Conservatives turning on Bushbaby

People give you proof and the GOP sheep still deny. Murderers in this country are held to less of a burden of proof. Do some independent research on your own if you want your "proof" :mad:
Originally posted by suprbuick7
People give you proof and the GOP sheep still deny. Murderers in this country are held to less of a burden of proof. Do some independent research on your own if you want your "proof" :mad:
Yea, that's what I told Weester when he demanded PROOF that Kerry committed war atrocities even after I posted an audio of the man admitting to it. Apparently the sheep on your side are deaf, blind and dumb. At least I posted direct indisputable evidence (a taped confession) whereas Weester copied/pasted alleged "facts". If Weester or yourself wish to post audio clips of Bush admitting to getting into the ANG to avoid Nam service then I'd call that evidence...not some words pasted from a left wing site. I can post statements and pass them off as authentic too, that only proves someone's copied and pasted text. It's not proof.

By the way, it's not my responsibility to dig for evidence to prove someone elses case. You ever see a defense attorney research evidence to help the prosecution or vice/versa? :rolleyes: