Boycot Pepsi


New Member
Jun 23, 2001
Pepsi has come out with a new can with the empire state building on it and the Pledge Aligence to the Flag, but they left out UNDER GOD on purpose so they would not affend anyone!! This is total bs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I for one will not buy a pepsi till they retract and add UNDER GOD...
Joe Horvith, Noslo6
Even though the US has a Republican Congress, Senate, and President, stuff like this will never change for the better. It'll only keep getting more and more liberal. The only thing that'll reverse it is a nice right-wing dictatorship.
Has anyone seen this Pepsi can? According to the website ( this accusation of Pepsi is not true. Dr. Pepper did this in November 2001 and the website explains why.

I would be interested if anyone has seen a Pepsi can with the above mentioned info on it. If they have, then the article is incorrect.
If I'm not mistaken the original plegde did not contain the phrase under God,that was added by Eisenhower. I'm independent in my political beliefs and try not to be pulled into silly political spats. I don't drink Pepsi because I don't care for the taste of it.

I don't think the original needed to be changed and I hope it goes back to the original. (And I have the faith in God). But,if I need a cola in a pinch for my Captains a pepsi will do!!
I've seen the dr pepper can that says " nation, indivisible..." That was so "last year".

I doubt Pepsi would do the same thing after the controversy Dr. Pepper stirred up.

If people are going to boycott stuff, why not start with the democrat party, since its members seem to endorse about 95% of the stuff people want to boycott.
Originally posted by lburou
Who drinks pepsi....YUK :D
Exactly, pop is nasty to begin with. especially pepsi. I stick w/ oj and water....which are also alot easier on the teeth. See...:D
Originally posted by BlackBuick84
Exactly, pop is nasty to begin with. especially pepsi. I stick w/ oj and water....which are also alot easier on the teeth. See...:D

If I live to be 130, I'll never understand people who don't like colas. For me it's a way of life.
Originally posted by BlackBuick84
Exactly, pop is nasty to begin with. especially pepsi. I stick w/ oj and water....which are also alot easier on the teeth. See...:D

What's pop? Oh, you mean soda - never mind. :D

I'll boycott Pepsi when they start charging more for a can than Coke. I buy whatever's the cheapest.
After becoming parched from eating too many Kit Kats, Snicker's or Pringles , I find that a chocolate milkshake is the only true way to vanquish the thirst. Using Breyers' of course.;)
I used to drink Coke all the time until I started getting Kidney stones. Someone told me to stop drinking them because they may be causing the stones. I quit drinking all soft drinks for two years, meanwhile I had two more stones. Guess it didn't help. Now, I like water 10X better than regular Coke. Diet coke is OK, but I never drink it either. Regular coke is like eating a spoon full of sugar with every gulp! Once you get used to not drinking it, you can easily see why people don't drink them. My kids and wife love it though.
Totally an Urban Legend. There are tons of websites about these. Do a Google search.

M. Fitzgerald
87 GN 11.9 @ 115
NOT urban legend: Put a tooth in a cup of coke, in one week acid/sugar actoion has eaten it. Or just look at some of these Alabama girls' mouths.:eek:
Originally posted by xlr8ngn
Once you get used to not drinking it, you can easily see why people don't drink them.
Exactly right, in high school I'd drink at least one can of POP;) a day. And I'd always feel bad. once I got into college I started drinking mainly just water and it made a big difference.
Cranberry juice will clean out some of that soda acid...

...this country was founded on "freedom of religion", not "freedom from religion"...:rolleyes:

what percentage of the country wants God in the pledge, what percentage wants God out of the plege, what percentage even know there is a debate...:confused: