Conservatives turning on Bushbaby

9/11, at least the attack on the world trade center is ALL about Iraq. The original 1993 bombing was on the first monday after the 2 year anniversary of the Attack on Iraq.

Well there ya go, solid evidence for the 9/11 Iraqi connection....

Are you really GWB posting as a Buick guy?

Originally posted by Foolis
Well there ya go, solid evidence for the 9/11 Iraqi connection....

Are you really GWB posting as a Buick guy?


Actual, honest to god Iraqi's were involved in WTC 1. Laugh all you want, it's a fact.

If WTC 1 had not happened, WTC 2 would not have happened. Osama would have gone solely after Washington or a Nuclear Power Plant.

WTC 1 gave the arab world a Symbol of what Muslims could do if they put their mind to it. Kind of like the X-Prize for fanatical towel heads.
I have been saying that from the start about OBL/ IRAQ. You are the only Conservative who agrees. Others need to find flimsy Proof to justify this NEOCON agenda Nation building/ Regime Change action. If they would only call a Spade a Spade.....

A little history lesson,

Yes we were in a cold war with the USSR....The threat from the USSR wasnt their high level bombers, its was ICBM'S! We built a mach 2 bomber, the B-70, and it scared the crap out of the USSR. They developed the Foxbat for one purpose, to shoot it down. The B-70 was killed by the Sec of Defense, he felt that Supersonic high level bombers were obsolete...instead he wanted more ICBM'S! An F-101 was a dinosaur and served little purpose in the cold war. The N/G wasnt useless, it was the rich COWARDS that hid from the real war that were useless!
The F-4 phantom was the backbone of the U.S. Airforce in Nam. The pilots either loved it or hated it. They knew that it would get them home, they could fly with half their wing or tail shot off. The biggest problem with them was that they left a huge trail of black smoke and could be seen for miles off. That problem was resolved with a smoke abatement system. The F-4 was a multi purpose jet and was the best we had in Nam.

People with your political/social views are just as scary as the terrorists!

Hamas is a terrorist group fighting for land that was never their's.
You really need to read a HISTORY book and learn where these "palestinians" are really from! I'll give you a hint: look up Jordan and Lebanon...

"Why do we have troops in the "Holy Land" to begin with?"

We dont have troops in the holly land, Israel wouldnt allow it.
Where did you get the idea that we had troops in Israel? Outside of the U.S. military, the Israeli army is the best trained military in the world. They buy our weapons systems and modify them(make them better) then pass the info back to the U.S.

"Keep believing your Zionist BS and bowing to your masters"

And who might that be?..........You sound very anti-semetic?

i dont know if i really understand where you are coming from- are you against terrorist or not-- you are against palestinian terrorist but not iraqi terrorist ,or afgan terrorist?

also if the president volunteered for duty in viet nam he was in a small minority as most were drafted- why do you insinuate the president is a coward-- i dont think any of our presidents were cowards -- throughout history who has ever had to make the decisions that they have had to make and be responsible for ?

Of course I'm against terrorism and I support legitimate lethal action, ie:afghanistan!

"also if the president volunteered for duty in viet nam he was in a small minority as most were drafted- why do you insinuate the president is a coward"

Because he used his familys influence to get into the N/G to hide from active duty/Nam. UNGN made the point that bushbaby volunteered for Nam while in N/G and I dont believe it. If he really wanted to serve our country, he would have enlisted!

there were thousands of guys back then that didnt have viet nam as number one on their places to go list- some had ways to avoid the draft and some didnt - many that didnt enlist still served with honor when drafted -- they didnt want to go but had no way out--they were not cowards -you are assuming bush did not volunteer and therefore is a coward -- that would cover loads and loads of guys that didnt enlist but served with honor

why is it so important for you to call someone else a coward--usually when someone has to tear another person down it is to build themselves up as they really feel unworthy inside about something

it really looks to me that the terrorist are being pressed so hard on their own land that they are having a real problem mounting any attacks in the united states--

