Conservatives turning on Bushbaby


New Member
Jun 27, 2001
Conservatives Restive About Bush Policies

By Dana Milbank and Jonathan Weisman, Washington Post Staff Writers

After three years of sweeping actions in both foreign and domestic affairs, the Bush administration is facing complaints from the conservative intelligentsia that it has lost its ability to produce fresh policies.

The centerpiece of President Bush foreign policy -- the effort to transform Iraq into a peaceful democracy -- has been undermined by a deadly insurrection and broadcast photos of brutality by U.S. prison guards. On the domestic side, conservatives and former administration officials say the White House policy apparatus is moribund, with policies driven by political expediency or ideological pressure rather than by facts and expertise.

Conservatives have become unusually restive. Last Tuesday, columnist George F. Will sharply criticized the administration's Iraq policy, writing: "This administration cannot be trusted to govern if it cannot be counted on to think and, having thought, to have second thoughts." Two days earlier, Robert Kagan, a neoconservative supporter of the Iraq war, wrote: "All but the most blindly devoted Bush supporters can see that Bush administration officials have no clue about what to do in Iraq tomorrow, much less a month from now."
Conservatives can have differences of opinion and it doesn't mean someone is "turning on" someone else. Neither of the two you mentioned will be voting for John Kerry in november, I assure you.

I disagree with Bush on a Lot of things. I disagree with Kerry on almost everything.

I don't think there is any politico I am 100% with. But 80% is better than 5%.

Keep living in your dream world and there's bound to be a politician you are 100% with. I wouldn't hold your breathe for too long, however.

I havent decided who I'm going to vote for....Just stating the facts..Bush administration has dug a deep hole...Lets see what happens.........Both candidates will be waffling/flipflopping before this election is over..................Pathetic!

Independent=freedom to choose
Originally posted by UNGN
Conservatives can have differences of opinion and it doesn't mean someone is "turning on" someone else. Neither of the two you mentioned will be voting for John Kerry in november, I assure you.

I disagree with Bush on a Lot of things. I disagree with Kerry on almost everything.

I don't think there is any politico I am 100% with. But 80% is better than 5%.

Keep living in your dream world and there's bound to be a politician you are 100% with. I wouldn't hold your breathe for too long, however.

Well stated! But if he holds his breath long enough, just maybe... :D
dream on texun....................yeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaw!

The castle is crumbling down.............poor bushbaby
Washington Post Stiff Writers was all I had to look at... :rolleyes:

Hey if Kerry gets elected Carter and Clinton won't be the two worst presidents in the last 50 years. ;)

A silver lining in every liberal cloud. :p
Whats the matter salvageV6, losing confidence in the president?
Shame on you! Bushbabys your man, how can he lose?

Jesse Ventura for prez...
More good news for bushbaby

WASHINGTON (AFP) - A leading military newspaper said that US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld set the tone for the prisoner abuse scandal in Iraq (news - web sites) by refusing to give captives rights due prisoners of war under the Geneva Conventions.
"This was a failure that ran straight to the top," said the editorial appearing in the May 17 edition of the Military Times weeklies.
"Accountability here is essential -- even if that means relieving top leaders from duty in a time of war," it said.
Owned by Gannett, the Military Times publishes the Army, Navy and Air Force times, weeklies that are widely read by servicemembers and distributed on US military bases around the world.
I haven't lost confidence in anyone.

Never HAD ANY in Kerry.

For every conservative there's usually a liberal as well but most are too high or drunk to vote luckily. ;)

Most of those captives are lucky to be alive let alone worrying about a fair trial and hanging.

Hopefully the Dems. in FL and CA will be too stupid to vote this year. :)
Originally posted by We4ster
Conservatives Restive About Bush Policies

By Dana Milbank and Jonathan Weisman, Washington Post Staff Writers

After three years of sweeping actions in both foreign and domestic affairs, the Bush administration is facing complaints from the conservative intelligentsia that it has lost its ability to produce fresh policies.

The centerpiece of President Bush foreign policy -- the effort to transform Iraq into a peaceful democracy -- has been undermined by a deadly insurrection and broadcast photos of brutality by U.S. prison guards. On the domestic side, conservatives and former administration officials say the White House policy apparatus is moribund, with policies driven by political expediency or ideological pressure rather than by facts and expertise.

Conservatives have become unusually restive. Last Tuesday, columnist George F. Will sharply criticized the administration's Iraq policy, writing: "This administration cannot be trusted to govern if it cannot be counted on to think and, having thought, to have second thoughts." Two days earlier, Robert Kagan, a neoconservative supporter of the Iraq war, wrote: "All but the most blindly devoted Bush supporters can see that Bush administration officials have no clue about what to do in Iraq tomorrow, much less a month from now."
You are a hypocrite. You bash others for "regurgitating" what you call right wing propaganda, then you copy/paste an article that sides with your opinion. Who's regurgitating again?
Turn about is fair play....or so they say.....just stating the facts
Hurts when the shoe is on the other foot
Originally posted by We4ster
Turn about is fair play....or so they say.....just stating the facts
Hurts when the shoe is on the other foot
No, it doesn't hurt, I'm pointing out facts as well....YOUR HYPOCRISY. The traits of a true liberal.
And the downward spiral gets tighter. 1% between GWB and Kerry.....

Feeling a bit "rubbed"? :cool:

And so it goes.....

Originally posted by Foolis
And the downward spiral gets tighter. 1% between GWB and Kerry.....

Feeling a bit "rubbed"? :cool:

And so it goes.....


Huh? Kerry was up by 6 points when nobody knew he was.

Bush has had the worst 3 months of his presidency and he's still even.

Kerry has no momentum and with Clinton's book coming out next month, precious little time to get any before the economy takes off. It's not looking good for Kerry.

Watch as Nader starts to atract a crowd.
"Watch as Nader starts to atract a crowd"

I hope he does, a real BIG more political rhetoric!
It would be refreshing to hear a candidate that doesnt spout political rhetoric and sticks to the issues. Dems and Reps are presently incapable of such behavior...
Real conservatives (paleo-cons like Pat Buchanan, NOT neo-cons) should be angry at Bush. He basicly endorsed illegal immigration, when he should be placing the military on the southern border of the country. He also is blatently pro-Israel, kissing Arials Sharon's terrorist ass whenever he can. He hasn't does anything at all to stop affirmative action either. But with that said, he's still worlds ahead of Kerry on the issues, so I'm still voting for Bush in November.

Why is it O.K. for us to respond in force against terrorists, but not Israel? Just curious...
Originally posted by We4ster

Why is it O.K. for us to respond in force against terrorists, but not Israel? Just curious...

Because Israeli hasn't directly attacked us. Still, I believe we should stay neutral. Israeli commits terror in the Middle East as well, but get away with it because they are a powerful lobby for some reason.
"Because Israeli hasn't directly attacked us. Still, I believe we should stay neutral. Israeli commits terror in the Middle East as well, but get away with it because they are a powerful lobby for some reason."

Hello is anyone home....

"Why is it all right for us to respond to terrorism with force but when Israel responds to Palestinian terrorists its wrong?
It's funny how strongly Wee ster denies not being a flaming liberal. "I haven't decided who to vote for yet". That is such a joke. You show you are a true liberal dude because you don't have the guts to admit it in public. Calling yourself "independant" is another way of saying I am too scared to own up to being a flaming liberal.
Keep on believing all the things you read in those rags you rely on so much. They are such good sources of mis information, they even have you confused.