loan help


New Member
Jul 11, 2006
i'm not sure if i post this in the right place but I found a modded 86 that i would love to buy but the bank will not give me any money for a car that old. Does anyone know of any places to get a loan i only need about 5,500.
ru you in school? you can get a personal student loan or if you rnot in College then you can get a personal loan depending how good your credit is
Yes i am still in school, i have talked to the bank about a personal loan and the most the would give me would be 3500. I am asking the guy if i can give him 4500 and give him the other 2000 in instalments. That is my last resort though, I'm probably going to try hargety or some other classic car loaning places.
I'm probably going to try hargety or some other classic car loaning places.

the only problem with those places is I would imagine you would need to have very good credit for them to loan you money. dont know what youre situation is, but its something to think about. I was talking to someone about getting a car last week, although I didnt get the car he gave me some good insight on where to get a loan. he said try capital one. I also believe they could be a bit more leniant it your credits not that good or you dont have much established credit, like i said dont know youre situation. how ever it goes let us know. I most likly will be in the same situation in about 6 months when I go looking for my car, so id be very interested in how you do eventually get financing.
yeh i hope something works out because its a killer deal, that car is pretty modded. Ive wanted a gn since the 1st time i seen one so i will try my hardest to get this. I wonder if he would trade for a 4th gen camaro, just hope it doesnt come down to that
Oh good lord! what happened to getting lots of cash the good'ol fashion way? Rob a bank! All you need is a ski mask, a getaway car, a rifle...., :biggrin: :biggrin: just kidding, I'm sooo totally joking. Do NOT do that :tongue:

lot of banks will consider giving you a loan for older cars with a certified appraisal.......I went that route once and got $5,000 for a 77 book was only $3,000 but I got it appraised and the bank worked with me......good luck :)
lot of banks will consider giving you a loan for older cars with a certified appraisal.......I went that route once and got $5,000 for a 77 book was only $3,000 but I got it appraised and the bank worked with me......good luck :)

I have bought several GN's and a TTA by getting a certified appraisal and showing it to the local credit union. They have been willing to loan 95% of the appraised value each time. And the interest rate I was charged was the typical used car interest rate (about 1/2 the rate of an unsecured personal loan). The $150 for the appraisal is money well spent as you can show it to your insurance company too in case something happens to the car down the road.
I was able to get a loan for $4500 for my 87 T-Type through my local bank which is a credit union. They where even going to give me a $3000 loan for a 87 GN that was in pieces:D. Back in 2001 they gave me a loan for $2500 to buy my 62 Grand Prix, which was just a rolling body. First loan is the hardest to get if you have't any established credit, but you have to start somewhere. Good luck and hope you get it.

:biggrin: you guys know what that means. I guess its time to shop around for insurance. Its going to suck to pay for full coverage since i have a few tickets. This car is modded, and i would like to get some alky. Who makes a good alky kit and how much boost can i run with a t44 because thats what turbo it has.

:biggrin: Capital One Rocks:biggrin: