It's Memorial Day.....thanks

Yes Sir! Yesterday my 8 year old son and I helped along with many other boy scouts and parents to place flags in front of each headstone (about 10,000) at our local Veteran's Cemetary. It's a good excercise to pay respects and teach the next generation what it's all about.
Sometimes I think I should have gone into the service, because I feel that I owe this country a great amount. I hope what I am doing in life (Paramedic/firefighter) will help fullfill that sense of duty I have. People who say this country sucks, and they hate all the laws and restrictions, and all they can do is ***** about this wonderful place, I believe they should know exactly what the people before us went though just to give them the oppurtunity to *****. Ingreatful bastards.

My father never served in the armed services so my next best thing would be my grandfather and his brother. They both served in World War II, My grandfather was in the Phillipnes and was part of the Marine Corps. He hasn't really told me too much about his experiance in the war. So, I can't tell you too much about him, but his brother on the other hand... Uncle Andy is what he was known to me as, was a screaming eagle (paratrooper) for the 101st airboure division in Baker Company. He jumped into Normandy four hours before H-hour on D-day. Right after landing he was captured by German SS. From here, I don't know too much, but he made it out.

Uncle Andy recently passed away, and I kind of regret the fact that while he never really knew how much I appreciate him and his peers. When I was younger I just thought WWII was just a war, sure a few people died but it was nothing significant. Over the past couple years, as I have gotten older I have truly learned about what all these people did for me. I can never repay them, but I can at least hope that they know that I apperciate them. Some of my friends kind of think that its funny that when I am places how I wait a couple seconds to open doors for older people or leap up to help them with something. The answer that I usually give them is something along the lines of 'you and I can never fully comprehend what he may have gone though; they are part of our greatest generation.'
Happy Memorial Day guys, and thanks to all our servicemen out there. Even though it might not always seem like it, we all appreciate everything you've done, are doing, and will do for us. Even those that won't admit or don't realize it owe you all a huge debt. Thanks. :)

Happy Memorial Day to everyone,

Even though I'm not in the states at the moment, I do take this day to pay respects and thanks to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice so we can have freedom. Even here in Germany, I appreciate freedoms I have here because of thousands of brave Americans.

Just on a side note of thanks. A few weeks ago, I was at an air show in Berlin. I'm a big fan of aviation so this was a big treat for me. There were many planes on display although mostly European and NATO offerings, the US Air Force had several planes on display. I have to say that was the highlight of my day to speak to those pilots, technicians and crewman. They were all very friendly, especially to children. I made it a point to thank every one of them I could talk to. I know the political views here in Europe are very different then those of the states and I'm sure they heard their share of 'not well meant' comments. I'm just glad that I got to thank them in person and let them always know what they do is appreciated.

Happy Memorial Day everyone.
Much appreciation to all of the veterans and servicemen.

US Army
US Navy
Deputy Sherrif in Kalamazoo County
and then State Police Officer


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We all owe thanks to out Men & Women that have served over the years, I for one can only repay my debt with gratitude, as I myself never served the military, which I do regret. I actually went to join the military and talked to the recruiter and before I went again to sign the papers I landed a nice paying job, so greed got the better of me and I chose the pay over respect. I guess we all make choices in life, some good and some bad. Again I thank all that have served presently and in the past, because I believe, none of us would have, what we as a country have, on a whole if it wasn't for the men & women that have protected us over the years.