Donut Derelict's this Sat, 07-07-2006


Maybe you should pull your head out of your vagina.
My son !Where have you learned to behave this way. Have I not set a good example. Your record is now blemished. Mr Wells is correct you have insulted a fellow member in high standing.That has brought so much to this forum.His wisdom is beyond reproach & unequaled. I don't ever want to hear this sort of toxicity from you ever again. Your real father Lou

that there are rules, you either play by the rules, or leave,
his buddy was removed, and now this guy still doesn't get it!
his continued badgering of one of the best turner/ builders on the west coast gets real old, real fast!!
we all have opinions, ( just like I'm doing now) Brent sticks up for his friend, ( as do others) , and the children continue to act up,
maybe its nap time?
Gary ,as a moderator, does an outstanding job, if it were me, you'd be outa here like your buddy, then you could complain together,

Good Job Gary !
Continued success Brent!
Keep up the good work you old sheep herder!!

I'm done, stick a fork in me and roll me over!
Cruz 57 I'm humbled by your words. This is the way these wars start. Brent must learn to deal with those who envy his success. There are those that do & those that can't & are envious.Smokin six has been trying to pick a fight with me for some time. As a senior members we try to ignore this ugliness & set a good example. Where have we failed. Happy Easter Lou
February 27th, 2007, 08:35 AM
Owner/Admin Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: greenville NC
Trader Rating: (1)
Posts: 1,128

This Section!


Unfortunately this section has gotten very far out of hand. Mods and Admin have publicly and privately tried to chill it out. If this constant war continues I have decided to just shut the section down for a week or so if it continues. I am tired of the banning jokes and jabs at our staff. We don't like to ban anyone, so closing the forum and eliminating the problem entirely seems the easiest thing to do.

I do not want to do this. Not good for the board, but we are running out of other options. Seems we are damned if we do and damned if we don't

Any other serious suggestions?
A Few Buicks

This is a reprint of what the site owner posted regarding our actions not more than 6 weeks ago. What don't we understand?

February 27th, 2007, 08:35 AM
Owner/Admin Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: greenville NC
Trader Rating: (1)
Posts: 1,128

This Section!


Unfortunately this section has gotten very far out of hand. Mods and Admin have publicly and privately tried to chill it out. If this constant war continues I have decided to just shut the section down for a week or so if it continues. I am tired of the banning jokes and jabs at our staff. We don't like to ban anyone, so closing the forum and eliminating the problem entirely seems the easiest thing to do.

I do not want to do this. Not good for the board, but we are running out of other options. Seems we are damned if we do and damned if we don't

Any other serious suggestions?
A Few Buicks

This is a reprint of what the site owner posted regarding our actions not more than 6 weeks ago. What don't we understand?
Gary this a no brainier just get rid of the problem.None of us will damn you for that. Not only is he insulting & threatening other members now he's attacking the administrators.Niether Brent or I have ever met this person or given a reason for this behaviour. Why shut the whole forum down over this? This person is obviously getting his rocks off & I feel your playing into his scheme.
Webster's doesn't contain the word cerial, and this board does not have a time out room that I am aware of.

haha I stole that from the best show ever in the history of the world.


Lou would love it.
Gary this a no brainier just get rid of the problem.None of us will damn you for that. Not only is he insulting & threatening other members now he's attacking the administrators.Niether Brent or I have ever met this person or given a reason for this behaviour. Why shut the whole forum down over this? This person is obviously getting his rocks off & I feel your playing into his scheme.
As a moderator I merely observe, report, & issue infractions when deemed necessary, problem resolution is in the management's arena.
Admin generally does not take kindly to being attacked.
Why shut the whole forum down over this? This person is obviously getting his rocks off & I feel your playing into his scheme.
That is not my statement, that is the owners statement as he feels that our continued arguing, fighting, namecalling, & insulting is leaving him no choice but to do just that.
..............& I feel your playing into his scheme.
Now what would ever give you that impression? I am sure that management will take a hard look at this thread and determine whether I took the best approach for resolution or not.
Maybe management will take Jeff's suggestion for issuing infractions for inept moderators?
I don't have time to read everyone of these threads. That is the reason we have moderators in place.....

I value Gary's opinion and stand behind him. Seems everyone thinks he is doing a good job but a couple of members.... Thanks Gary!

With that being said, I am going to ask Joe to look at this. He is much more fimilar with the players....... If any further action is needed he can decide. I support my mods and admin so please don't disrespect decisions made by them.

Again I just do not see why threads can not be posted without the BS:rolleyes:
I don't have time to read everyone of these threads. That is the reason we have moderators in place.....

I value Gary's opinion and stand behind him. Seems everyone thinks he is doing a good job but a couple of members.... Thanks Gary!

With that being said, I am going to ask Joe to look at this. He is much more fimilar with the players....... If any further action is needed he can decide. I support my mods and admin so please don't disrespect decisions made by them.

Again I just do not see why threads can not be posted without the BS:rolleyes:

Can I be an admin too? I'll do a super job :biggrin:
Phil, go back under your rock.

Been almost 3 years since I left SoCal, and you still don't have that POS running right?

haha shut up!

You were the first GN owner I met... I still remember driving over to your work to show you.

Its been a rough two years... HIV/Mono then 4 knee operations and trying to re-learn how to walk :cool:

i just made a thread
Yeah, but then you met Lou, and I meant nothing against such greatness (sniff).....

Mi madre just retired, and I plan to be down in the next 3 weeks or so. I may fly down, or drive the GN and make the Saturday stop at the donut corner. I'll keep you informed.
Can I be an admin too? I'll do a super job :biggrin:

From your last post, it sounds like you have more than enough on your plate than thinking about being an admin.

Back to Shane's topic, it's kind of mess up that some of the members of this section cannot seem to stay out of each others business. If I may offer a suggestion, some of you guys need to put each other on ignore, you may even need to take your issues to private message (but even in private message, we will not condone threats of physical violence). My wife has the best observation: "you guys are a bunch of men gossiping". I think she includes me in the mix too:biggrin: . It's too bad you guys cannot just get along, but now you draw the attention of Admins and owner. I'll say it again, it's not your job to moderate or admin. The worst part of this is when we take action against you, you think it's okay to become a tattletail. Like we don't notice:rolleyes: . This is too much like kindergarden. Gary has our authority to take action against any member who violates the rules, vendors included. So go find a different vehicle to insult each other, but don't do it on this board (by board action, you may be force to do just that).

gofsbuick, Allow me to compliment your wife on her keen observation & to speak frankly. I've been involved with this Buick stuff for 20 years & can never remember any of us ever getting along. There has always been jelousy,ego,& competitiveness & always will be. This is the way with any car enthusiasts no matter what car brand. Back in the early eighties I was into Ferrari's for a spell. Hell there were very wealthy people who behaved just as badly. Plus this is Calif. & we have an obligation to the rest of the country to live up to our reputation of being the land of fruits'nuts & flakes. I'm talking about tradition here. For example I think it's rather endearing that someone would think enough of me to drive all the way down on a Sunday afternoon just to squirt some glue into my door lock.Or publicly slam me or my lifes work. I find this rather refreshing & am looking forward to the next personal attack.I wouldn't trade this for anything. this keeps me off the streets & out of the bars. Plus it provides entertainment & enhances the membership. How many rush home after work & eagerly tune into the southwest section to view the next drama.Threats of violence,insults,sarchasim etc.This is all part of the allure & has created a healthy outlet. I would like to toast Gary Wells & the rest of the administration for making this public service possible. So excuse me for now It's late & time for my medication. Regards Lou
I Tell Brent good luck at BG and he says Im sucking someone ****? Then Gary gives out points cause i tell him to pull his head out of his ass ? Maybe Gary should take the same advice. Lou and Cruzn quite a pair, two of the dumbest people on here who have caused so many to leave. No wonder I hear of Lous attitude everywhere Ive been for the last 4 years in this Buick community. Obviously someone I would never deal with under any circumstances as most won't. Cruzn just looks for somone new to partner up with since his 'little buddy' Chevota ran off and your large ass should of been booted long ago with Kevin and Chevota, you three were the biggest ****ing instigators I've seen on here in years. AND TO SHANE AND JOE, YEAH, GREAT JOB GARY DOES, LEAVES AN INSULTING POST UP FOR THREE DAYS TILL I REPLY, THEN HANDS OUT YOUR LIL POINTS ONCE HE REALIZES , OOPS, I ****ED UP AGAIN, GOOD JOB FOR HIM, GREAT YOU GUYS STAND BEHIND HIM, SOMEONE NEEDS TOO. **** THIS SECTION. NEXT PERSON WHO SHOOTS THERE MOUTH OFF ABOUT ME BETTER BE READY TO SAY IT TO MY FACE NEXT TIME I SEE THEM - IRWINDALE, BATES, DYNO, ETC, instead of hiding behind your lil keyboards running your mouths, what tough guys we got on here.
Oh MY???

to the children of the forum..........
I have put you on ignore, (like you weren't before)
I guess some people never learn,
I appluade this form, its admin, and its mods, sad some people have to attempt to ruin things.
but...... the old addage applies, give them enough rope, and....... well, you all know the rest.:D
I will be at Irwindale, Bates, etc, step on up and say hi, no need to be shy,
or afraid.:rolleyes:

Off to see Lou and chevota......
Funny last time Kevin walked up to you, 'just get away from me' you shreiked. Kind of like a little girl, tough guy.

to the children of the forum..........
I have put you on ignore, (like you weren't before)
I guess some people never learn,
I appluade this form, its admin, and its mods, sad some people have to attempt to ruin things.
but...... the old addage applies, give them enough rope, and....... well, you all know the rest.:D
I will be at Irwindale, Bates, etc, step on up and say hi, no need to be shy,
or afraid.:rolleyes:

Off to see Lou and chevota......
God ! please give me the strength to keep my mouth shut. Amen