howard stern off the air

Silver , I was posting on your April Clarke comment on why HS wasn't renewed not the person you mentioned later in your argument. Was she middle management?

"KRZQ General Manager April Clark"

Is there some part of that which is difficult for you to understand?
Your memory is faulty, you said it was someone in the head of broadcasting assoc.1st. Radio GM is close to Middle Mgt in the scheme of that corporate entity.

Hey Silver, you are so far right you probably boycott sports events in Minn. because because the Metrodome is named after HHH
Oh, now I understand. Unless you are the CEO of the major holding corporation, you are just 'middle management." The fact that you actually run the station doesn't play into it at all.

You would think that business degree would have taught me something, right?

And didn't you specifically ask me about Ms Clarke? "I was posting on your April Clarke comment "

And didn't you specifically say it was in a post other than this? "Don Cooper, executive director of the Greater New Orleans Broadcasters Association"

They give courses on reading for content.
I feel sorry for you. It seem most of your posts are analogous to a dog chasing his own tail. I make cogent statements of fact about issues and you respond by taking bits and pieces of earlier post of yours as well as others in an attempt to cloud the issue at hand. GM's are middle managers in that Corp setting.End of discussion
That would make it a bit too easy, suprbuick7

You post about my earlier statements and when I quote from those same statements that is somehow clouding the issue.

You say someone is middle management, but make no effort to show the management scheme of the corporation of which you speak. You have not shown in any way the General Manager does not have control over airtime.

You just make a ruling and case closed. Sorry, that would be a bit too easy. You can back up your words or you can't.
Originally posted by We4ster
Sterns is pathetic,
Kinda like the crap that MTV is shoving down our throats or are they?

That's the point...Whether or not you like him, its his right to say what he wants, it's our right to listen to what we want.

No one is shoving anything down your throat. If you don't like it, those things hanging from your chest are called arms...reach over, grab the remote and change the friggn channel.

The fact that 18+million people listen to him daily shows that there's 18million people who want to listen to him..the other millions that don't like him are not forced to listen..shut the radio off. The FCC has no right telling me what's offensive and what's inappropriate for me. I'm old enough, I think I can decide that for myself.

Ever listen to the crap on Nightline on the radios?? That's when most kids are at home, in their rooms, alone, "Sleeping" I used to listen to the radio to fall asleep when I was a kid...that show is very accessible to today's youth. A lot moreso than from 6am-11am weekdays when kids are in school. Not only is the FCC going after this kind of broadcasting, they are looking to regulate HBO, Showtime, PPV and anything else THEY THINK is inappropriate.

Like I said, whether or not you like him is not the issue here..the gov't strongarming tactics and Communist-like activity is a MAJOR concern and infringement on our Rights!
Actually, I just resorted to shutting the radio off at times. I live on Cape Cod, MA, and the only station (albeit sucky) that plays rock plays Howard Stern in the morning. As I stated before: I wanna rock, not listen to jibba jabba. I don't care what it's about, whether it be T&A or politics, or whatever. I just want some new rock in the morning. The rest of the stations down here play overplayed classic rock, or old man's music. It sucks. My CDs get old fast too. Howard Stern is an ass anyway. Good friggin riddance! Hello fabulous rock!
Originally posted by Hotair85
Howard Stern is an ass anyway. Good friggin riddance! Hello fabulous rock!

I guess you didn't read much of the thread huh? He hasn't gone anywhere...nor is he unless he decides to leave and go to satellite which I think he will..but not just yet.
I found that out a few days ago, actually. What the hell is this crap? I wanna hear rock in the morning dammit! I don't wanna hear some ass talking about the same stuff over and over. Howard Stern is washed up! Actually, he's not a has been. He's more like a never was. I think like 85% of americans don't like him. How does this clown stay on the air?
Well, I wish some day, I'm washed up and a "never have been" and got his check book as well. Must be nice to get paid that when NO ONE likes you. It's called ratings. People like him, maybe not you, but enough to keep him on the air for the last 20 yrs...funny how that happens.
Not sad at all...

BTW for all the haters out there, website stats show his site had 8 million UNIQUE IP hits per day... and 2 stations in Maine just picked his show up. Yeah I'm SURE he has NO fans anymore.

Some of you trash on me for saying "billions" of people listen to him, well maybe that was exaggerated, but not as exaggerated as the BS about "noone listens to him" "hes washed up" "85% of americans dont like him", sounds like someone here is slingin the bull**** and it aint me.... :rolleyes: