand. Just my .003
The problem is consistency.....or lack of it.

It's OK to bash some venders....but not OK to bash others.

It's OK to cuss by misspelling....but not OK to use the correct.

It's OK for one person to say hooters....but not another.

Etc., etc., etc.

So under your new enforcement....

Is it OK to bash Saddam?

Is is still OK to bash DeQuick?

Can I now say hooters? If not, how about the people who announce their club meeting at Hooters? :D
Originally posted by Rollin
People I realize tension is high. But the Name calling and Nationality bashing stops now!

Yeah! And if you don't, then I pity you, ...

You driveling ball of mealy pig hickies.
You uncultured mass of defective fish lips.
You cantankerous tub of spoiled cockroaches.
You hypocritical loaf of contaminated dandruff flakes.
You revolting bucket of sun-ripened rodent droppings.
You sickening mound of rancid carrion.
You disgusting bunch of old monkey zits.
You perverted stack of fermenting horse puckies.
You stupid excuse for industrial-strength pig slop.
You illiterate glob of flea-bitten sewer seepage.
You flea-bitten bag of nauseating armpit hairs.
You depraved heap of stale ape puke.
You uncouth mountain of foul frog fat.
You bad breathed load of fossilized bug parts.
You pitiful toilet full of festering mule froth.
You dumpy barrel of steaming hog livers.
You offensive sack of gross camel flops.
You dim witted blob of reasty sludge.
You loathsome pile of recycled pimple squeezings.
You insignificant clump of mildewed toad tumors.
You blithering shovel full of raunchy sweat socks.
You repulsive cake of putrid bat guano.
You worthless bowl of moldy rat cysts.
Consistency is the key, as of late I have been off the BB due to some personal issues. But on the flip side, to answer your question(s) IF the rules were to be followed Consistently there would be no problems. I agree with you on the TD issue that was completely out of my hands. However, I'm one person I cannot be on this BB 24-7. I have not heard or talked with Chad(Mr URL) or Pat (RU) for some time and as you have noticed I'm the only one here besides Administration and I'm sure they have other things to do.
Thus as far as enforcement one person can only pick and choose for the greater means of the BB. Maybe I'm in error but I have given lattiude to some threads(Intercooler) because I know that in the current climate tension is high and sometimes people need to vent. If you look back you'll find the threads that were locked and/or deleted(kinda hard but you get my point) by me were in grievious violation of the rules... consistently. Once you start locking threads or editing them you put a huge target on your back for those the most vocal for their cause, its not pretty I've had my share of battles and threats of physical violence. It really is a thankless task. In closing I'd like to add, except for a few we are all adults here that utilize this site. Adminstration wants this site to be PG-13 so how hard is it to choose not to type a word on a keyboard? All that is asked is that our members follow the rules set forth, not alot to ask for a site that offers so much for free.

Originally posted by Intercooler
INot to bash the Mod's but if they were on top of things most would get nipped early on instead of getting out of hand. Just my .003
I don't think it's fair to blame Rollin for your lack of control. He can't be here 24/7 (and even if he was, I bet he doesn't read every single post). So, he relies on the "senior" members to follow the rules, set good examples and when they see something wrong, to notify him or JasonD.

In the bottom right of EVERY post is a link to "Report this post to a moderator". Please use it and help everyone out.
Thanks :)
Once you start locking threads or editing them you put a huge target on your back for those the most vocal

You have one too Rollin ....:eek: I'll watch your target if you watch mine.

Jesse :cool:
Re: Re: Name calling and Bashing

Originally posted by lyonsd
Yeah! And if you don't, then I pity you, ...

You driveling ball of mealy pig hickies.
You uncultured mass of defective fish lips.
You cantankerous tub of spoiled cockroaches.
You hypocritical loaf of contaminated dandruff flakes.
You revolting bucket of sun-ripened rodent droppings.
You sickening mound of rancid carrion.
You disgusting bunch of old monkey zits.
You perverted stack of fermenting horse puckies.
You stupid excuse for industrial-strength pig slop.
You illiterate glob of flea-bitten sewer seepage.
You flea-bitten bag of nauseating armpit hairs.
You depraved heap of stale ape puke.
You uncouth mountain of foul frog fat.
You bad breathed load of fossilized bug parts.
You pitiful toilet full of festering mule froth.
You dumpy barrel of steaming hog livers.
You offensive sack of gross camel flops.
You dim witted blob of reasty sludge.
You loathsome pile of recycled pimple squeezings.
You insignificant clump of mildewed toad tumors.
You blithering shovel full of raunchy sweat socks.
You repulsive cake of putrid bat guano.
You worthless bowl of moldy rat cysts.

Hey, those are my girlfriend's pet names for me!
Anybody got a problem with this board?

You come to me. You ALL know how to find me. It is not very hard. End of story....Period!.

so no more name calling or:

"our lives will be worth less then a box of dead rats in a tampon factory"...

Re: Anybody got a problem with this board?

Originally posted by WE4
It is not very hard. End of story....Period!.


Try the little "blue pill" next time:D
Originally posted by Turbo__Tim
If you feel the need to participate in this kind of low-life banter, come on over to where we encourage this kind of thing! :)

Why is it that every time we tell members not to violate the rules of TB.COM that they agreed too , someone always has to say the statement above. So what your saying is TurboBuicks is the wild wild west..... I dont think so. Mike Savino may allow a little more "freedom of speech" there then here , but dont make it sound like its a free for all site with no rules. I support the use of TBS.COM to other members it to is a useful source of information ,
not a place to rip into eachother.

Gees I keep trying.........

We only ever had 1 post deleted over there, and that was a picture of someone that sat on a headgasket! Other than that we are just too busy having fun. There are too many mean-asses on this board anyway. We only have one, but he has rocks in his head anyway...only a threat to himself, I suspect...:)

I try to get trools to stop by, but they never show up. Actually one did, but the guy was really ok.

Where is B.G. when tou need him anyway? Gees I miss all the burn-out stories. Maybe he ran out of brake fluid to put on the rear tires.

Oh well Rollin (Rolland) will just have to continue beating his drums, and ride herd of the usual batch of chaos lovin' misfits that seem drawn to this board.

"Somebody has to kill the babysitter!" (The Cable Guy)

Thanks, Jesse, for sticking up for your good friend, but I don't think the board is anywhere near the verge of destruction.

Unless B.G. shows up....:)
The nice thing about the other board is that it is a friendly board without the mean spirited garbage that has arisen here at times.

I don't know why you seem to be intent to import such behavior to that board. It would seriously degrade the atmosphere in my opinion.:)
I don't know why Superman lets bullets bounce off his chest, and ducks when the bad guy throws a gun at him, but that is what happens.

Perhaps I've got the 'push it to the edge' bug this spring common to people that add 100+ horsepower to six cylinder engines, and expect to survive.

Maybe I like to offer an alternative to people that don't know about the other board.

Maybe I think some people have a lot to learn about getting along, and could benefit picking up on little things like adding a smilie to the end of a response in order to take the sting out of a critical remark. :)

I may be trolling for more talent to post on the board. (Dinealone showed up with a pretty funny post) as the United States enriches it's employment rolls every year with outside graduates, why shouldn't we seek new members?

Sure there is wheat with the chaff, but people tend to stay with their own kind, and our heritage of having fun is strong.

I believe that in life, the biggest risk is not taking one. (even if the risk is with Orlando's board :)) I also believe in us, the members of the board, to handle things as we are people of the finest character. ;)

Yeah, it's a little scary to think about Lxxxx (name obscured due to fear), or his equal comming back, but like Supermen, we will just have to duck....:)
Originally posted by Steve Wood
The nice thing about the other board is that it is a friendly board without the mean spirited garbage that has arisen here at times.

I don't know why you seem to be intent to import such behavior to that board. It would seriously degrade the atmosphere in my opinion.:)

Hey,we've got Zack and Nutsy Windbag.
How could it get any worse?:eek: