Impeach Bush

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Thanks for joining. Please feel free to explain why Bush is soooooo bad. I have yet to see any facts from the left. Everyone has a right to their opinion. It just seems that the left has no facts what so ever.
This is a very interesting discussion. It would also be very entertaining if it were not about such a serious topic.

Having worked around the world for much of my life, I have long since realized that history depends upon who is writing it. The truth is often such a complex subject that various parties may interpret it in many ways depending upon their geographical position and political ideologies.

Saddam has been trying to build WMDs for years. The Israelis took out his atomic bomb facility years ago. His forays into bio-weapons are well documented as commented upon earlier in this thread. There is absolutely no question regarding his intentions although there may be dispute upon just what he has on hand and his ability to deliver it at this time. That is one of the reasons that time is of the essence in order than he does not get to the point that he has both quantity and quality of delivery systems.

There is no question that Iraq provides both safe harbor and financial assistance to terrorists around the world. Does it matter if it is 25 million or 250 million?

I think there is only one important discussion at hand at the moment. That is how we neutralize the man. Do we send a couple hundred thousand men in, or do we give one guy a $12.50 .50 cal round and matching sniper rifle (or something in between)

I do find it sad that some that live in this country have such a poor grasp of the history, as it is written, of the events of the past 90 years.

Being older, and having a young son, I hate to see men and women sent off to war to eliminate the world of a pennyante tyrant that rules his own country by fear. I agree with whomever pointed out that he would not last long if his populace slept with AK-47s under the pillow.

In spite of all that, there may be no other way to exterminate him other than invasion.

Being the arrogant, inbred farmer that I have become, I admit to sleeping with a .45 under the next pillow along with a large percentage of the hicks in this town. If he shows up around here, I doubt that he will take root. Oh, the large percentage of hicks around here don't sleep under my pillow...and most of them don't want a war, but, most of them would be happy to take him out because we understand vermin and varmits....:)
Hate to burst your bubble on this one sparky, but even slick willie knew in 1998 that Iraq is a clear and present threat to the free world. Iraq has made a career out of telling the un "bite me" and enough is enough. Twelve years of ignoring un resolutions regarding disarmament and we should just give them more time? Hussein has tortured and methodically murdered hundreds of thousands of his own people and we should do nothing? As a former member of the USAF during desert storm stationed in Riyadh, I say puh-lease. Tome to clean up this mess once adnd for all.
God bless you Steve:) You have delivered words that everyone here should be able to comprehend. We can only hope anyway. Great to see you around again my friend.
Wow guys, you sure have been busy, since I replied to "he who shall remain nameless", last night, makes me proud to see the conservative base bristle and defend America's honor.

Could not have said it any better if I had stayed up all night !

And Yes, grammer and proper english usage does matter in a civilized society, along with respect for a President doing his job instead of getting a ___job.

Thanks for filling in for me while I slept and worked !
Black Death's comments really bother me. There are a lot of politics in his statements but I really think the issue is his age. Looking at his profile the "kid" was born in 1982. So he's never known what it was like to start the school day with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer.....never knew what gitting "licks" was....or how much worse it would be when he got home and his dad got hold of him.

My wife is a math teacher at the local high school. Is is sad what these kids today get away with. Everything is someone else's problem. It seems like it's "cool" to be stupid.

Yeah...I guess I'm a hick since I live in "small town" Oklahoma....B.S.Mech.Engineer...registered P.E....My "hick" wife even teaches Advanced Placement Calculus....

Let me tell you Black Death....There are a lot of us "hicks" stuck here between the East Coast and the West Coast.

God Bless the U.S.A!
Don't let Black Death's elitist comments bother you. If you've never been to Long Island, you're not missing much. There is probably a higher percentage of hicks and "stuck in the past" losers there than in most places in the U.S.
Love it or leave it!!!!!!

If you think you can do a better job, maybe you should run for President and deal with all the mutants in the world that want to kill Americans, i am sure your views would change then. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Black Death
Wake up call fellas, alot of people are agianst the war, but not enough is being done, i live in new york, i got a family, i love my girlfriend so much, if i move, IF, i would have to bring her. But i dont want a reason to have to move, NY is a target for germ or Nuclear strike, I just had a realization that not enough is happening. Bush was elected like hitler was, curruption in government. he stole votesand the supreme court(our checks and ballances) over ruled, and he shouldnt be in office. Evyone looks at us as the enemie. So do i, Terrorists hit on 9/11, not a country, it was never declared a country. Im sick and tired of this government beign so corrupted. People need to stand up and have a voice. I used to be for the war at first, now that i look at the future consequences, if the terrorists were able to take flight school and learn how to fly planes, what makes you think they dont have operations in place in case of a war. AHH IM SO F*CKING ANGRY!!!

