Happy Birthday Gary Wells

Many thanks everybody for the Birthday props.
I have, unfortunately, quit drinking for the time. Cad needs more cowbell.
Wasn't It Winston Churchill who said "bullets before butter."
In my household, that would be CaddyRWHP & RWTQ before a good
18YO or a good bottle of 18 YO single malt Yamazaki. That darn bottle
of Yamazaki 18YO used to be my bitch but now it seems to be Cadillac cowbell.
Don't know what's come over me.
Expecting a call from HPE this next month for a boost of Cad RWHP a tad
closer to 700. Currently at 658 RWHP Dynojet SAE CF.

Gary you must be getting old.........you dont have to quit drinking, just quit buying....go to Spoolfools house for a drink !!!!!! LMAO

Many thanks everybody for the Birthday props.
I have, unfortunately, quit drinking for the time. Cad needs more cowbell.
Wasn't It Winston Churchill who said "bullets before butter."
In my household, that would be CaddyRWHP & RWTQ before a good
18YO or a good bottle of 18 YO single malt Yamazaki. That darn bottle
of Yamazaki 18YO used to be my bitch but now it seems to be Cadillac cowbell.
Don't know what's come over me.
Expecting a call from HPE this next month for a boost of Cad RWHP a tad
closer to 700. Currently at 658 RWHP Dynojet SAE CF.

That damn Caddy is fast enough. You should think seriously about investing that mod money into some 21 and 25 year old, single malt booze. Also, just think of the bragging rights you'd have if you were able to tune that Cheby into getting over 20 mpg. Let's face it. Cadillacs were never supposed to be able to go THAT fast.:eek:

I guess our Buick weren't supposed to either.:D

Mike B.
Happy Belated B-Day. Hope it was a great one!!!!
Many thanks to you and all you do here. (That and making me lust over a damned CTS-V):eek: