just installed a new chip from turbo tweak


Nov 1, 2007
I installed the chip for a stock car and it didn't seem to run that strong as compared to my thrasher chip. I asked this question before and evryone said they needed data. So I got a scanmaster,fuel gauge,boost gauge and ran the car. The scanmaster said o2 at 777-781 retard at .5 then1.2 then 2.1 and did hit 4.2 one time. Boost at 14 psi which I thought was low. fuel pressure at 55-58 psi during full throttle. Any thoughts from eric or anyone else?

I think you should try and turn up the fuel pressure to get rid of some of the knock that is causing the timing to retard. A good place to start would be at Eric's recommended fuel pressure with vacuum line off.

Then look at the BLM numbers. And make sure they are within range.+- 10 from 128 at idle and cruising.

Also post your numbers at idle as to TPS, IAC, BLM, MAL
blm is 138
tps .40
mal ?
af 255 at full throttle

boost shoots to 14 then locks in and stays there. why so low?
Have you spoken directly with Eric at TurboTweak? He sold you the chip, and is acknowledged to be the man where these issues are concerned. I would call him,and see what he says. Good luck with your doubtlessly annoying issues!
If your knock increases then typically that means you dont have sufficient octane or timing in the chip is too high. The timing is adjustable on his chips, you may try reducing it. Look at the instructions included with it.

Boost is open loop on our cars. Meaning the computer doesnt know how much boost the engine runs. It does regulate boost through the boost solenoid. If you have an adjustable wastegate, simply shortening the rod will increase boost. If our wastegate is non adjustable, then boost cannot be changed.

More than likely if the thrasher chip pulsed the WG solenoid less and the car was at higher boost.. it would feel prepier. Same with the timing.

So if you can, shorten the wastegate rod, and drop timing in the chip. And make sure there is plenty of octane available.

Lastly, 138 on BLM means the car is a little on the lean side. Meaning the ecm is adding fuel. I dont know if this contributes to the knock you are seeing. Typical cuases of higher blm's are low fuel pressure or vacuum leaks.