I'm looking for a working adjustable fuel pressure regulator.

Why haven't you said something something about the guy "you know" to election officials in your state? I just don't get it.

This is exactly how and why they get away with this horseshit.
Because it’s a friend or bull shit. C’on guys that shit can’t be pull off by numb nuts. Maybe Russia, China or Iran. I really hope you people don’t believe this , or we really are hopeless.
Why haven't you said something something about the guy "you know" to election officials in your state? I just don't get it.

This is exactly how and why they get away with this horseshit.
I just found out about it today. I am going to dig a little deeper into it and see what I can find out. I doubt anything will be done because we have a corrupt pos governor and mayor smh
Because it’s a friend or bull shit. C’on guys that shit can’t be pull off by numb nuts. Maybe Russia, China or Iran. I really hope you people don’t believe this , or we really are hopeless.

Oh, come on Ray. Dear lord, it's RUSSIA again?????

YOU hope WHO doesn't believe WHAT again?????


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Oh, come on Ray. Dear lord, it's RUSSIA Again!!!!

YOU hope WHO doesn't believe WHAT again!!!!!!!!!!!!! REALLY?

C’on guy you really think some worker bee could pull that off. Give me a break. Let’s get real. None of us , you me nobody could pull that shit. It’s all that anybody can do to keep a Buick running, Hello
That is a very sore subject in my house. My daughter got pulled over on I-77 for racing some guys in a Mustang she was clock at a 114mph she was on the inside lane running about 65 she said they keep taunting her speeding up and slowing down. So she nails it and pulls away from them goes through a underpass and the HWP had a speed trap already set up on the other side of the underpass.this happen in a matter of seconds. There was highway patrol on both sides of the road. She pulled over right away. The cops had to chase down the mustang. So they lock her up. She was change with racing, and speeding 114 mph in 60 mph zone. The police i pounded the car. Had to pay $1,500 to get the car out. One of her friends bail her out. She calls me crying saying she really screwed up. Wife was mad as hell All The down to Columbia . I wasn’t saying much as it’s not like I haven’t done the same thing when I was young. Hell not that long ago in my Buick. I know it will cost a fortune to get her out of this. But I’m sure as hell going to try. My wife said how , she got caught red-handed. I said the lawyer said a young female by herself after dark being harassed by a group of men on the highway trying to get away. Knowing that part of Columbia is bad news. For $4,500 I hope so.

That actually sounds like a rational defense, pretty young lady out on the highway by herself, what was she to think. Locking her up is a bit overboard I'd say. 114 really isn't that bad when you look at some of posted speed limits around the country but it is surely a revenue maker first and that's what tptb are interested in, not safety.
That reminded me as soon as you said state trooper. I worked with this black guy and he had a bit of that ghetto accent (which for reason made his story kind of funny) and one day we were talking and he said his son was a trooper. I thought good for him since in ny you have to have at least a 4 year degree. Turns out it was in SC where if you gadgeated 4th grade your good. :LOL:
Anyway he was saying, "My son Ricky, he drive the CAMARO" "Some other trooper got it stuck in the median and they gave it to him because he know how to drive the CA-MARO" Funny because he emphasized the camaro park.
C’on guy you really think some worker bee could pull that off. Give me a break. Let’s get real. None of us , you me nobody could pull that shit. It’s all that anybody can do to keep a Buick running, Hello

Probably true but remember also that the bahama loaded up the intel agencies with his evil lot to do his bidding and many are still there. Look at the FBI leadership sitting on that laptop for a year.
As far as worker bees, there's still some pretty smart ones but a lot of dumb ones too. How about the 4 Trump supporters stabbed last night in D.C. Video today absentee ballot counting place being boarded up and no republican observers let in. Or some poll worker video taped burning about 80 Trump ballots. The tards are not a stable lot.
Probably true but remember also that the bahama loaded up the intel agencies with his evil lot to do his bidding and many are still there. Look at the FBI leadership sitting on that laptop for a year.
As far as worker bees, there's still some pretty smart ones but a lot of dumb ones too. How about the 4 Trump supporters stabbed last night in D.C. Video today absentee ballot counting place being boarded up and no republican observers let in. Or some poll worker video taped burning about 80 Trump ballots. The tards are not a stable lot.
The truth for me is I don’t give a fuck who wins. I go to bed every night and think about, will I wake up in the morning. My children are doing well in life except one. So I don’t worry about them anymore, so I am good, dead or alive. My life has never been affected by
who was President, other then Vietnam and every other days in gas lines,. Oh for you young people our great R President Nixon who mandated the wage and price freeze that screw everyone. You could not buy gas but every other day depending on your plate number, nationwide. Those were the so call good old days. End of rant
The truth for me is I don’t give a fuck who wins. I go to bed every night and think about, will I wake up in the morning. My children are doing well in life except one. So I don’t worry about them anymore, so I am good, dead or alive. My life has never been affected by
who was President, other then Vietnam and every other days in gas lines,. Oh for you young people our great R President Nixon who mandated the wage and price freeze that screw everyone. You could not buy gas but every other day depending on your plate number, nationwide. Those were the so call good old days. End of rant

I was working at a gas station during the first embargo so wasn't a problem but the 79 oil crises wasn't as bad. And yours is not a rant its a bit of history.
OK, more history, what was one of Nixon's famous quotes? "Peace with honor" Took him 4 years but he did finally give the NV a good shellacking in December of 72. Don't forget the nationwide 55 saves lives and gas.
Sure your life was affect by a president, just about everyone's is. pos lbj was the big war lover, if he hadn't of escalated it many would be alive today. They set policy and and get laws moving like Trump's tax cuts for everyone. Politics invades our lives way too much. All the fed government was supposed to do was provide for a national defense and guarantee our constitutional rights if states interfered with them. Still waiting for them to rescue us from that one.
I hope to God they don't count ballots over and above the amount of registered voters. I hope the watermark trap is real. The longer this goes on the more chance cheaters have of getting snagged.
I'm in a deep blue state, maybe I should register D so I can vote more, lol. Oh heres 10 ballots bud.
I am not on my dying bed and have things I would like to do before that. I will seriously be looking into moving to a red county in Texas.