How many acres are in a mile square?

1 square mile = 27,878,400 square feet
1 acre = 43,560 square feet
1 square mile = 640 acres

Usless numbers I learned from working at a big real estate development company.

Whats scary is that we sell land with infrastructer for $5-7 per square foot. :eek:
Its funny you should say that. I was thinking about buying some land no to far down the highway from me but I thought 20K to 28K an acre was to high priced. One guy had 667 acres for sale and is asking 13,390,000 for it. I told him maybe when I win the lottery. Every time my wife and I drive by there I say there is where the millionaire(them poor fluck'n farmers) lives. Now I can say when I win the lottery I am going to buy a square mile of land. :rolleyes: