Computer for a small business


Go Pokes!
May 25, 2001
I need to get a computer for a small business(Auto repair shop)for book keeping,Flate rate manual,shop repair manual and to update my scan tool.I will be printing invoice's and reports.I have a HP at home and I am not to happy with the HP.Anyone have a brand they like.
Dell - hands down, and pay the extra $$$ for the 3year on site warranty, especially since it will be located in the sho - a harsh environment. You should make sure you use an optical mouse (Hard to keep reg mouse clean) and look for a rybber membrane keyboard so you won't be replacing yours every 3 months.
I buy nothing but Dells for the company. All of our laptops are Dells and so is our server.
I've had very good luck with them. I've had very BAD luck with Gateway in the past.
For internet orders, Dell usually ships within a few days and you have the machine within an week.
Thanks guys I just do not know what to do.If I buy a dell I have to pay tax because I live in Texas.
You will have to pay tax no matter what state you're in, Dell has a "preence" in all 50 I belive, and collects sales tax everywhere. You'll be hard-pressed finding a better deal, or another major vendor that wyou will be able to purchase w/o paying tax.
Dell SUCKS! Bought my computer from them two years ago, every day want to throw it against the wall. Can't stand the OS either... Windows ME is the worst piece of crap operating system ever.:mad: If I had to do it all over again, I'd get a custom job done by a smaller company. With that, you can control the hardware that goes in. Also would install linux and windows, because linux is bulletproof.

I guess it would be ok for a small business, without a lot of applications eating up the memory though. Especially with a better OS like XP. I do use my computer pretty intensely, and it tends to be crappy for that.