Conservatives turning on Bushbaby

Whats the matter 2quiktocare,

did you get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning or did you forget your meds....You're spewing empty words, oh I forgot, thats all you have.
On some matters I am what! I'm not bound to party rhetoric like you and yur ignurunt buddies...

"Keep on believing all the things you read in those rags you rely on so much"..

Dont read the rags, but at least I know how to read.....doh! I think you've been drinking too much tranny fluid....har har
NEWS FLASH!!!!!!!!

Kerry betrays his comrades in arms. After four precarious months of service in Vietnam, Kerry comes home and turns on the very people he fought beside. Not to be out done by Jane Fonda, Kerry admits that he participated in war atrocities and also admitted for other people, that they had also participated. :rolleyes: Does the word WEASEL come to mind?
Heres a scary thought Regull!

Learn how to read! Doh!
Do you even know what kerry is being accused of?
I doubt it!
Does your pointless ranting give you warm feeling or is it the meds you are on.....
Originally posted by Red Regal T
NEWS FLASH!!!!!!!!

Kerry betrays his comrades in arms. After four precarious months of service in Vietnam, Kerry comes home and turns on the very people he fought beside. Not to be out done by Jane Fonda, Kerry admits that he participated in war atrocities and also admitted for other people, that they had also participated. :rolleyes: Does the word WEASEL come to mind?

I'm sure you don't understand what I said, but then, I wasn't talking to you. ;) People with common sense will know what I'm saying.
Originally posted by We4ster
WE HAVE COWARDS RUNNING THIS COUNTRY.....No wonder its such a mess in IRAQ
Dude, who's your supplier? I'd like to try some of what you're taking.

Seriously though, are you huffing paint? Or is it going up your nose or in your veins? Maybe just plain'ole alcohol or prescription meds? C'mon, give it up. Have you had a psychological exam lately? (I'm not kidding either, you need some help)
One of the pilots that flew with Bush in Texas said Bush volunteered to go to Viet Nam, but they didn't need F102 pilots in nam.

besides, thanks to John Kerry and his friends, by 1972, the war was essentially over and we had lost.

Originally posted by suprbuick7

GWB , Chenney, ROVE , Wolfowitz are a bunch of P#ssies, and won't fight in Viet NAM

Why would they fight in a war we lost 30 years ago?

And where were you in 1992 and 1996 when REAL WAR HEROES were running for president? Bet you voted for neither of them.

Please shut your pie hole about the "bunch of pussies". If it didn't change who you are going to vote for, why would your feeble opinions about whose a "*****" change the vote of any of us?
"Originally posted by We4ster
WE HAVE COWARDS RUNNING THIS COUNTRY.....No wonder its such a mess in IRAQ"

1. Bushbaby's daddy gets his druggy son into the national guard

2. Cheney gets deferments because he has better things to do

3. Rumsfeld weasels his way out of service and he's our Sec. of Defense.


Hey TT/A1233 ........Did you serve in the military or are you another one of those CHICKENHAWKS?
Originally posted by We4ster
"Originally posted by We4ster
WE HAVE COWARDS RUNNING THIS COUNTRY.....No wonder its such a mess in IRAQ"

1. Bushbaby's daddy gets his druggy son into the national guard

2. Cheney gets deferments because he has better things to do

3. Rumsfeld weasels his way out of service and he's our Sec. of Defense.


Hey TT/A1233 ........Did you serve in the military or are you another one of those CHICKENHAWKS?
Blah blah blah. WHERE'S YOUR PROOF?!?! Your rants mean nothing without PROOF.
Rumsfeld was a naval aviator. I don't know how he weaseled "out of the service".

He was in the Navy from 54-57 and the reserves until 1975.

Do you just pull stuff out of your butt?
Originally posted by suprbuick7
Or did Rummy, just fly around Alabama??????????
You want to cast stones at everyone else's performance or lack thereof, what exactly were you doing during Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Gulf War I etc?
TTA Why so testy??????In the words of D!ck Cheyney " I have more important things to do than go to VietNam"
Originally posted by UNGN
One of the pilots that flew with Bush in Texas said Bush volunteered to go to Viet Nam, but they didn't need F102 pilots in nam. What are you smokin??????????????????

besides, thanks to John Kerry and his friends, by 1972, the war was essentially over and we had lost.

Why would they fight in a war we lost 30 years ago? What the F#ck does that mean???????

And where were you in 1992 and 1996 when REAL WAR HEROES were running for president? Bet you voted for neither of them./ cloud the issue, usual GOP rhetoric

Please shut your pie hole about the "bunch of pussies". If it didn't change who you are going to vote for, why would your feeble opinions about whose a "*****" change the vote of any of us? Truth hurts
Dude you have lost it ?????? Prove GWB volunteerring??????
Originally posted by TT/A1233
You want to cast stones at everyone else's performance or lack thereof, what exactly were you doing during Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Gulf War I etc?

