Comp Turbo CT5X 80/82


clean air 1
Nov 14, 2007
Like new, has 15 passes and less than 50 miles,

comes with 2 T4 turbine housings, .90ar and 1.10 ar and downpipe flange

$1300 shipped

What's the hp rating in this configuration and what combo were you running it on?


Buick Guys are horrified of the unknown they only know precision and Turbonetics; however Comp turbo makes the only triple ball bearing turbo on the market which are some of the fastest spooling badass turbo on the market there is. But most Buick guys wouldn't know that because they don't go outside of the box
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and one of the lightest

Buick Guys are horrified of the unknown they only know precision and Turbonetics; however Comp turbo makes the only triple ball bearing turbo on the market which are some of the fastest spooling badass turbo on the market there is. But most Buick guys wouldn't know that because they don't go outside of the box
Buick Guys are horrified of the unknown they only know precision and Turbonetics; however Comp turbo makes the only triple ball bearing turbo on the market which are some of the fastest spooling badass turbo on the market there is. But most Buick guys wouldn't know that because they don't go outside of the box

My box is comfortable