detonation at low boost

93 is plenty for that amount of boost as long as the timing isn't through the roof, and you have a fuel system that's up to par
I know the guy in post 12 has given you the most important thing to check first. This is always the first thing to check when you see spark retard. Don't any of you guys think 93 is enough for 10 lbs of boost.

agreed fuel pressure is number 1 on the list. I would not be afraid to run 10 psi on 89 (no reason to do it but I think it could be done).
93 is plenty for that amount of boost as long as the timing isn't through the roof, and you have a fuel system that's up to par
As pacecarta said,it's not 93 if it hasn't been replaced. As far as fuel supply goes,the only thing that matters is weather or not the fuel pressure rises 1 to 1 with boost. This is what Chuck Leeper suggested be checked in post 12. A gauge will tell that story.
Hey, ImpalaSam.
Have you replaced the fuel with fresh yet?
I have not. That will be the first step it getting the car back in good running order.
Have been really busy but hopefully will be able to get on it this week.

I dug out my FP gauge to verify correct FP once I fill up with fresh fuel.