i have a ? about unions

We have the virtual time studies, I've requested over and over a manual time study and they say they won't do it anymore. We have the GPS on the boards too so they know exactly where we are at all times.
We have the virtual time studies, I've requested over and over a manual time study and they say they won't do it anymore. We have the GPS on the boards too so they know exactly where we are at all times.

Virtual time studies have not come to our center yet.
If it really bothers you about scratching or not, just tell them to come ride with you or lock you in. That has stopped allot of the current harassment about over/under. If I got locked in, id have to slow down at least an hour and drop my spors a couple stops per hour. Remember there are over 340 methods we should be following every day.:biggrin:

How many think ALL unions should be dissolved? Meaning no unions at all in USA.
If it really bothers you about scratching or not, just tell them to come ride with you or lock you in. That has stopped allot of the current harassment about over/under. If I got locked in, id have to slow down at least an hour and drop my spors a couple stops per hour. Remember there are over 340 methods we should be following every day.:biggrin:

i believe they call that shirking the work:mad: and you wonder why society has a bad taste for unions.
I've thought long and hard about a civil response, but here's the deal. I have a long term plan for my retirement. I know approximately when I want to retire. My spouse and I have calculated what are expenses will be during retirement, when to pay off our house, how to get our kids through college etc.,, base on our estimated retirement income. I work hard for my govt pension. A calculation that was determined by those officials elected to represent the citizens of the state. I don't see those member of the legislature or elected officials taking a hit to their pensions and health care. So why do any of you think it's okay to take a jab at me for an agreement I made for the salary, pension and health care with the state that I work hard for? Whether you work for the state or a private company, if you don't like the salary, pension and health care of the job you're working, then you need to figure out a new plan to fulfill your long term goals. It is your responsibility to figure out your own long term goals, not mine. This great country affords you the opportunity to reach as far as you want to go, but my asparations (sp?) stop at me fulfilling my responsibility as a state worker and hoping that the state will keep its end of the agreement when I plan to retire.

You might be right about striking while the coal's were hot, (Pension/Health Care),,, But I think what OilMan is talking about is why do unions (Fireman, Cops, Teachers) think they are intiteled to so much of the tax payers hard earned money .:wink: Im sure you did your math on when, and how you will pay off your house, and how much you will need when you hit the big 60,;) But for most of the early kids in there 20's there might not be that diamond at the end of the trail...:mad: Nothing is forever Union or not,,,, The direction our country is going in, There will be a bag of coal at the end of the trail.. You might see the fire department go to all volunteer in the future... Very sad but true.. Never say Never.. I am self employed, and know how much health care cost for a family.. Last time I looked it was about 14k Per Year with a 3K Deduct...:eek::eek: I have always said that most union workers and people on medicade will never know how much they (Should) appreciate there Insurance until they halft to pay for it.....:rolleyes: I am one, that thinks goverment work should be out sourced.. Private companys should have the right to bid on jobs, Such as Grading county roads.. I Would bet you if this would happen the roads would be smooth as glass,,, and you might even see a worker out working past 3pm..........
How many think ALL unions should be dissolved? Meaning no unions at all in USA.

Maybe when salary is based on merit.

and you might even see a worker out working past 3pm..........

The only reason I'm not out past 3pm nowadays is because on those days I'm furloughed:biggrin:. You'll find bad apples in every job, not just state jobs. You're more than welcome to hang with me on a typical non-furlough day. Like my uncle told us kids, "You'll have plenty of time to sleep when you die." Otherwise it's work hard and play hard
This should definitely be in the political forum IMO.

And to answer your question, CA plans to borrow the money from the Federal Government, who in turn plans to borrow the money from China. So make sure you guys keep buying Chinese! It's more beneficial to us than buying American these days...in a roundabout sort of way :biggrin:
its not a

This should definitely be in the political forum IMO.

And to answer your question, CA plans to borrow the money from the Federal Government, who in turn plans to borrow the money from China. So make sure you guys keep buying Chinese! It's more beneficial to us than buying American these days...in a roundabout sort of way :biggrin:

political ? i cant help all the answers are .. no one here has yet to give the right answer . and yes unions are ponzi scams .
My .02

Ive been in the UAW for 11 yrs and have seen the pros and cons of being a Union worker. Yes they spend alot of time protecting people that should not be protected. But if not for the Union, I wouldnt recieve the wages or benefits that afford me and my family the lifestyle we live. There is not one company out there that looks out for its workers believe it or not. I am not overcompensated in my pay or my benefits. I wish everyone could have what I have. But with all the Union busting going on, I'm afraid this great job that I have will be short lived. I dont understand how the working man can bash Unions. Do you not want better benefits or better pay? These are things that my Union have negotiated for me and that I enjoy. Sorry I dont know much about the public sector and can offer no info on that. But I will leave you with this. My company has been laying off hourly people here and there for the last few years. Those Union workers knew who they where and when they would be laid off months ahead of time so they could be prepared when the time came. I cant say that for the 150 non union salaried personnel who came in one morning and got kicked to the curb with no notice at all. My question is who would you have rather been. I know who i would.
Skilled Trades worker UAW Local 5.
Ive been in the UAW for 11 yrs and have seen the pros and cons of being a Union worker. Yes they spend alot of time protecting people that should not be protected. But if not for the Union, I wouldnt recieve the wages or benefits that afford me and my family the lifestyle we live. There is not one company out there that looks out for its workers believe it or not. I am not overcompensated in my pay or my benefits. I wish everyone could have what I have. But with all the Union busting going on, I'm afraid this great job that I have will be short lived. I dont understand how the working man can bash Unions. Do you not want better benefits or better pay? These are things that my Union have negotiated for me and that I enjoy. Sorry I dont know much about the public sector and can offer no info on that. But I will leave you with this. My company has been laying off hourly people here and there for the last few years. Those Union workers knew who they where and when they would be laid off months ahead of time so they could be prepared when the time came. I cant say that for the 150 non union salaried personnel who came in one morning and got kicked to the curb with no notice at all. My question is who would you have rather been. I know who i would.
Skilled Trades worker UAW Local 5.

dont even get them started:rolleyes:
i believe they call that shirking the work:mad: and you wonder why society has a bad taste for unions.

Another obviously well intended but ignorant comment. If they have 340 things to consider, by company rules, then the company is demanding that they break certain conditions of employment to accomplish a task when it's overloaded. But no union would mean, do it or else. Which could as easily mean do it and die, or kill somebody else, whatever, just deliver the package, we don't care, we're running a business here and you're a disposable asset.

I am one, that thinks goverment work should be out sourced.. Private companys should have the right to bid on jobs, Such as Grading county roads.. I Would bet you if this would happen the roads would be smooth as glass,,, and you might even see a worker out working past 3pm..........

Ever drive in Ohio? Ohio roads are what happens when you outsource. I scrape bottom over half the bridge aprons transitioning to the bridge at the speed limit in one car, and scrape tire with the other, they're that rough!:mad: And no, it's not that my cars are poorly built, I never have that trouble out of state. There's parts of roads I travel daily here that I know to slow for, where there's literally nothing there but a bad spot in the road for years. Ah, the joy of living in a state where the lowest bidder is always the winner, nevermind quality.:rolleyes:

political ? i cant help all the answers are .. no one here has yet to give the right answer . and yes unions are ponzi scams .

Hey killer, I went back and reread your opening post and I'll be damned if I saw a question mark anywhere. If you want specific answer's you should try composing a specific question. Not that it's gonna get you what you're lookin for anyhow.

Hey killer, I went back and reread your opening post and I'll be damned if I saw a question mark anywhere. If you want specific answer's you should try composing a specific question. Not that it's gonna get you what you're lookin for anyhow.

Without offering my any of my own opinions on unions, you're right. This thread isn't the "honest question" the OP claims it is, its a poorly disguised way to antagonize union supporters and it shouldn't be in a "Place for off topic relaxed discussions * No political or religious threads *"

My $0.02 (that could be better spent elsewhere) :rolleyes:
Unions had their function in the 1880's to 1920's and that's when they lost their way, now they serve very little benefit and are the reason for many jobs moving overseas.

? How do the 50%-60%-70% payouts on pensions get funded ? How do you put in less than you can take by such a large spread ?? Are unions ponzi sceams??

Without offering my any of my own opinions on unions, you're right. This thread isn't the "honest question" the OP claims it is, its a poorly disguised way to antagonize union supporters and it shouldn't be in a "Place for off topic relaxed discussions * No political or religious threads *"

My $0.02 (that could be better spent elsewhere) :rolleyes:

im not an antagonist . it has to do with how long the average person lives after retireing .. SEMPER FIDELIS G.S. E-7 AKA THE OIL MAN
Well, since you asked.;)

I don't exactly know about how you'd expect to fund pension obligation's that outweigh the contributions. I'd be looking at who made the deals. It was the politicain's who pushed the problem into the future that made pension obligations into a ponzi scheme. For the benefit of whom, is an oblique. You see, it's not the union who solely and without oversight set those deals up. The union is like a defense attorney. It acts on behalf of "people" to get the best deal from the "system". Whether what's been negotiated is egregious is open to debate, but it's a different topic. It may indeed be that part of that debate would include that they, who are trusted to act on behalf of the 'employee' have entirely too much access to the system. But I don't see too many of the particular 'bent' who decry union's simultaneously decrying the Supreme Court's decision to allow more of same through last years ruling on campaign finance. What's good for the goose is good for the gander, even when none of it is any good for the taxpayer it would seem. I don't suppose that you actually believe that we would be under a fairer or more equitable set of circumstances if we allowed the govt or private industry to solely dictate our conditions to us without representation? And either way, it would seem that criminal prosecution of politician's is in order, and the politicization of the judiciary be eliminated. What say you?

I'd say that significant inroads are being made to limit the lifespan of people today though. Just look at the vaccines and GMO foods which are virtually unregulated! The quotations from those who fund these operations should be enough to cause any reasonable person to look further into things other than just unions!:eek::mad:

But I know you just want to find popular reason to despise the unions. And to the question of whether they are ponzi schemes, I would answer No. I'm sure you can twist the ideology around enough to make it seem so, but it's more evident that Barnie Madoff was recently right, in calling the entire govt a ponzi scheme at this point.

Now MR Semper Fi, would you, could you, agree that we should ban the govt? Of course that's rhetorical, it's nonsense. But we must agree that regaining control of the hierarchy is in order! Just as the unions have managed to get too much control over certain aspects of their realm, so too has the govt managed to wrangle too much control over "Ours"!

We ARE "The People". And We ARE the intended benficiaries of the Constitution which was intended to bind our Republic. There's a hell of alot more of us 'ants' then there are them 'grasshoppers' that are parasitic to our needs. So I ask, are you an "Oath Keeper", as well as a veteran servant of our nation? I certainly hope you are, so I know I can count on you to do the 'Right' thing in defense of a nation I also LOVE.

Regardless, Thanks for your service.


How do you put in less than you can take by such a large spread ?? Are unions ponzi sceams??[/QUOTE]

The worker puts in a certain percentage of their hourly wages over a 30-40 year period. That $ is invested and allowed to grow that 30-40 years (remember Bush wanting to put SS $ in the market). Another way I know of many worker retire and die shortly there after.
foriegn or domestic

if thats where you were going with the OATH thing .i will say this you can count on me only if you fall on the RIGHT side of the issue at hand in time