Happy Birthday to JCC Member Ted A


RCA: Home of the The Jack
May 25, 2001
Hi All,

I just want to take the time, although I usually stay up till midnight and right at the strike of midnight is when I like to wish my friends a Happy Birthday but I thought for sure someone would have beat me to it.

I would now officially like to say Happy Birthday to the newest inductee into the JCC racing family Mr. Ted A.

We flew Ted in on our official JCC company jet today for birthday cake and root beer floats and knowing Ted's love of piniata's we even had one of those too.

Needless to say Ted had a great time as did all the JCC members in attendance.

Ted thanked us all and said he looked forward to racing and hanging with everyone from the JCC next year at all the Buick events.

Have a great day Ted :cheers:
Wow! I spoke with him a couple of times today and he never mentioned it. Happy B-Day, Ted!!
Happy belated B-Day Ted. :biggrin: Lucky I didn't find your age I would have called aarp for you to set up a appointment. J/K

Steve :eek: