could you do this?


New Member
Nov 15, 2003
just thinking out loud here, could you mount an alchy nozzle in the spot where the EGR valve used to go? a plate could be made to hold the nozzle and block the egr port in the intake. could you than use the alky to stem part throttle knock when the egr is removed? this set up would provide easier acsess to nozzle, more stealth apearrance, those mounting MAF sensors in the up pipe could rest easier about alky getting on the sensor, possible better distribution of alky. once again i'm just thinking out loud.
I guess if you really wanted to do this, take an intake and somehow get the nozzle mounted in the tower inside of it. See you need to direct the mist into the incoming air, saturating it, this is what does the work. Shooting into a hole on the side of the intake wont get any distribution. Now NOS might be a different thing since its a gas. And a hell of a way to hide a nozzle.

Plus the need for a solenoid since the inside of the intake is under vacuum.

Great thinking ;)
could possibly get around the solenoid issue w/ an in line check valve, could mount the nozzle in power plate where it covers EGR hole( would run a line inside of EGR port to power plate).

it got cold here again and i'm sitting around here thinking- this is when i get myself in trouble

Originally posted by turbowidow
could possibly get around the solenoid issue w/ an in line check valve, could mount the nozzle in power plate where it covers EGR hole( would run a line inside of EGR port to power plate).

it got cold here again and i'm sitting around here thinking- this is when i get myself in trouble


Nope.. checkvalve flows in one direction.. thats torwards the motor.. vacuum will suck in one direction.. thast torwards the motor.

power plate idea would be slick, just need the hose to be made with the intake off the car, snake it through, and have the hose shop crimp the end. At the end of the day, you cant hide whats obvious on the car, that is is has a turbo.. the rest is all ???? just make a plate to block off the exhuast portion of the egr.

Cute idea.. thumbs up.. lot of work to hide the alky.. but in the true meaning of stealth.. it rocks. Will it work better than a nozzle in the up-pipe.. nope.

Cheers on the idea.
the NOS idea is cool (literally), i think you would cool off the intake off really well spraying into the EGR chamber like this. i agree with your point w/ the check valve( typed it before thinking about it).
i'm also thinking of trying to use the coolant ports on the throttle body- you know, the ones we block off to ccol the intake charge. would the alky atomize if it was dripped into the air charge at this point? almost like a homemade spay bar style. can you tell i'm REALLY bored today:D
The only problem I see with the whole idea is proper distribution. Don't want 1 cylinder getting too much and another getting nothing. By mounting it in the uppipe it gets divided pretty evenly, inside the manifold and you are asking for problems unless you mount 6 nozzles in line with each runner.
my thinking is the other way, the closer to manifold the better. the more bends, obstructions, etc. that the air/alky mixture has to go through, the better the chance of distribution problems. if you look at a mechanical air/water separator for compressed air, they spin the air around to get water to drop out of it. might be able to use smaller amounts of alky per run if my theory is correct.