Boost spike to 30lbs!!!


it's not a MONTE CARLO!!!
Sep 5, 2006
On my way home from having some new parts installed today, I stabed the throttle and got a 30lb boost spike! :eek: Boost was set at 16lbs when I took it in. I asked him to turn it up to 19lbs after installing the new parts. Called mechanic when I got home, he said the same thing happened to him, plus he blew the up-pipe off! Please Help! :confused:
What parts got installed? Bet he left something in the boost control plumbing disconnected, or backwards or something.
How good is your mech. at GN's?
Not good, if you are running a manual boost controller then pull the screw way way out and start all over again. Check for any hose tears or if he screwed in the adjustable arm way to far.
If the same thing happened to the mechanic he should have (and needs to) correct it.

Kind of strange that your mechanic said the same thing happened to him after the fact and didn't mention it to you in the 1st place. if I were your mechanic and you told me to bump up the BOOST 3psi I would have said no way unless your Present tuneup was handling 16psi with 0 knock and 02's/AFR showed room to move, you had higher octane fuel then pump-gas in your tank(16 to 19psi is quite a increase on pumpgas), made sure you had a Boost gauge and Fuel pressure gauge to monitor FP and Boost simutaneously and for sure a scantool (at least a ScanMaster) to monitor 02's and KR. 4. You usually just don't up and bump boost 3psi.. What parts did this mechanic change out for you that you would tell him to straight up add 3psi of boost after the install? Definately sounds like plumbing and I would have to ask the same question as Turbo Dave how good is your mechanic? With a spike of 30psi Hopefully only your up-pipe was the only thing blown. By the way hope your car is alright and you get things straightned out.
On my way home from having some new parts installed today, I stabed the throttle and got a 30lb boost spike! :eek: Boost was set at 16lbs when I took it in. I asked him to turn it up to 19lbs after installing the new parts. Called mechanic when I got home, he said the same thing happened to him, plus he blew the up-pipe off! Please Help! :confused:

What octane are you running?
Not good, if you are running a manual boost controller then pull the screw way way out and start all over again. Check for any hose tears or if he screwed in the adjustable arm way to far.

I agree. Double check that all vacuum lines to the turbo are on and not loose. Llook for a mechanic who understands Buick turbo cars.
I think we (the Mechanic and I) got to the bottom of it. My mechanic is not real familiar with GN's but, living out here in no man's land leaves me with not much choice. I do trust the guy, we are learning together. I would do stuff myself, if my body would still let me! :(

Anyway we figured out it's proabably the boost control plumbing, He's going to come by and help me with it in the next couple of days. I'm looking for a diagram or pictures or something right now.

All my new stuff is in my sig. Car should be ok, running 101 unled. All scanmaster readings look ok. no knock, no lean condition.

Thanks for your response's guys, learning all the time.

I was thinking of going to a RJC boost controller, what do you guys think?

Thanks again
Boost spike

Hey Bret glad to hear you have a handle on it. Looking at your sig you have a nicely equipped ride actually very nice. Glad to hear you had some Octane in the tank..These cars can be a pain in the butt, but it sure is fun learning, I can imagine the cringe you made when Boost spiked like it did, talk about gettin off the throttle. Too bad your way out in the boonies/corn fields I 'd help ya work on your ride. Sounds like You have a bad back that doesn't allow you to do the things you used to? One thing you might remember to do once you have lines to turbo compressor, wastegate/actuator ,boost controler /solenoid hooked up be sure and zip tie them or use some hose clamps you don't want lines coming off again tell me how I know. Experience is the best tutor. Good Luck
Thanks for the words of encouragement ChavoLC2! Learning things the hard way is the story of my life.:rolleyes: Not a bad back that keeps me down, it's a lung/heart disease thats called PPH. I have a constant infusion of a drug called FLOLAN, and have to wear O2's 90% of the time. You could say I'm heavy on the accessories! Ha Ha Ha :D Are you close by? maybe I'll run into you at a car event. Feel free to PM me if you don't wan't the world to know your location. As far as the hose clamps go, one step ahead of you there. Now need the weather to get nice again.
Bean fields

Your way out in the cornfields of Nebraska(CornHusker)I'm way out in the beanfields of N.Mex.(Tamale Husker) Back in 1987 rode a bicycle across America followed the Platt river thru Nebraska , Osh Gosh, Beatrice, and Ogallala. Some of the Kindest people I ever met were thru the state of Nebraska just great Hospitality. Went thru OshGosh on the 4th Of July and they put our whole bike group(59 riders) up for Barbecue with all the fixins.

Yeah wish I was closer would be great to meet you. I'm sure your like the good 'ol folks we met back then. Despite our accessories and handicap we would definately get some GN work done. My chronic back/pain is nothin in comparison to your PPH, but I do have accessories too LOL; a spinal stimulator and med pump that delivers MSo4 intrathecally...Not as heavy as your E-cylinder of oxygen you carry around ..Man how long have you had/diagnosed with primary pulmonary hypertension..? Wow that's tough, cool to see you have a passion for these cars and you give it a go the best you can. Were you ever well enough numbers/pressure wise to get on a Heart/Lung transplant list? This beaners medical back ground is Respiratory therapist and a Registered Cardiovascular Invasive Specialist. Presbyterian Hospital here in Albuquerque we used to do Heart transplants(was part of the Heart Transplant Team) we only did a handful of heart lung transplants(predominately women). We'd do the Right and Left heart caths with nipride or nitrous oxide. We always hoped for the best to try and get pulmonary pressures down below a acceptable pressure level so they could be elgible for a heart. I'm sure you've had those cath procedures, and echos done. As you know have to get them Pulm. pressures. down or the new heart won't last long pumping against high press./resistance. Used to fix lil babys too that had pulmonary valve stenosis or pulmonary artery stenosis. Them babies' right heart can't withstand that resistance . We'd valvuloplasty their tiny Pulmonary valves or use small angioplasty balloons on the pulmonary arteries to open them up. What used to be kind of mind boggling is that these babies hearts were the size of a walnut..
WOW! Chavo the people you meet on this board never ceases to amaze me! Someone who actually knows what PPH is! My health problems stem back to when I was born pre-mature on an Army base in Germany. I had to have a Portal-renal shunt when I was five years old. I have a nice size scar from that! I led a pretty normal life up until 2001 when I was diagnosed with PPH. Heck I even played football for a class A state champion team in high school. I’m not on the transplant list. The success rate of lung transplants is very low as you probably know. Just not worth the risk to me yet. My pressures are the highest the Transplant clinic have ever seen (Lucky Me). I don’t feel too sorry for myself. I am lucky enough to be able to live with my parents; they help with the daily chores. I was lucky enough to still be single when I was diagnosed, so I don’t have to drag a wife and kids through this. Things could be worse!
Sorry to hear about your back, was it work related? How big is your pump?
As far as living out here in fly-over country, Shhhh don’t let out our little secret here in Nebraska. In junior-high I was able to visit NM for a week thanks to a great history teacher! Taos, Albuquerque, and Santa Fe, I visited them all learning about the culture and ancient Indian tribes. I loved it. NM and WY are the only other places in the country that I’ve been to that I’d want to live.
Woo Hoo! We got the new vacuum lines on and presto! no more Boost spike. Thanks everyone, once again!!!