
Man no wonder some of you are so bitter... :(

I came in here to defend the women out there that were not evil Cu#+$ but I think I'm too late. Seriously though, there are at least couple dozen that aren't "Trouble".

*Ignore my screenname...I am not really "Trouble" ;)
19 years this october. I guess I got a good one. She even likes to drive the TR. She ran a 13.2! Makes better $$ than me and shares and is great looking. Yes she has a sister......LOL!
Originally posted by mazdatech78
All women are whores except your mother and your grandmother. I tried the whole "treat them like gold" sh*t. All that got me was cheated on and left. Now I just treat them all like sh*t. I cant beat these b*tches away with a stick. What the hell is up with that. Common sense would tell a normal person that being treated like gold is a good thing, not these psychos. F*ck them all. They are only good for one thing and we all know what that is!;) 2 t*ts a hole and a heartbeat is good enough for me.


That is like saying all black people are bad. There are alot off fine women out there,you have to choose wisely,and not just by looks. I've been married 31 yrs,and i don't regret a single day,she has given me 2 great kids.
here is her picture. BTW..she is 53 yrs old,and doesn't show it at all!
Originally posted by mazdatech78
All women are whores except your mother and your grandmother. I tried the whole "treat them like gold" sh*t. All that got me was cheated on and left. Now I just treat them all like sh*t. I cant beat these b*tches away with a stick. What the hell is up with that. Common sense would tell a normal person that being treated like gold is a good thing, not these psychos. F*ck them all. They are only good for one thing and we all know what that is!;) 2 t*ts a hole and a heartbeat is good enough for me.

****Wow. For all of you complaining about how much trouble women are, there are always two sides to every story. If you keep having problems with all of these women, the only constant between all of these women and you is you.

I have no clue how you (or any of you complaining..) treat women, or what kind of women you hang out with.

There are fantastic women out there: women that are well educated, personable, would make great mothers, and have the marketable skills to not need to settle for just any guy that comes along, because they can do just fine financially without a guy if it comes to that, unlike back in the olden days where women had fewer options.

I've had my share of problems with women too, but I am big enough to admit that I am partially to blame, and that I could have done some things better. Some people are just not compatible with each other, and this goes along with overall personality, intelligence level, skills, education, and family history. You have to be compatible.

A woman with an advanced degree in medicine, engineering, accounting, or whatever making good money has different expectations out of life than some girl who never finished high school, is reckless, has some menial job, and who is into drugs, smoking, drinking, and doing stupid/immature things. If you choose to hang out with people like this, you have no one to blame but yourself, or you have nothing to offer the good women out there to even remotely consider getting involved with you.

I did stupid stuff when I was younger, and dated some good looking, but otherwise stupid women with nothing else to offer other than looks.. That gets old. I can appreciate good looking women, but I can also appreciate women that are good looking, and will make great partners, and have other skills needed to get on in life. These women don't NEED to be with a guy for financial support or whatever, and have choices.

No to be too harsh, but if you keep having women treat you badly, or leave you, etc.. The problem is you.

Originally posted by turbosam6
I think the best response to that comment would be:

"Would you ever buy a car without test driving it?"

I know I wouldn't.""

I actually did this when I bought my '84 T. But back to the women. I have been married to a girl I met the first day of 10 grade in '83. We were really good friends and actually hooked up in '89 as I was contemplating moving back to Phoenix. Well, I stuck around and am still in my home town.

I learned a lot about girls in my 11th grade year. I never dated the girls in my school because I was "such a good friend" and they "didn't want to ruin it." Never understood it until Tina gave me her number and told me to "call her Friday night and we'll do something." I called and the first thing she says is "Why are you calling me, I just want to be friends!" She pissed me off enough I told her f. u. and I don't need friends that play games and she changed her tune and asked me to come pick her up. I never did and she "chased" me for 6 months. Being a jerk worked at the time.