I Didnt read everyones responses, because honestly I know what most probably say..

You definitely wont get any sympathy here, I say why dont you leave cause if you want to Impeach the only person who has the BALLS to do something about this youre as un-american as they are.

FYI I live in NY too, I lost MANY friends in the WTC, and I also spent many sleepless nights with my fire company searching through the rubble. The last thing i ever want to do is have to do that again.

You think you know anything, have you ever picked up pieces of peoples bodies from rubble??? Have you ever dealt with losing a TON of your friends in 1 shot? Have you ever faced the possibility youre going to volunteer to help with something that youre family pleads NO to you and you realize you might not come back???? You dont know crap, youre just another snot nosed hippie like the rest of these anti-war fruits. Youre ideas are total, trash, you dont know anything about the situation at all and youre spewing BS facts out of your butt to cover your lack of knowledge! People like you make me sick... You think you know anything... hey everyone went through that period in life.. wait till you get a little older you will realize you know NOTHING!!! You got so many great idea to run this country... well guess what... theres a reason these people are in office and you are not!!!!

So therefore I support ANY and ALL action against them, and i hope you shut the heck up about it. what is a country worth when its destroyed by these jerks, or even worse if we're cowards like you who dont want to take a stand. Please Leave NY, cause theres plenty of us who LOVE this state and have the balls to live here.

You need your balls re-attached...

(PS Im only 22 only a bit older than you and even I realize what a retard you are!!)
i admit to not reading all the posts in this thread, but lets be real, ther is more to this story than CNN is telling, it is way over our heads, and we only get what the press wants to tell, if a president can look at the ENTIRE US and tell a bold faced lie as clinton did and we do nothing, then bush is here to stay, and if soem of you think that for a moment that war is not a good thing, tell me why, did you forget sept 11, do you think taht there are not others that wouldn't do it to us again, do you think that war will provoke attacks, if these scum could attack us again they would, they are waiting for our guard to drop and for some people with money and weapons ( SADAM, UBL .......) to finance them, and for you those that watched sordfish, stupid movie but good premise, if you bomb a bus, we will bomb 5, take down an airplane we take a town, bring the reality of what is going on to the homeland of those that are doing it, and while i do not buy into much of the militatary mentality, i will fight to the death if my president asks me to do so, and so will 99 percent of the military, its our job to keep the homeland safe, thats my 2 cents.
Re: Re: Impeach Bush

Originally posted by Rogue Leader
I Didnt read everyones responses, because honestly I know what most probably say..

You definitely wont get any sympathy here, I say why dont you leave cause if you want to Impeach the only person who has the BALLS to do something about this youre as un-american as they are.

FYI I live in NY too, I lost MANY friends in the WTC, and I also spent many sleepless nights with my fire company searching through the rubble. The last thing i ever want to do is have to do that again.

You think you know anything, have you ever picked up pieces of peoples bodies from rubble??? Have you ever dealt with losing a TON of your friends in 1 shot? Have you ever faced the possibility youre going to volunteer to help with something that youre family pleads NO to you and you realize you might not come back???? You dont know crap, youre just another snot nosed hippie like the rest of these anti-war fruits. Youre ideas are total, trash, you dont know anything about the situation at all and youre spewing BS facts out of your butt to cover your lack of knowledge! People like you make me sick... You think you know anything... hey everyone went through that period in life.. wait till you get a little older you will realize you know NOTHING!!! You got so many great idea to run this country... well guess what... theres a reason these people are in office and you are not!!!!

So therefore I support ANY and ALL action against them, and i hope you shut the heck up about it. what is a country worth when its destroyed by these jerks, or even worse if we're cowards like you who dont want to take a stand. Please Leave NY, cause theres plenty of us who LOVE this state and have the balls to live here.

You need your balls re-attached...

(PS Im only 22 only a bit older than you and even I realize what a retard you are!!)

Originally posted by WFO
btw,the quote above my avatar is from the same song.and if you're 21 i had that album when you were in diapers.

Ditto. :) (I still have the Repo man soundtrack cassette around here somewhere)

From the sound of his whining, though somebody could go out and buy the album today and the above quote would hold true.

Somebody get the guy a wooby to nuggle.
You guys want to go to war with Iraq based on terrorism. The information that is being presented to the U.N. is that we need to go with Saddam because he is not disarming. Why aren't we putting more emphasis on terriost support to the U.N. ? If it is fact about Saddam supporting bin Laden then who cares what the U.N. thinks and just go after the bastird! Don't keep dragging our feet on this and give Iraq more time to prepare! Everyday they dig in a little deeper. What do we care if the U.N. backs us anyhow? Who do you think is going to pay for this anyhow,money,lives,equipment,and any future ramifications?
The majority of the anti-war faction aren't anti-war at all, they're anti-Bush. That much is clear. The sheer naïveté of these people is more than I can bear. Anyone who spent some childhood time on a playground should know that

A) There are bullies in the world, and

B) They can't be placated with kindness.

Saddam and Kim Jong-il and all the others like them don't want peace. They want you and me dead and America destroyed - period. I, for one, am not interested in waiting around until they find a way to make that happen.

And a side note. After this fiasco at the UN, we should take our toys and get OUT of that organization. It is run by socialists who hate our country and would take away the freedom we love in a second.
Originally posted by Randy Greenoe
You guys want to go to war with Iraq based on terrorism. The information that is being presented to the U.N. is that we need to go with Saddam because he is not disarming. Why aren't we putting more emphasis on terriost support to the U.N. ? If it is fact about Saddam supporting bin Laden then who cares what the U.N. thinks and just go after the bastird! Don't keep dragging our feet on this and give Iraq more time to prepare! Everyday they dig in a little deeper. What do we care if the U.N. backs us anyhow? Who do you think is going to pay for this anyhow,money,lives,equipment,and any future ramifications?

Tell your Democrat buddies that. If the Democrats in Congress told Bush "we are behind you 100%, no matter what the UN says", Saddam would be gone by now.

Instead we get Jim Mcdork and David BonJour over in Iraq telling the world they believe Saddam more than Bush.

Nice. :rolleyes:
16 May, 1918
The U.S. Sedition Act

United States, Statutes at Large, Washington, D.C., 1918, Vol. XL, pp 553 ff. A portion of the amendment to Section 3 of the Espionage Act of June 15, 1917.SECTION 3.

Whoever, when the United States is at war, shall willfully make or convey false reports or false statements with intent to interfere with the operation or success of the military or naval forces of the United States, or to promote the success of its enemies, or shall willfully make or convey false reports, or false statements, . . . or incite insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny, or refusal of duty, in the military or naval forces of the United States, or shall willfully obstruct . . . the recruiting or enlistment service of the United States, or . . . shall willfully utter, print, write, or publish any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about the form of government of the United States, or the Constitution of the United States, or the military or naval forces of the United States . . . or shall willfully display the flag of any foreign enemy, or shall willfully . . . urge, incite, or advocate any curtailment of production . . . or advocate, teach, defend, or suggest the doing of any of the acts or things in this section enumerated and whoever shall by word or act support or favor the cause of any country with which the United States is at war or by word or act oppose the cause of the United States therein, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000 or imprisonment for not more than twenty years, or both..........

The idiots in Hollywood should be held accountable.
Originally posted by UNGN
Tell your Democrat buddies that. If the Democrats in Congress told Bush "we are behind you 100%, no matter what the UN says", Saddam would be gone by now.

Instead we get Jim Mcdork and David BonJour over in Iraq telling the world they believe Saddam more than Bush.

Nice. :rolleyes:

Hold on! In the last thread about guys were beating your chest about the Republicans are in charge. Take charge they are the majority!You are trying to make this out to be a Republican vs Democrats deal and it's the Democrats fault. Go forth with all this information about Iraq supporting terrorism and not disarming. Then you have two bullets instead of one. No they just keep harping disarmament. I think the opportune time to hit Iraq is slowly slipping away. We are going in anyway so hit him before he is all hunkered down. If there was a terrorist act today{god forbid} the Republicans would blame "slick willy" for that because he got his bean snapped while in the White House. Time for the Republicans to step forward and take control, enough of the finger pointing .
If you guys can't engage in a heated discussion with flames and namecalling - then do not open these types of topics here! This thread is history.
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