howard stern off the air

Now we have a bunch of old conservatives sculpting what they think free speech is. ***kers it means that we should be able to voice whatever pops into our perverted little minds. As stated before, IF YOU DONT LIKE WHAT YOUR LISTENING TO OR WATCHING TAKE YOUR FLABBY ARM AND TURN THE DIAL!!! America has turned into my worst nightmare during the Bush Administration. Yeah so i am 21, but darn near everything i believe in has been stacked up and lit on fire by a bunch of conservatives. NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO STOP SOMEONE FROM HAPPINESS!! If that means 2 people like listening to a bunch of mentally handicapped people burning ants with a microscope on the radio, SO BE IT. Some of you cheer when stern comes off the air, but if a radio station you listened to got taken off the air you would all yell RAPE!! WHEN YOU LOOK AT GENERATION X, KNOW THAT AN ARMY IS BEING BUILT TO P!SS OUT THE FIRE YOUR GENERATION STARTED!!!!
Originally posted by Blwn87
Now we have a bunch of old conservatives sculpting what they think free speech is. ***kers it means that we should be able to voice whatever pops into our perverted little minds. As stated before, IF YOU DONT LIKE WHAT YOUR LISTENING TO OR WATCHING TAKE YOUR FLABBY ARM AND TURN THE DIAL!!! America has turned into my worst nightmare during the Bush Administration. Yeah so i am 21, but darn near everything i believe in has been stacked up and lit on fire by a bunch of conservatives. NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO STOP SOMEONE FROM HAPPINESS!! If that means 2 people like listening to a bunch of mentally handicapped people burning ants with a microscope on the radio, SO BE IT. Some of you cheer when stern comes off the air, but if a radio station you listened to got taken off the air you would all yell RAPE!! WHEN YOU LOOK AT GENERATION X, KNOW THAT AN ARMY IS BEING BUILT TO P!SS OUT THE FIRE YOUR GENERATION STARTED!!!!
I can see both ways and I'll try to explain why some of us HATE HS.
I believe that we should all have the right to speak on the air waves like HS. However the reason I'm glad he's gone is simple: His (and others) voice on the air waves CAN affect how others act and think. It's a no brainer that his show is based on "trash talk and ideas" and the more people that listen the more people are affected and possibly alter their own behavior. This type of behavior can produce negative/hatefull attitudes (I call them idiots). Would you want your children listening to him? Probably Not because it can affect how they think and act. The more people that act and think like Stern the worse our country becomes, IMO. I have enough "punk ass" kids running around the 'hood thinking they are kewl sh!t causing trouble.
If you remove people from a bad/negative environment then a lot/most will learn entirely different manners and I think this is better for society. Will it CURE it? NOPE. Will all these listeners all of a sudden become saints? NOPE. But it's a start. Our society is going in the trash and the kids these days HAVE NO FRIGGEN MANNERS or RESPECT and a lot of it is due to the people they associate with. If you remove these "bad influences" then maybe the kids will have better manners and respect..

Poor blind sheepies

The DNC leads and you must be following the bell on the leader's neck, never looking for your own way.

Blwn87, "Now we have a bunch of old conservatives sculpting what they think free speech is"

Since Democratic leadership stood on the floors of both the Senate and House of Representative and demanded the FCC to clean up the airwaves, where does your statement fit? It fits the DNC talking points.

Its those nasty Republicans doing this to you! (HEE HEE HEE, those silly sheepies will never look at what WE are doing. HEE HEE HEE They don't look at what we do at work or even pay attention to how we vote) Look out! There could be a Republican over there taking something from you!

I can't stand it when I get wrapped up in the term Generation X. I'm 24, own a 200k home, have 5 cars, and work damn hard to make a living. I don't drink, smoke, or do any hard core drugs or extreme sports. So I guess I'll have to pass on this Generation X
army that has been formed to piss out fires because I actually have to go to work in the morning. :eek:

I'm actually quite thankful for the generations before me especially the "Greatest Generation" of WWIIers.

BTW, I haven't had any kind of cable orsSatellite Television for 1.5 years now. FREE YOUR MIND!
Maybe you're start to see things aren't as bad as MTV is telling you.
Originally posted by Blwn87

Kinda depends on what makes some people happy, don't ya' think? Let's take a look at Michael Jackson's version of happiness: do you really think we don't have a right to stop him from being "happy?" How about Ted Bundy? Think he had a right to continue being "happy?" Kiddie porn merchants and customers? It's all illegal, dude.

Society CAN legislate morality - we do it all the time. There is no constitutional "right" to indecency or smut, just like there's no right to rape or kill to satisfy purient urges.