TTA What were you doing??????????????? I guess you won't answer that BECAUSE?????? You don't have to, Like some of your other posts that you took some authority position on. :confused:
Originally posted by suprbuick7
Dude you have lost it ?????? Prove GWB volunteerring??????


Feb 13, 2004 Richmond Times Dispatch

Ex-pilot says Bush put in for Vietnam
Bush volunteered for combat, was rejected, ex-guardsman says


A former senior Virginia Air National Guard commander, who served with George W. Bush in the Texas Air Guard, says Bush volunteered for Vietnam combat service but was turned down because he did not have the required flight experience.

William J. Campenni, a retired Air Guard colonel, also said absences such as Bush's from his unit were common in the Air Guard during the period of Bush's service and still are.

He and Bush were young lieutenants and pilots in the 111th Fighter Interceptor Squadron of the Texas Air Guard from 1970 to 1971, Campenni said, serving under the same flight and squadron commanders, both of whom are now dead.

Campenni, 63, lives in Herndon and has participated in Republican Party politics in Northern Virginia. He retired as an Air Force pilot in 1998, last flying with the 192nd Fighter Wing based at Richmond International Airport.

According to Campenni, Bush inquired about participating in a volunteer program called Palace Alert that used Air National Guard pilots flying in the F-102 Delta Dagger interceptor jet in Vietnam.

The Air Guard advised Bush he did not have the desired 500 hours of flight time as a pilot to qualify for Palace Alert duty, and, in any event, the program was winding down and not accepting more volunteers.

"While we were not part of the same social circle outside the base," Campenni said in a letter to The Washington Times published this week, "we were in the same fraternity of fighter pilots, and proudly wore the same squadron patch."

He said a check of the 1970-71 records of the 111th Fighter Interceptor Squadron "and any other [Air National Guard] squadron" would show "other pilots excused for career obligations and conflicts."

Bush joined the Texas Air National Guard at Ellington Air Force Base in May 1968. In May 1972, records show he received permission to perform nonflying duties in Alabama.

"[Excuses] for employment were common then and are now in the Air Guard, as pilots frequently are in career transitions, and most commanders, as I later was, are flexible in letting their charges take care of career affairs until they return or transfer to another unit near their new employment," said Campenni, who spent 33 years in the Air National Guards of three states as his career as an aerospace engineer took him around the country.

Freeing the then-lieutenant from his Texas duties in 1972 was helped, Campenni said, because the Houston unit was changing from an operational fighter squadron to a training squadron with a new airplane, the F-101 Voodoo.

The mission switch "required that more pilots be available for full-time instructor duty rather than part-time, traditional reservists with outside employment," he said. Bush was a part-time Guard member, as most Guard airmen are.

"The winding down of the Vietnam War in 1971 provided a flood of exiting active-duty pilots for these instructor jobs, making part-timers like Lt. Bush and me somewhat superfluous," Campenni said.

"Any pilot could have left the Air Force or the Air Guard with ease after 1972 before his commitment was up," he said, "because there just wasn't room for all of them anymore."

Bush, who was working on a political campaign in Alabama, was assigned temporarily to a unit in Montgomery, Ala. Democrats have charged there is no proof that Bush showed up for Air Guard duty there.

During the Vietnam War era, many men saw joining the National Guard as a means of avoiding combat duty. American political leaders avoided mobilizing the hometown units for duty in the Southeast Asian war.

"There was one big exception to this abusive use of the Guard to avoid the draft," Campenni said, "and that was for those who wanted to fly, as pilots or crew members."

Air Guard pilot duty required up to 2½ years of active-duty service for training, he said. Draftees served for two years, overwhelmingly in the Army.

Air National Guard units began flying supply missions in Vietnam in 1965, and the Air Guard was mobilized twice during the Vietnam War. Guard aviators in five squadrons flying the F-100 Super Sabre fighter-bomber were called up for duty in Vietnam in 1968.

"Avoiding service?" Campenni said. "Yeah, tell that to those guys."

Simply flying tactical military aircraft is dangerous, he said.

"Six of those with whom I served in those years never made their 30th birthdays because they died in crashes flying air-defense missions" in the United States, Campenni said.

"Our Texas [Air National Guard] unit lost several planes right there in Houston during Lt. Bush's tenure, with fatalities," he said.

"Just strapping on one of those obsolescing F-102s was risking one's life."

Contact Peter Bacque at (804) 649-6813 or

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