Donut Derelict's this Sat, 07-07-2006

Nope, I am going down there first. Not only will I probably die first due to being older, I am going to charge everybody other than turbo Buick people an entrance fee, plus an hourly "standing room only" charge.
can I make reservations.........

for a party of 6..............??

we will want a window seat, and maybe some Ice?
for a party of 6..............??

we will want a window seat, and maybe some Ice?
You're in for free, with your prior L.E. experience, you'll be the master at arms.

I received a burn on my face from all the heat coming off of Lou last night..
It's all part of my charm & mystique when ever I get near a race track. I also was overcome with emotion over seeing Harold again. He's always brought out the tenderness in me. .
Hope the turn out was a good one. I hope someone took some pics to show the turn out.
I was going to bring a camera, but forgot. Lou showed up with the stage II. I have to say that the stage II looks cleaner everytime that Lou brings it. Gerald showed up with his Hurst-Olds, Rafael showed up with lou's old turbo-t, Kevin showed up with the car that he just sold, & Flavio (Sinical) & his wife showed up. I had a great time meeting Flavio & his wife & discussing the difference in turbo bricks between the east & west coasts. We hope that he had a good time on the visit out here, & look forward to seeing them again if they ever come out agasin to visit. Thanks to all who showed up. I blew the up pipe off the throttle body connection at 23 lbs of boost just getting on the S405 at Beach Blvd. Limpdicked it home at a max of 45 MPH and about 1/4 tank of gas. Definitely not fun, but was exciting until I found out that it was not a head that lifted. I am thankful that it was not a head gasket.
Gary, as usual you are on top of things, maybe if you would of actually handled mister smart ass a couple days ago, I wouldn't have to say a word. But as usual you don't till its too late, then you hand out your lil ****in points. How bout points for being an inept moderator. As far as mr smart mouth, see you around & thats not a threat Gary, I know it gets confusing for you.
No blame pointed in one direction, but lets just try something for once. Lets try acting like adults and for once realize that this is lame.

Be the bigger person and drop it.


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Are you cerial?? Put him in timeout! This is awesome :eek:
Webster's doesn't contain the word cerial, and this board does not have a time out room that I am aware of.
Gary, as usual you are on top of things, maybe if you would of actually handled mister smart ass a couple days ago, I wouldn't have to say a word. But as usual you don't till its too late, then you hand out your lil ****in points. How bout points for being an inept moderator. As far as mr smart mouth, see you around & thats not a threat Gary, I know it gets confusing for you.
Re: You have received an infraction at TurboBuick.Com

Actually I'll take it up with Shane.

Originally Posted by Wells
Originally Posted by smokin'6
Well then you better ****ing give him one too, remember to do it for everyone, including your friends.

Originally Posted by Wells
Dear smokin'6, You have received an infraction at TurboBuick.Com.
Reason: Insulted Other Member(s)
Jeff: Insulting another member, infraction, 1 point. If you and Brent (Underboost) have issues, please settle them off of the forum so other members are not affected. Thanks
This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.
Jeff: If you have any questions, comments, and / or issues with how I moderate the Southwestern Section of forum, please address same to Gofstbuick or Jay Carter. Both have open e-mail addy's and or PM addy's.
TIA/R: Gary wells

All the best,
Jeff: As having been stated before, there is an icon in the far upper right hand of all posts to "Report this Post". It is primarily for the use of the members, and if clicked, the report gets investigated and addressed by the upper management of, (owner & administrators) and not the moderators. Since it became apparent that both of you guys were going to continue to toss insults back and forth it became necessary for me to intervene. As pm'ed to both of you guys, I would have rather you guys handled it yourself off of the board so that other members are not affected. I am sorry that you see things otherwise. Tell Shane that I said hello, please, for me. And thanks for your comments. I keep them in a file and use them to try and continually improve how I handle situations such as this in the Southwestern Section.
Oh, have a nice day, too, almost forgot.
looks like some one has never understood !!!

that there are rules, you either play by the rules, or leave,
his buddy was removed, and now this guy still doesn't get it!
his continued badgering of one of the best turner/ builders on the west coast gets real old, real fast!!
we all have opinions, ( just like I'm doing now) Brent sticks up for his friend, ( as do others) , and the children continue to act up,
maybe its nap time?
Gary ,as a moderator, does an outstanding job, if it were me, you'd be outa here like your buddy, then you could complain together,

Good Job Gary !
Continued success Brent!
Keep up the good work you old sheep herder!!

I'm done, stick a fork in me and roll me over!