Howard Stern can say all he wants any time he wants, just not over the public airwaves. And you can listen all you want - you just have to go elsewhere to find him. Too bad, so sad.
Sterns is pathetic,
When he first came on the airwaves he was an original and interesting. But when his routine wore out he stooped to sex, sex and more sex. Kinda like the crap that MTV is shoving down our throats or are they? Look at Cristina Aguilar, Brittany Spears, Madonna and Janet Jackson to name a few. Their routines wore out so what did they do? sex and....................
You want to blame someone, blame the media and the consumers that buy it and promote it. None of this crap would be on the air if we didnt buy it!
Originally posted by Blwn87
America has turned into my worst nightmare during the Bush Administration. Yeah so i am 21, but darn near everything i believe in has been stacked up and lit on fire by a bunch of conservatives. NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO STOP SOMEONE FROM HAPPINESS!! happy you're 21. Most people thought they knew it all, when they were 21, and spent plenty of time talking out their a$$. We understand.... it's your turn. :p That's :cool:
Originally posted by We4ster
Sterns is pathetic,
When he first came on the airwaves he was an original and interesting. But when his routine wore out he stooped to sex, sex and more sex. Kinda like the crap that MTV is shoving down our throats or are they? Look at Cristina Aguilar, Brittany Spears, Madonna and Janet Jackson to name a few. Their routines wore out so what did they do? sex and....................
You want to blame someone, blame the media and the consumers that buy it and promote it. None of this crap would be on the air if we didnt buy it!

WE AGREE !!! :confused: :D
Tit for tat....Why dont we take 'ole Rush off the air for being a drug addict, dealer or whatever he is, when they find out he was Doctor shopping to get his oxycontin or hillbilly herion. What do I say when my kid asks about that drug addict?
Originally posted by We4ster
Sterns is pathetic,
When he first came on the airwaves he was an original and interesting. But when his routine wore out he stooped to sex, sex and more sex. Kinda like the crap that MTV is shoving down our throats or are they? Look at Cristina Aguilar, Brittany Spears, Madonna and Janet Jackson to name a few. Their routines wore out so what did they do? sex and....................
You want to blame someone, blame the media and the consumers that buy it and promote it. None of this crap would be on the air if we didnt buy it!
I don't know how to say this, but........I agree wholeheartedly. 99% percent of the people in this world are complete lackwits and you can't really cultivate good taste. Stern is an idiot, but if him being an idiot encourages the other idiots to throw their money into our economy on his stupid movie and the like......well, hell. Why is it always the folks who have nothing to say that are constantly bitching about their freedom of speech? Thomas Jefferson wanted Stern to be able to tell the world that his manhood is completely sorrowful!
I guess its the stupidity on the board that gets me. It has NOTHING to do with Stern. It has to do with the government )dictating what you watch or hear (pun intended). Everyone here flies off at the moderators deleting and editing post, whats going on thanks to our great government is no different. I watched a Showtime movie on Icontrol last night, they bleeped words and blurred images, I PAID for cable, I PAID for Showtime, now they're censoring programs because they are afraid of the government coming down on them, what's next. Soon Bruce and the gang might have to censor most of these post since the government might decide they don't like them. This is a free country, leaving people the choice to decide what they like, if you don't like it, try moving to another country and let the government there decide for you.
Originally posted by smokin'6
I guess its the stupidity on the board that gets me. It has NOTHING to do with Stern. It has to do with the government )dictating what you watch or hear (pun intended). Everyone here flies off at the moderators deleting and editing post, whats going on thanks to our great government is no different. I watched a Showtime movie on Icontrol last night, they bleeped words and blurred images, I PAID for cable, I PAID for Showtime, now they're censoring programs because they are afraid of the government coming down on them, what's next. Soon Bruce and the gang might have to censor most of these post since the government might decide they don't like them. This is a free country, leaving people the choice to decide what they like, if you don't like it, try moving to another country and let the government there decide for you.
It's not about dictating what can be and what's about keeping it away from those who would find it offensive. I don't need to tell you the obscene things that you can't hear on the radio but are sold like mad in 'Adult stores'.
This sh!t is always partisan. The GOP here is okay with censorship because it is happening under their guys leadership. So it must be okay if GWB is for it. (SHEEP)
But try to reduce millititary assault weapons, not handguns or hunting rifles and they scream about their rights,
talk about Partisan BS. Come on now.
Sorry suprbuick7

You are displaying sheep behavior.

Democrats stood on the floor of Congress and asked for the FCC to take stricter actions and...........

Its those nasty Republicans.

You make wonderful sense.

Its President Bush.

More wonderful sense.

CSPAN is a great. It lets you see their faces as they talk. Try watching your guys sometime instead just waiting for them to give you the talking points.

Somehow assault rifles have something to do with Stern. Is there an actual link here or is that just the next talking point on the list?

And tit for tat? Come on, you can do better. Lefties love people in rehab.
I'm just happy he's gone. I'm 18 years old and I don't even like him! I'd rather hear some bone crunching rock in the morning than some old dude trying to describe some chick's boobs. It's no good when you can't see anything!!! As far as I'm concerned, Howard Stern can burn in hell for taking airtime away from the rock music I love. :mad:

Just my $0.02
Silver your beloved control both houses and Executive and you still blame this on Dems, Please you are smarter than that. Will you be reading Paul O;Neill's book? or is he on your black list for daring to disagree with the good Shepard GWB. I made a comparison between the right to bear arms and freedom of speech that's all