CAR DONE!! tell me what you think.

Sharp wheels! Are those aftermarket?

When you say done was this car a basket case? Stolen, or resto?
It's actually 2 GN's made into 1 Steve. Check out some of the detailed pics Andy has & you'll see all the work he put into it. I supplied him with the '86 GN rolling chassis, he already had an '87 GN on hand, & together he made a super nice car between the 2. My hat's off to you Andy.
Originally posted by rescued87gn
Well....finally got it done...almost, just badges and window trim.

Tell me what you think.

1986 GN


Let me tell you what I think ! I think you need to drive it down here to Florida GIVE IT TO ME and fly back to Michigan :D ;)

Nice job , looks great
Car looks great. If I might make a suggestion. Id get a set of aluminum drums and get them bead blasted. That would complement rather than detract from the rear wheels. Like I said, Looks great though.
She's SCREAMIN for a set of Jason Cramer's pulleys (check for a deal he's got goin on) but that's a really nice car. You've salvaged what most people would junk...kudos. And I like the wheels. :)
Looks great! I remember looking at the pictures before and thinking you were crazy. Great job.

Originally posted by rescued87gn
Well....finally got it done...almost, just badges and window trim.

Tell me what you think.

1986 GN


VERY nice! Details on the wheels? I really like them.
Great job.

I'll never forget pulling mine out of the garage for the first time after the 2-year reconstruction. My car's still not done-done (didn't put the wheel well molding back in, or the hood edge molding, and other little stuff). Once you start driving it you forget about the little stuff.


Just a luverly piece of work ... well done dude. The autopsy pictures of the "doner '87" made me shudder.... to bad 'bout that car.

Can you tell me more about the wheels 15" 16" 17" ??? GM product or who ??
Looks great! No qualifyers here, its a work of art :)

I wouldn't post my liscense plate number though. Too easy to find your address and come take it for a joy ride to the chop shop.
Thank you all!!:D

Dave, the wheels are 16x8 bought at a dealer about 5 years ago. They are aftermarket, but sold from a Buick dealer. I traded a buddy for them a few years ago for some other wheels.

lburou, the plate is not registered to my house, and the car is behind 2 cars in the driveway in a locked garage with me sleeping right next to with a Glock .40 next to my bed. During the day, I live next to an old folks home, ALWAYS But i do appreciate the tip:D

My Dad has those same rims on his T. 16x8 ARE's. Everywhere he goes people love them and he has won awards at car shows for best wheel rim combo.