How many of you have had your GN's Stolen?


Jun 19, 2005
its been about 4-5 months since my 87GN was stolen...and i still have not gotten a single clue or part or nothing...did you guys get something back when ur's was stolen?? mine was litterly gone and i got nothing what so ever..
My 86 T-Type was stolen in Fort Myers, Fl in 1995. It was last rumored to have been shipped to south america. (police GTA unit claim that this is common practice due to proximity to ports)...

I never got anything back either. :mad:

Funny how they found another stolen car in 2 days several states later in a field because foul play was involved...

My current 86 GN live in the garage and does not leave my sight except at car shows (and even then, it's fully disabled) If you want this car you'll need a flatbed! & maybe a weapon too ;)
My GN was stolen in 1991. Luckily it was apparently used for a joyride or a getaway car and it was recovered the same night in downtown Memphis. I then put a hidden kill device on it and that saved my car when someone tried to steal it again in 1996 from the hospital parking garage while my son was being born. Had to use my Swiss army knife to start the car through the busted column.

F'ing car thieves! :mad:
Mine was stolen in San Diego back in 1995- probably went to the Tijuana police chief..............
Mine was stolen in1999 out of my garage, then they came back with the garage door opener a few days later and stole some tools. I did get a tax write off and 10 months later I got a tow bill from the city of chicago they had found it stripped on the side off the road and wanted some money or they were going to junk it.
My First one was stolen in 97 found three days later striped in the middle of the intersection in Compton. No Motor, no suspension, or wheels, no doors, fenders, interior but they did leave the windshield in tacked with the Vin# laser cut out of the glass.
My first GN 9 years ago. Never got it back. I would still cut their ****ing hands off if i found out who did it. If your ride is found its luck because the only one who will actually find it is you or your friends. The police dont look for stolen cars, they stumble upon them.
MeanBuicks said:
My GN was stolen in 1991. Luckily it was apparently used for a joyride or a getaway car and it was recovered the same night in downtown Memphis. I then put a hidden kill device on it and that saved my car when someone tried to steal it again in 1996 from the hospital parking garage while my son was being born. Had to use my Swiss army knife to start the car through the busted column.

F'ing car thieves! :mad:
Id love to come out seeing some thieves legs hanging out the dor when i approached my car as he tried to find my kill switches. I would shut the door on his legs and probably BTK the sob. I carry a tow rope in my trunk at all times so i could see how quick the scum could run with one end wrapped around his pencilneck and the other around the axle as i punch it from a low roll.
My 87 was stolen in '96. I found it with the help of some "friends" 2 weeks later. Ended up selling it to one of my friends
85HOT-T said:
My 85 T-type was stolen 2 years ago in good old Lima ohio. The armpit of the U.S.A.
I thought NJ was the armpit of the U.S.A.
Talk about wanting a car bad. These guys steal another car so they could push mine because they couldn't get it started! I had the anti-theft in the chip. This was from in front of my friends shop who luckily had to go get something and was on his way back. He saw my car coming down the block being pushed by another car. He's thinking I'm an idiot for trying to push start an automatic, until he sees it's not me in either car as they go by! They only made it 2 blocks with him chasing before they bailed. The guy in the other stolen car left his buddy, didn't even wait for him to get in the car! No honor among thief's. The other guy on foot was lucky my friend had his kid in his truck.
MeanBuicks said:
My GN was stolen in 1991. Luckily it was apparently used for a joyride or a getaway car and it was recovered the same night in downtown Memphis.

That's basically what happened to mine in late 1997. The joyride led to it being totaled, though. If it hadn't been stolen and totaled, I wouldn't own it. I did try to contact the original owner to chat about the car and to return some personal affects that were in the car but he wouldn't return my calls.

Mine and my buddies,where stolen in97' Kirban did a write up on mine.

Because at that time I had seven dterrents and a camera which saw 4 guys spend 45 minutes to get her. The police, well they accused me till they saw the film.

Found a month later, stripped to bone. Would like to find the guy who called me after I settled with insurance. My buddy,didn't ant to spend money for garage in NYC> So he left it on the street. Eye witnesses, said a truck towed it away.......Have another I bought in 98'. And I am building a Limited for fun.

Never assume................Rob
Not a GN, but my regal was stolen from a bestbuy parking lot 12noon, recovered within 5 hours.

Because of my trusty inaccurate digital gas guage, the dumb theives didnt get far. They thought it had 3 gallons when it only had 1, hahah.

Maybe i shouldnt try to fix the gas guage problem.
Memphis sucks ass.
[QUOTE='87Turbo-T-AZ]Talk about wanting a car bad. These guys steal another car so they could push mine because they couldn't get it started! I had the anti-theft in the chip. This was from in front of my friends shop who luckily had to go get something and was on his way back. He saw my car coming down the block being pushed by another car. He's thinking I'm an idiot for trying to push start an automatic, until he sees it's not me in either car as they go by! They only made it 2 blocks with him chasing before they bailed. The guy in the other stolen car left his buddy, didn't even wait for him to get in the car! No honor among thief's. The other guy on foot was lucky my friend had his kid in his truck.[/QUOTE]
Sounds like what happened with my cobra in 2000. Car was stolen, gone for 3 days. I was pissed but kind of relieved as I did like the idea of getting out of a $620 a month car payment. I got the call from the police, and the girl said we found your car!". I said "Hmmm...thats cool I guess" she said "what? why arent you excited?"..."oh I am...I a quiet voice.."crap!" anyway, the car was 3 miles down my street. A guy watering his lawn saw some crappy white car pushing my new cobra down the street, smashing into my bumper over and over. Didnt look right so he called the cops. They took all my CD's, my bomber jacket, and left their tools in the car. Busted my ignition lock and a few other things. The whole system basically burns itself out if you try to bypass the anti-theft. They couldnt start it, so they pushed it down the street and trashed the back end of the car. Allstate covered everything, plus some little dings that were already there beforehand.
The idiots left these huge complete handprints all over the back of the car, and everywhere else. The cops taking the prints were complete ass holes. Fullerton P.D. I asked 1 question and this jerk started yelling at me to get away from him and shut up. Bastard. They never did find anything. Funny thing was that in the condo next to us, was a girl, who had some vato loco boyfriend who used to come over and throw these crazy psycho fits and get the cops called on him all the time. His girlfriend was seeing another guy so he was losing it. The night it got jacked, someone parked in my spot, so I parked in the spot for my neighbor (with the vato boyfriend). Vato Loco probably thought my car was his womans new boyfriend, so he jacked it. I even saw the guy staring at my car the day before. "Nice ride holmes!" The cops had suspects and handprints but nothing ever came from it.
Mine was stolen about 4 years ago. It had 2 alarm systems in it, but they were messed up, so I didn't arm it that night. I had just come from a car show and had a migrain headache. I did pop the hood and popped a fuse out though. They had backed my car out, and pushed it 6 blocks by hand and probed every wire under the hood where the 2 alarm systems were hooked up. about an inch away was the holder for the missing fuse. They probably thought the holder was for the alarm system. Point is they never got it started. I didn't even know it was gone until the homeowner called the police complaining that my car was parked in their front yard and the cops called me.