what has bothered me over the years is when we fail to retaliate after situations such as somalia--- and as far as i know we won the gulf war back when george bush sr was president-- but all these years saddam has thumbed his nose at us and has played games with the inspection program-- i dont know why clinton didnt take action against iraq when he was president -- when bullies think they can push you or itimidate you they most certainly will -- that is their nature--- i really like the way george bush jr did not shrug the responsibility-- he upheld our country's honor and took the long overdue action of bringing saddam down--
Originally posted by We4ster
Because he used his familys influence to get into the N/G to hide from active duty/Nam. UNGN made the point that bushbaby volunteered for Nam while in N/G and I dont believe it. If he really wanted to serve our country, he would have enlisted!
You scream about PROOF all the time. I want to see your undisputable proof that GWB "used his family's influence and hide from active duty/Nam".

We're all patiently waiting for what you DEMAND yourself. Let's see YOUR PROOF! Show me and I'll believe you.

PS. Proof isn't an article copied/pasted from the New York Times either.

The only proof would be if bushbaby admitted his cowardice, and of course he won't. He never admitted his cocaine problem either! Interesting how the President and Vice President and Sec. of Defense "all" avoided the war. Kerry didn't avoid the war and spoke out against it....Who's the coward?

Did "you" serve our country?

"why is it so important for you to call someone else a coward"

The negative attacks by the rep party and the "chickenhawks" about Kerry's war record. They didnt have the courage to face the enemy, but they condemn someone who did. Its the political rhetoric that turns my stomach.

"it really looks to me that the terrorist are being pressed so hard on their own land that they are having a real problem mounting any attacks in the united states-- "

Why should they come all the way to the U.S. when we have provided much easier targets for them in Iraq? OUR TROOPS! Remember these people are cowards, too. Iraq wasnt a terrorist state, we made it one when we invaded.
Originally posted by We4ster

The only proof would be if bushbaby admitted his cowardice, and of course he won't. He never admitted his cocaine problem either! Interesting how the President and Vice President and Sec. of Defense "all" avoided the war. Kerry didn't avoid the war and spoke out against it....Who's the coward?

Did "you" serve our country?
Ok, so you're admitting to making an ALLEGATION without a factual basis. You simply have a "hunch" and run with it as if it's factual. :rolleyes: This shows your BIAS since you spew regurgitated drivel with NOTHING TO BACK IT UP.

You're transparent...go away.
Originally posted by We4ster


Did "you" serve our country?

"I smell another "chickenhawk"
What if I said I served in Panama, would it make any difference. But to be quite frank it's none of your business.

What I smell from you is a hypocrite. You DEMAND facts but yet in return you call Bush a draft dodging, Nam dodging guardsman who received favors from his father but you admit to having
0 facts to back up your liberal allegation.
I cant "prove" that he did and you cant "prove" that he didnt.
But if you do your research you will find that his "daddy" got him into the N/G. His "daddy" covered up his drug arrest, and his "daddy's" friends bailed out his business when it failed.
Rich people do that to protect the family name.

Every wonder why his "daddy" hasnt spoken out in his behalf?

Makes you think, Hmmmmmmmmm.
Here ya go

On May 27, 1968, George Bush Jr. was 12 days away from losing his student draft deferment, at a time when 350 Americans a week were dying in combat. The National Guard, seen by many as the most respectable way to avoid Vietnam, had a huge waiting list -- a year and a half in Texas, over 100,000 men nationwide. Yet Bush and his family friends pulled strings, and the young man was admitted the same day he applied, regardless of any waiting list.

Bush's unit commander, Col. "Buck" Staudt, was so excited about his VIP recruit that he staged a special ceremony for the press so he could have his picture taken administering the oath (even though the official oath had been given by a captain earlier.)

Bush himself admits lobbying commander Staudt, who approved him, and court documents confirm that close family friend and oil magnate Sid Adger called Texas Speaker of the House Ben Barnes, who called General James Rose, the head of the Texas Air National Guard, to get Bush in. Rose, who is now dead, told his friend and former legislator Jake Johnson that "I got that Republican congressman's son from Houston into the Guard."