Moral is: If they know you want them, you are a friend. If you show no interest, they want you. I am glad I have the one I have now.:D

I think my wife is trying to get rid of me. Whenever we see a hottie, she says "go get her number, may she has money." ;)
Just to keep some things in perspective, I really do not think all women are whores and I am editing that post. We have some women that frequent the board and I have had 4 e-mails already.

Lets have some class guys. THX:D
Yeah these woman can be a big pain at times , my buddy always said if we couldnt F$#k them we'd hunt them . Anyway i just stayed over my Exs new apt she lived with me for 2 mos and we broke up again . And let me tell you she was Sooooooooooo NICE ;) Its madning and i always say there is a fine line between love and hate . Who the hell knows I guess its like these cars we love on this board so much sometimes everything is going great and sometimes its just screwd up . If you can fix it , fix it , if you cant maybe someone else can and its time to get something else. Some times you have to let it alone for a while before the wrench throwing and cursing gets too crazy . Then you go buy your old one back again , its f$&king crazy ..
The more I learn about Women, the more I like my CARSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

I live by it......... screw these girls these days, 3 yrs means nothing, then they go off and date some asshole that treats them like ****, and they keep crawling back to them, but I get once chance........makes perfect sense....... screw you ladies! Itll come back to you in the end.......... and I cant wait for that day

Yes, Im an evil person, but not by choice!
Guys can be just as evil, and won't deny there are a good number of women out there who should be avoided at all cost. Just need to look a little harder for the good ones. We are out there.:)
Finally found the proof I was looking for.


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Originally posted by F8L WS6
Add me to the list as well. ;)

I don't hate women. I guess i'm more just disappointed. It just seems that women are lacking any class at all lately. I don't understand what goes on in their head really. And I would normally agree that logically it takes 2 in a relationship. But basically all of the relationships i've been in have been broken up for either no reason, or that she cheated on me. And I mean no reason as in I asked why and she said "I don't know." WTF IS THAT! I'm talking a year and a half relationship was just thrown away recently and she was the same. I asked and asked and she tells me. "I don't know." I'm like damn I don't care why just give me a reason to your method of thinking. Honestly i've tried to find out and not ever her sister knows.

I've been through them all now. Younger girls. My age girls. Older Girls. Girls with kids. Girls without kids. More mature girls. Less mature girls. And they have all ended up the same way. Leaving for god knows what. Or cheating on me. Believe me if it was my fault i'd admit it. I just want to know what it is I did or didn't do that caused a break up. But every relationship I was ever in I told my friends (Girls and guys) about how I treated the girl and the things we did and what we talked about and even they can't understand it. I tell my friends because maybe they can figure out what I missed. But no dice!

I mean I don't want to stay single but it seems like my best choice. I spend alot of money taking them out to dinner, movies, buying gifts, vacations. The whole 9 yards basically. I treat them better than they've ever been treated. I guess maybe it doesn't get you anywhere to be good. All I ever cared for was to make the girl happy. I know girls that get slapped around, don't get a dime spent on them, get cheated on. And they stay with that guy till the day they die. Unbelievable.

From a money standpoint and emotional standpoint i'm better off alone for now. Or the occasional fling. I've thought I was in love quite a few times. I give up on love. Love is dead. It's unfortunate but it feels that way. But i'm only 24. I've got time to find the one. It's just frustrating when you want the one now. :(

I really feel sorry for you. Even though I really don't agree with trashing girls, I am a best friend to a guy that seems to have all sorts of problems with girls. Therefore your story sounds very familiar. I do not believe that being "good" and treating women right doesn't get you far but unfortunately with most of the girls my best friend picks this impression is undenyable. I personally cannot tell you what you are doing wrong, other than " you are picking the wrong girls" but I don't have the recipe to finding the right one either.

From my own experience: Stop looking. If you expect it the least you will find the right one.

Good luck to you.
I had a girl friend for 8 years that I loved with all my heart. I got her the ring on Friday at 12pm...I saw her again at 5pm (same day) and she was drunk and had cheated on me already......She came over to my house to show my mother the ring and of course mom knew that she had been drinking. It devastated my family to say the least. To make a long story short, I got my ring back and even gave her another shot at it but it just wasnt in the cards for us. I thank the Lord everyday that he never let us get married b/c it would have been a pretty ugly situation.

She still calls my house to this day. I have blocked every number she has ever called me from trying to get away from her. It now just boils down to her just wanting to get some from me. As I see it now.....I wouldnt waste the nut.:rolleyes:

Dont think that I keep this grudge against all girls.......only her.
Originally posted by 2 QK 4 U
FlyinGN....Maybe we'll think that way when we find a woman worth anything...., I'm gonna go puts some water in Samballs mammas' dish. he he :D

Did you ever stop to wonder why you weren't enough of a man to keep your woman on the straight and narrow?

I mean really...maybe the blame lies with you...especially for all you guys who seem to get dumped....over and over and over.

Maybe you're a little light in the loafers for these women?

Ever think of that? Just a thought. ;) :D :eek:
GN85Girl : Thank you for the advice. Although its a sorry thing to say, but at least it doesn't make me feel like i'm the only one who is having trouble. And I agree it doesn't help to trash girls. I just trash the ones I feel have wronged me. I would never hold what others have done to me against a girl I just met or anything. Hell i'd be single forever lol. I am just goign to go about things differently than I have I guess. What else can I do. You find what you want when your not looking is completely true. How do you think I ended up with all these cars haha.

And you prove my other theory. The reason I keep ending up with the crap ones. Is because all the good ones are already taken. LOL :D
don't EVEN get me started on girls...especially girls under age 25...I haven't found ONE yet that knows what they want...always have an excuse for something!

guys...stick to your cars...they are always loyal, don't talk back, and you never have to worry about what kind of mood they are in! only draw back is they are more money hungry than girls ever will be!:D
Free advice from someone old enough to fart dust....

I'll be married for forty years in June....To the same woman.

I have to say that when you are fishisng the ocean for Spousal company, you have to do two or three things for sure:
1) Fish the waters containing the kind of fish you want to keep. After all, you want a keeper ;)
- Don't go fishing in bars or the annual Custer SD rally
3) Don't get serious too soon (age wise) Experience life and find out who you are and what your dreams and goals are before a long term committment
4) Use the right bait. A keg of beer and a party isn't usually the place to find a quality long term mate (High r isk and low percentage)!

The wrong bait attracts experienced bottom feeders (with children in tow)....Do things out in the daylight that you enjoy....And keep an eye out for someone of the opposite sex doing the same things (hiking, boating, walking the dog, reading in the park, church, volunteer work, changing oil ;), etc.) Share your dreams and find somewone who will listen and share their dreams too.
5) You are going to make mistakes in your life. Accept it. Move on. Stop feeling sorry for yourself.

MOST important: Your relationship will be as good, or bad, as your communication. If she wants to talk, listen. That is all she wants most times: Shut up and listen. Then rephrase what you think she said. Communication is everything. If she won't listen and support your dreams and goals, take the closest exit and don't look back.

I've made mistakes, lots of them. Only by her good graces are we still together. Remember, we change a LOT over time. You want someone who will grow with you and not remain stagnant over time, creating a rift that is sure to end in divorce or murder (listen to the news this week).

Choose wisely, a divorce will ruin most people financially for years to come.
i must be lucky. i am getting married soon and have zero complaints about my lady. we have been together for 8yrs.

but remember...........................................


good luck to those that need it. don't give up there is someone for everyone.
You just gotta love em a little more that you hate em:D . not all girls are whores .just my x wife was :biggrin:
just like an old bumper sticker that sticks out in my mind. It said!

If it's got ta tas or tires pretty soon it'll give you trouble!!!!!:biggrin: