men set on fire omg!!!!

This video is extremely heart wrenching. How can someone light a human being on fire and just watch them writhe around screaming, while they're tied up is unfathomable. Ruthless, Savages.

I just hope both these guys went numb at some point, and God forgave them and welcomed them into heaven with open arms, cool refreshing water, and a big feast to satisfy their hunger and thirst.
GNBRETT, youre so right on!!!!
This jury was clearly mistaken for not considering the fact that she spent 30 days partying, lying about the Nanny. Cloroform in the car, a strand Kaleys hair in the trunk, and she clearly lied all up and down to hide her babys body.

This is clearly almost as disgusting as the video of the burning men.. maybe worse, cause a baby's life was suddenly taken and the body thrown into a swamp for the animals and bugs to eat.

Zanny the Nanny had the baby, as Casey said. Zanny stood for Xanex the drug. Just imagine- this Casey girl has all sorts of book deals already, interviews setup, movie deals, etc, etc. They're predicting she'll be a millionaire before the end of the year. ISNT THAT JUST GREAT!!!!! WINNING, DUHHHH!!!

No, actually the American system failed miserably! PERIOD!

There are some trials that could go either way as to whether or not the person accused is guilty or innocent. This wans't one of those cases. Nor was the OJ case or 100's of others.

All the legal experts who have any common sense and aren't just trying to go against the grain ALL agree that they were more shocked in this juries verdict then they were in the OJ case.

Well, we all know that animal killed his wife and her friend and got away with murder. This animal committed murder as well but the evidence to convict was even more obvious.

For those that watched the case from beginning to end heard and observed the same evidence presented to this jury. How they could fuk it up this bad is just a perfect example of how flawed our system is.

Make no mistake there are much better criminal justice systems around the world better then our own. Its in need of serious repair and this verdict proves it.

The evidence was compelling and defies any reasonable logic. End of story.
What I said was
was not proven guilty
. The prosecution did not prove that she killed that child.

No, actually the American system failed miserably!
Just because you "think" someone committed a crime does not automatically convict and sentence them. You are a man of the law, but you sure don't talk like one Brett.

The evidence was compelling and defies any reasonable logic.
Please tell me what evidence presented that proves who killed this child, how she was killed, where she was killed, why she was killed.
Disgusting what human beings are capable of doing to each other. I would feel differently if they were convicted child rapists or murderers, but stealing food does not warrant this kind of punishment. Many people don't understand that this sort of thing is almost commonplace in many countries throughout the world. Reminds me how lucky I am to live in the United States.
Disgusting what human beings are capable of doing to each other. I would feel differently if they were convicted child rapists or murderers, but stealing food does not warrant this kind of punishment. Many people don't understand that this sort of thing is almost commonplace in many countries throughout the world. Reminds me how lucky I am to live in the United States.

X2 Very well put, and more importantly, into perspective.