Staudt's unit, the 147th, was infamous as a nesting place for politically connected and celebrity draft avoiders. Democratic Senator Lloyd Bentsen's son was in the unit, as was Republican Senator John Tower's, both of Sid Adger's sons and at least 7 members of the Dallas Cowboys.
Originally posted by We4ster

"why is it so important for you to call someone else a coward"

The negative attacks by the rep party and the "chickenhawks" about Kerry's war record. They didnt have the courage to face the enemy, but they condemn someone who did. Its the political rhetoric that turns my stomach.

"it really looks to me that the terrorist are being pressed so hard on their own land that they are having a real problem mounting any attacks in the united states-- "

Why should they come all the way to the U.S. when we have provided much easier targets for them in Iraq? OUR TROOPS! Remember these people are cowards, too. Iraq wasnt a terrorist state, we made it one when we invaded.

throughout history we have always chose to fight a war before it came to us on our soil -- the few troops of ours that are being killed certainly is not enough to make them happy-- their goal is to kill our people here in this country-- they are very frustrated at not being able to carry this out-- they have to count on the media and liberal people in this country to create enough pressure on congress that we will pull our troops out before their job is done-- they must be really rattled to pull such a stupid media event as to saw an americans head off on tv-- but come to think about it the headlines in the newspaper where i live were "congress examines images of torture " our soldiers put a pair of women's underware on a guys head and that is an outrage to the world--they saw off an americans head while he is alive and thats on the back page -- no outrage about that

apparently its kerrys fellow soldiers that are saying they have no respect for him -- the ones that served with him-- how would you feel if the guys you served with had such a low opinion of you-- to most men who have been through alot of life threatening situations their comrades evaluations of their ability would mean much more to them than anyone elses-- i suspect there is more to kerry's performance in viet nam than meets the eye- when he doesnt have the backing of his fellow soldiers something is wrong-

besides all that --who in their right mind would support a 50 cents a gallon tax on gasoline-- my 57 lb injectors do not like him
Originally posted by We4ster
Here ya go

On May 27, 1968, George Bush Jr. was 12 days away from losing his student draft deferment, at a time when 350 Americans a week were dying in combat. The National Guard, seen by many as the most respectable way to avoid Vietnam, had a huge waiting list -- a year and a half in Texas, over 100,000 men nationwide. Yet Bush and his family friends pulled strings, and the young man was admitted the same day he applied, regardless of any waiting list.

Bush's unit commander, Col. "Buck" Staudt, was so excited about his VIP recruit that he staged a special ceremony for the press so he could have his picture taken administering the oath (even though the official oath had been given by a captain earlier.)

Bush himself admits lobbying commander Staudt, who approved him, and court documents confirm that close family friend and oil magnate Sid Adger called Texas Speaker of the House Ben Barnes, who called General James Rose, the head of the Texas Air National Guard, to get Bush in. Rose, who is now dead, told his friend and former legislator Jake Johnson that "I got that Republican congressman's son from Houston into the Guard."

Staudt's unit, the 147th, was infamous as a nesting place for politically connected and celebrity draft avoiders. Democratic Senator Lloyd Bentsen's son was in the unit, as was Republican Senator John Tower's, both of Sid Adger's sons and at least 7 members of the Dallas Cowboys.
More copied/pasted unsubstantiated lefty spin... When will it end?

Wanna talk draft dodging? Check into Clinton's exodus to England to avoid the draft. I sincerely hope you were as vocal about his OBVIOUS neglect of duty.

LMAO...If the truth ever bit you in the arse, you would deny it too!
You are too funny...You ever thought of becoming an attorney?

Unlike you, I cross party lines...thats a benefit of being an independent...Clinton was a coward, too!

You need to face REALITY, your fearless leader isnt so fearless!
More bad news for bushbaby,

WASHINGTON - Presumptive Democratic nominee John Kerry on Friday collected the endorsement of the International Brotherhood of Police Officers, a police union that backed President Bush in the 2000 election. "After three and a half years of disappointing leadership under George Bush, we need to change course in November and elect a president with a real record of supporting police officers and a lifetime of standing with law enforcement,"