Interview the person below you.


Is anything ever easy for you? (THAT IS A BIG HELL NO FOR ME)

Your wrong, go out to your turbo regal and try again. :eek:

Yes, i find most things in life simple... but i also struggle with many everyday situations and take a deep breath of fresh air to release the build up of stress.

How many sticky notes do you have stuck to the face of your computer screen?

i have had 2. neither one being a turbo. 84 park ave and a 90 regal grand sport

how much was gas when you started driving
no, but I've been back for about 5 re stalls to get it right

how many headgaskets did you blow before you learned how to cure it?
Ive never blown a head gasket in my life under normal circumstances.

One time it happened and it was due to the heads not cut right.

But then again my sh!t is slow so i guess its safe.

What is your favorite movie and why is it your #1 movie of all time?

Miller Light

Where would your next vacation be if you could afford a diesel pusher RV?

1200 miles away, up to Bowling Green of course!

What was the last movie you saw that was any good?
Beat the sh!t out of 'em.

If you could only eat one kind of food(asian, italian, mexican etc)what would it be?
italian PIZZA

what is the worst info you have given someone that was bugging you (muffler bearings, blinker fluid, knuton valve)
hmm that's a tuff one...pallet strecher, bucket of prop wash, companies being sold to non-union company.

What is the worst thing you have done to a friend? I slept with his girlfriend :(
In my Dodge Ram... 17.87... in 4WD... just to see what it would do! :frown:

Aside from your car & Wife (/husband) or GF (/BF), what is your most prized possession?

My father's tools and guns.

when and where did you see a turbo Buick for the first time?