Help us build "Nasty Wendy 2"- AKA "The Phonix"


If you think this stuff can be boxed up and shipped I will pick it up from you and ship it out UPS Ground from my shop. I just don't know if this stuff can be boxed and shipped relatively easy or not (size & weight wise)?....let me know if this can be done.

Parts are needed Before BG...... Thanks Billy for asking, I appreciate it.......... James Coach will be contacting you in regards to the parts.........
OK...The parts list we need so far...
1. GN Header panel...the one we have can be fixed, but it was messed up by trying to add different headlights.
2. T-top weatherstripping
3. Any rubber products...trunk seal, window sweeps, door gaskets, cowl seal...
4. Glass...
5. Sunvisors...for T-top
6. Steering column

I'm sure there is more, but the rubber parts and windows can be used pretty quick since the car is already wearing fresh paint.

OK...The parts list we need so far...
1. GN Header panel...the one we have can be fixed, but it was messed up by trying to add different headlights.
2. T-top weatherstripping
3. Any rubber products...trunk seal, window sweeps, door gaskets, cowl seal...
4. Glass...
5. Sunvisors...for T-top
6. Steering column

I'm sure there is more, but the rubber parts and windows can be used pretty quick since the car is already wearing fresh paint.


I can donate the front and rear glass windows. Not sure how to ship or if someone can get them there somehow? Plympton Massachusetts

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Huge THANK YOU to Proptop...he just donated a brand new GM header panel....
A big help indeed. The car will have a completely new front end. Header panel, grill, headlight bezels, bumper should look great.
This is definitely positive information. Are there any current progress pics available? It would be sorta nice to see what we all bought into.

Are monetary donations still being accepted?
This is definitely positive information. Are there any current progress pics available? It would be sorta nice to see what we all bought into.

Are monetary donations still being accepted?
We were just talking about getting more pics soon. It's been a very large undertaking trying to coordinate the parts needed. We will need some donations to finish...but I do not know if ScotW still has the account set up.
I post the major info as I get it...


If you think this stuff can be boxed up and shipped I will pick it up from you and ship it out UPS Ground from my shop. I just don't know if this stuff can be boxed and shipped relatively easy or not (size & weight wise)?....let me know if this can be done.


Come and get it I'm sick of looking at it !!!!
For anyone who wishes to contribute to the build and plan on going to the BPG event, Shawn and his sister will be at BPG and will be happy to pick up parts from people there to those who plan on going...
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I still have the hood, been in storage for 6 months at least. Tried to deliver it to others a couple times before it just got in the way.
Hey Guys,
Well its been 1 year today!!!

It has def been a lot more work and time then I ever thought it would, and even though the updates dont come often enough...Scot, Shawn, Clay and myself are in contact very regularly.
************Clay has been
informed that the car will be presented at BOWLING GREEN 2014!!!!!!********************

This should give most of you ample time to make arrangements to get there.

We are a long way from done, but it is moving along nicely.

Thank you all,
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Hello again everyone. I have to say thanks for all the continued support. I fell off of the map for a while. A wee bit of illness set in on kidneys failed. I didn't want to post this when I was going through the bad times because I am not playing on you folk's sympathy. I'd hate to come across as trying to drum up support with a 'woe is me' plea. I am doing much better now and everything is looking up. Things turned in my favor and I started feeling better at the end of last week. Now I've recovered enough to make it through the day without needing rest (sleep). My strength is increasing noticeably everyday. I lost 60lbs dealing with this. I'm in no hurry to gain the weight back but I am putting it back on healthly and slowly. I may be in better shape than I've ever been after my recovery is complete. Get this, my Dr. told me I have to increase my protein intake because the form of dialysis I do robs the body of protein. I asked him was he saying that I have to eat more meat. Yep. Dr.'s orders are to enjoy a good hamburger and don't pass on the steak. I told him I should have BEEN seeing him! So no pity please, I am doing fine. I am still outdone by the efforts of this community. I've been on a transplant list for about 6 months now and I've gotten unofficial word that I may be called in somewhere around the end of the year. What a Christmas present that would be! My fingers are crossed that I don't have anymore things happen to take me away from this and you. I've spoken with Scot, Shawn, and Coach and they've blown me away with the stories of support and contributions from you all. I'll never forget this. To be back in a GN going fast with class is a dream come true. Thanks again.

Wow I just saw Coach's post. Can't believe its been a year.
Hey, good luck with your health issues. Sounds like the next 6 months are going to be exciting with the car and transplant. All I can say is they site chock full of great people. Makes me proud to be part of it!

I hope for the best.

sorry to get off topic but,

What are the dates for bowling green?

Also, any good hotel suggestions?

Here's my contribution
It was nice meeting and talking with you Saturday night James! Now I have to get all those interior parts wrapped up and boxed safely for shipment to Coach!(y)
OK Guys,
I knew it may come to this...
I have a chance to get a really nice console from a member. It is complete...bottom, top, lid, shifter parts...etc.
Problem is our funds are dried up...
We need to raise up some more funds for this.
There will be a list of donations, and amounts and what we paid for items we had to buy for anyone that is interested in how we spent the $$$.
I'm not expecting any one person to step up and buy this, but if we can get the donations going again, we can finish this off very nicely.
Please PM me if anybody is interested. The account that ScotW started is closed, so DO NOT DONATE TO THE ORIGINAL LINK.

Thank you all