Can cops legally do this?

It's pretty uncalled for to tell someone to stop "crying like a bitch" because they disagree with policies and laws that they deem outlandish and unjust. I think all laws should be reviewed and updated. There are tons of laws on the books that are stupid as hell. We live in a democracy and are allowed to question the government. I don't people have a problem with penalizing street racing I have a problem with the punishment.

I think a lot of the speed limits should be increased because they were created when cars took longer to stop and were harder to control. IN MY OPINION speed limits now are mainly used to gather revenue for the local government and are not intended to save lives. I know I've almost been in accidents because some idiot slammed on their breaks because a police car was on the side of the road. Whats more dangerous traffic cruising along 10 mph over the limit or big set of BREAK LIGHTS out of the blue at 75mph?

I think a very good system would be adjustable speed limits depending on weather and conditions for example. Rational thought and problem resolution goes out the window when the government wants its money.

I agree. If it's bad weather out,then the speed limit should be more strictly enforced. But if it's a clear day with no congested roads,then speeding should not be a major issue.
People seem to forget that we have a voice in our gov't. Instead they worry about what will happen to them if they speak out. We should not be afraid of out gov't,gov't should be afraid of us,the citizens.
Only the bad guys can have fast cars well now the tables have turned and everyone is crying. FL State Troopers have modified Mercury Marauders as chase and patrol cars. The next county over from me has a Marauder also. They even have a sport bike to go after motorcycles. Here in NJ, troopers have black Crown Vic with tints and a big white window sticker advertising that they are a limo company. The trooper might be cruising at 70 and waits for a driver to pass him, then he lights him up.

There are number of jurisdictions with Marauders. I've got quite a conspiracy theory built on them. Here's the CliffNotes version. You know all of those CrownVic gas tank fires? Well did you know that every PD that filed a lawsuit against Ford for a gas tank fire or casualty got a Marauder as an out of court settlement? FL got 18 MMs. As far as I can tell they had lawsuits for one death and 3 permanent disabilty lawsuits. This is for all departments in the state not just the FHP. I don't know how Ford figured out how many each state got but there was also money involved for buying radar and radio equipment and payroll for additional cops. Ford got one huge tax write off and got rid of all of thier inventory of the slow selling MM's. I'm not joking. I couldn't make chit like this up. I would just like to find more of it in writing. I'd love to see how "The Man" answers my aquistions of trading pain and suffering for police cars. Especially when we dont need them. According to what is published in the papers FHP has a shortage of 250 troopers and an excess inventory of patrol cars. If you do the math than FHP isn't going to need new patrol cars for the next 10 years assuming they dont hire new recruits to fill those 250 slots. :mad:
In the Worcester MA area, there was a basic looking red 4th gen Camaro with tinted windows that the State used. That caught many people up and down I290/190. Seen plenty of green and blue Mustangs used as well. The chargers havent made much of a presence here yet but that will soon change.
Alot of people lack common sense. On bad days, people still will try to do the speed limit. When they wreck, they blame it on the road never on themselves.

There should a mandatory defensive driving class as part the license process.

Billy T.
I'm sure no one disagrees with them catching street racers. It's the way they're using the cars to catch drivers for MINOR INFRACTIONS. They should be using the cars to catch other street racers.

That is really really low. That definitely should be entrapment. :mad:

How is it entrapment? If driver's know that there could be a LEO lurking, they drive more cautiously. How many times did you see a trooper cruising on a highway and no one passes him, hmmmmmmmm I wonder why.

What about the drug buy/bust? What about narco/detectives using confiscated cars as surveillance? Aren't all those entrapment. Maybe should park a marked Crown Vic in the area.

Billy T.
It's pretty uncalled for to tell someone to stop "crying like a bitch" because they disagree with policies and laws that they deem outlandish and unjust. I think all laws should be reviewed and updated. There are tons of laws on the books that are stupid as hell. We live in a democracy and are allowed to question the government. I don't have a problem with penalizing street racing I have a problem with the punishment.

So what type of punishment do you think is rational. We'll give him/her a fine and let them go. So they go and pay the fine and they're out racing again. He/she is out racing again but this time he/she runs over or wrecks into one of your family members and they are killed or paralyzed. Then the family sues the PD for letting them go but if you took their car away, you would have avoided the problem.

I think a lot of the speed limits should be increased because they were created when cars took longer to stop and were harder to control. IN MY OPINION speed limits now are mainly used to gather revenue for the local government and are not intended to save lives. I know I've almost been in accidents because some idiot slammed on their breaks because a police car was on the side of the road. Whats more dangerous, traffic cruising along 10 mph over the limit or big set of BREAK LIGHTS out of the blue at 75mph?

I could see your point on raising the speed limit. How many drivers could drive or have the experience of driving fast? Does every street have a speed limit sign posted, probably not. When you took your driver's test, one of the questions was probably what is the speed limit in a residential area....25mph. But since there is no sign posted, you can go as fast as you want.

I think a very good system would be adjustable speed limits depending on weather and conditions for example. Rational thought and problem resolution goes out the window when the government wants its money.

It might work for me and you but not for the general public.

Billy T.
So what type of punishment do you think is rational. We'll give him/her a fine and let them go. So they go and pay the fine and they're out racing again. He/she is out racing again but this time he/she runs over or wrecks into one of your family members and they are killed or paralyzed. Then the family sues the PD for letting them go but if you took their car away, you would have avoided the problem.

I could see your point on raising the speed limit. How many drivers could drive or have the experience of driving fast? Does every street have a speed limit sign posted, probably not. When you took your driver's test, one of the questions was probably what is the speed limit in a residential area....25mph. But since there is no sign posted, you can go as fast as you want.

It might work for me and you but not for the general public.

Billy T.

You wouldn't happen to be one of those "happy-go-lucky" NJ trooper's would ya?

I would not pull over for those cars unless they clearly have law enforcement plates or some other ID, for the same fact that they mentioned in the segment, "what about people who install blue lights and impersonate the police". Catch me in a real cruiser or kiss my @ss. :rolleyes: I'm not stopping for a 350Z behind me with flashing lights, could be any idiot.

But yeah there's been cars like this in IL for a while, used to take the highway daily to school and I'd see Mustangs pulling people over, even some fat female cop that got out of a red Viper. :eek:
So what type of punishment do you think is rational. We'll give him/her a fine and let them go. So they go and pay the fine and they're out racing again. He/she is out racing again but this time he/she runs over or wrecks into one of your family members and they are killed or paralyzed. Then the family sues the PD for letting them go but if you took their car away, you would have avoided the problem.

I could see your point on raising the speed limit. How many drivers could drive or have the experience of driving fast? Does every street have a speed limit sign posted, probably not. When you took your driver's test, one of the questions was probably what is the speed limit in a residential area....25mph. But since there is no sign posted, you can go as fast as you want.

It might work for me and you but not for the general public.

Billy T.

I think a rational punishment would be to impound a persons car for a predetermined length of time for the first infraction, even longer on the second infraction and then confiscation or maybe jail time. That was just off the top of my head.

How many drivers are trained to drive fast? Apparently 99% of the ones I see on the highway everyday. Accidents happen but they are not the scourge of society. I'm pretty sure accidents would be less plentiful with better training. Kind of a proactive solution instead of obedience by fear and intimidation. It was also pretty obvious I wasn't talking about residential neighborhoods either. Of course speed limits in residential neighborhoods are very good and should be enforced.

As far as an adjustable speed limit? I think it could work and you might be giving too little credit to the general public. How will we ever know? There wouldn't be much money in it for local governments so no politician would ever lobby for it.

I still feel very strongly against the government being able to take away someones possessions because they feel justified. Once it starts where does it end?
LOL...! One is committing a crime when street racing. Your rolling the dice every time you go out. I guess that's what makes it exciting, the thrill of trying to get away with it. So a few guys get popped and now people are whining about the Police doing what been done with other crimes for decades...:rolleyes:

Lets be real. What is more dangerous to YOUR family? Street racers on public streets that YOU and YOUR family frequent daily or drug dealers killing each other in shoot outs in the projects where YOU and YOUR family will never be?

If fines alone were sending the message there would be no need to seize cars. The Police didn't start out seizing cars. It has escalated over the last decade and therefore enforcement action too has escalated. Do you think cops dress up like cops when they send under cover Police officers in to buy drugs? Of course not. Operating a car similar to those that street race is the most effective way to deter racing because one will never really be sure if its the Police or not.

I think it's a little harsh myself but it's only that way because previous counter measures have failed.
There is a lot of suburbs of chicago that have unmarked cars.A lot of people talk about raising speed limits.I hear alot of people talk that cars are safer than they used to be.They are except when you see people driving crazy and speeding away from police and putting lives in danger. If you try to lose a cop in a high speed chase you should lose your car and your licence forever. If you get busted for drinking and driving you should lose you car and licence forever.If you get busted with drugs in your car you should lose both of them also. Sound a little harsch? Sure does. But that will cure a lot of problems.The police have a hard enough time doing there job.Thease cars make it a little easier for them. Tell me if you were a cop you wouldnt drive one of those cars.That would be a blast. Cant imagine the look on someones face after getting pulled over by a 350z.priceless.If you know your breaking the law dont cry when you get busted.
Gotta watch out for that Tahoe that has the soccer mom sticker on it 'round here- chances are it a Washington State Patrol vehicle that just nailed you:eek:
You guys know these cops are out back racing the cars they just confiscated :mad: and the parts "they say" they pulled off are going on their own personal cars. :mad: That would really suck to be cruising along then have one of these pigs in a Cobra taunt you into a race only to pull you over after. I think it's a good thing their doing. :rolleyes:
I see that the Ministry of Truth has found this thread.

