Having trouble adjusting door window glass.


Oct 21, 2002
Its' not a buick but it is a g-body. And I read this site everyday for info on everything except the engine. Maybe someone can help me out. I have read all the articles on how to do it. I just can't get it right. When I move the glass up then close the door it seats pretty good except for the rear upper corner. But when the door is closed and I try to put the window up the rear edge of the glass runs up the wrong side of the weather strip. And the window also does not go up all the way. I have tried adjusting all the stops and bolts but this is getting really old really fast. I might have to take the car to a really good body shop and have them install all the t-top weather strip and adjust the door glass. Anyone have any ides? Or live near South Jersey I will pay you to do it right.
i just installed new weatherstripping in my car and there was putty in that corner, i guess to push it out more. Can anybody confirm this
Just keep at it & know all the different adjustments. I do auto glass for a living & have wirked with these cars for years. I just put on a new door & spent several hours getting the glass & door adjusted right.
I wish I could help you but it's been 3 years and I still haven't adjusted mine right!:biggrin:
Just keep at it & know all the different adjustments. I do auto glass for a living & have wirked with these cars for years. I just put on a new door & spent several hours getting the glass & door adjusted right.

this. it took me days to get my passenger window right. just play with every adjustment possible or if one window is good compare where the adjustments are on it to the bad window.
Kirban sells a book on windows.
a book! well i guess if the window has you that beat down. I'd say save the money and just play with it.
What brand of weather stripping did you buy? I bought after market-looked good but horrible fit. I then bought GM and it fit like a glove, huge difference. BUT I spent over $400:eek:
a book! well i guess if the window has you that beat down. I'd say save the money and just play with it.

I have the book and you'd be serprized how many adjustments there are in the door for the window
Get the book. It's cheap and really helps... Also make sure you have plenty of beer on hand and maybe a battery charger since you're going to adjust then close the door, roll the window up, use the dollar bill trick, then open the door roll the window down and re-adjust a million times... :mad:

Good luck.