Big brother knows what is best for our own good.. and he is always watching.
There is a lot of suburbs of chicago that have unmarked cars.A lot of people talk about raising speed limits.I hear alot of people talk that cars are safer than they used to be.They are except when you see people driving crazy and speeding away from police and putting lives in danger. If you try to lose a cop in a high speed chase you should lose your car and your licence forever. If you get busted for drinking and driving you should lose you car and licence forever.If you get busted with drugs in your car you should lose both of them also. Sound a little harsch? Sure does. But that will cure a lot of problems.The police have a hard enough time doing there job.Thease cars make it a little easier for them. Tell me if you were a cop you wouldnt drive one of those cars.That would be a blast. Cant imagine the look on someones face after getting pulled over by a 350z.priceless.If you know your breaking the law dont cry when you get busted.

However, part of the reasoning behind Police and Emergency vehicles being clearly marked are so that people can avoid them when they are responding to an emergency call. Think about it, you are just about to crest the hill at a 4 way intersection and you have the green light, you hear a siren to your left and see a 350 Z approaching, expecting him to stop and or/pull over for what you believe to be a typical police vehicle. The slight hesitation caused by not seeing what you expect could be dangerous. Also, how many impersonators are out there? How many women driving alone on a nearly empty highway are going to find it easy to pull over for a modded out mustang or 350Z as opposed to a legitmate police vehicle.

I don't think most people have a problem with Police departments using as high of a performace vehicle as they want. Use a Veryon for all I care, I am not going to run. But if you do use a Veryon, paint it like a typical police vehicle, put a slim light bar on the top. Make it identifyable, so I don't think I am being F'd with by some F&F wannabe with a dozen strobe lights, valve stem lights, windshield squirter lights etc.

Remember, Police don't need a fast car to catch speeders. All they need is one mod to their cars, its called a Motorola, and that radio is the only weapon they need.

Love all the hipocrit's in here, with "you gotta pay to play", but when you were playing it was ok, right?:rolleyes:

Taking vehiclels is harsh punishment for a first offense of street racing...

Love all the hipocrit's in here, with "you gotta pay to play", but when you were playing it was ok, right?:rolleyes:

Taking vehiclels is harsh punishment for a first offense of street racing...

Nice thought, right up till your the guy investigating the multiple fatal accident and you get to go tell someones family (those who are left) that they were splattered all over the road because someone else was street racing.
Street racing is dumb... and the penalties should be harsh for it.

But that's not to say that I've never done it, or will not do it in the future.

It's not every day that you've got a driver in a 2007/8 Saleen baiting you into a run. The sheer look of his face as he realises that his 60K Penis has performance anxiety because he can't pull away from a bird poop white 85 Cutlass.... is an opportunity than just can't be let go.

I will say... EVERY time I've raced has been with no traffic (except the other car and what's behind us), and on divided roads (abundant here in my town) in areas where there are no houses and no side streets intersecting.

I try to minimize collateral damage, and only risk my life and the other racers.

I drive slower than my wife in her minivan in residential areas:tongue:
I see that the Ministry of Truth has found this thread.

Big brother knows what is best for our own good.. and he is always watching.


When i turned 16 i got my license. no limits, no questions. now when kids get thier license they have stipulations, they have limits and thats a good thing but with each generation, the new generation seems to push the laws and responsibility to the limit and that it seems to me is when the out pouring of "we need more laws" happens.

No we need to get the reckless kids off the streets, punks with 3 yrs under thier belts ...drinking, car is loaded with friends and they dont know when to quit, they line em up at any light, talk alot of crap and neither one will budge when they hit 80.

At that age they have no common sense and no fear.

My friends wife called me yesterday to tell me the 21yr old son jeffers was out with his 2 buddies last weekend, all drunk in jeffers 02 pontiac SC, getting silly with someone on the hway and flipped it 3 times...more stupid sillyness from dumb reckless kids.

Really its not us 30 on up yr olds that are causing the stupidity but we may wind up paying the price even though were smart enough to know when its safe to put the smakdown on some twerp in a mustang

And there aint anyone here that cant tell me that at 69 yrs old Chuck Leeper pulls up to a light and some snot nose punk is next to him reving up..that chuck wont put a serious can of ass whoop on the kid.
As long as its reasonably safe to do so and thats the difference between us and them...we know what were doing

but once again we may pay the price for the influx of high performance cars and low performance drivers

did i make any sense?
Nice thought, right up till your the guy investigating the multiple fatal accident and you get to go tell someones family (those who are left) that they were splattered all over the road because someone else was street racing.

...and the flip side to that is, the person responsible for such an accident gets nailed with vehicular manslaugter, and the law and punishment for that takes care of itself. Point is, laws and punishments should not be based on the most extreme result of a crime(i.e. your example).