
What sort of nonsense? I mean, I'm sick of it too, but I just stay mostly disengaged... It helps my head :) Do you mean on this forum?
I read that thread. Though I didn't see anything over the top enough to make someone become "sick of it all". Not that I doubt Bisons patience. It's his decision, and I respect that. I'm just want to know who put him over the top, as it makes me kinda irritated. I loved reading Bisons posts. They helped me immensely. I always relied on the fact that he had a provable answer. I love technical information, it's like a drug to me. That sucks. Who would go out of their way to irritate a member that helped soo much? That's illogical.
Idk bison has a hell of a reputation on this board and im sure to those that know him personally thats not something that comes easy and i wouldnt let a few haters stop me from doin what i love or talking to people i identify with mabye hes jumping the gun who knows...I certainly appreciate all his info and advice..If you are reading this bison dont let a few haters change you thats exactly what they want dont give it to them.. Watch this it may make you laugh and reconsider your position with you fellow buick bros... YouTube - Katt Williams- Haters
I have never met the man personally but I have read a TON of his posts and he helped Clark6 on here a personal friend of mine work out the bugs on his car. Bison is a wealth of info and he always offered it FREELY just to help out the guys in here. I can totally understand how a whiner can get under your skin Bison but there are a ton of guys on here that really appciate your help man. Hope it works out soon. Daniel Ray
He is a great member and I hate to see him quit posting... He is one of the most knowledgeable buick guys up here too...
It's really a terrible loss to the community. His knowledge is priceless but I can understand the way he feels.
I read that thread. Though I didn't see anything over the top enough to make someone become "sick of it all". Not that I doubt Bisons patience. It's his decision, and I respect that. I'm just want to know who put him over the top, as it makes me kinda irritated........ Who would go out of their way to irritate a member that helped soo much? That's illogical.

I hope he is just real busy or on vacation and returns soon. No matter how much knowledge or experience we have, there is always more to learn.

I appreciated his info and comments. :)

However, this is not the first time some know-it-all member or members have been arrogant and rude in driving a good person away from this board, and other forums too.

Many times it is not a right or wrong tech issue, it is just different. Some people think their way or method is the BEST and only, instead of having an open mind. Impossible to learn and absorb when one is ranting or talking.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but state it that way, not as a fact. :confused:

I would think that a person that has worked on or owned more than one of our turbo cars has a "little" more experience than an owner who never has had grease under his fingernails. ;)

I hope this lessen will be another benchmark for members, as well as administration procedures, to curtail the negative, offensive stuff that leads to un-necessary battles and tiffs.

Maybe we cannot all get along, but at least be more civil and patient with each other.

As someone smarter than I said, " can't we at least agree to disagree?" ;)
Let me tell you guys something, I've been friends with Brian for a long time. He lived up the street from me and met one day when he stoped in when I was working on my T-Type outside the garage. Not very many people would just stop in to a stangers house and talk about Buicks. And this was when he was about 150 pounds soaking wet and just out of high school. To this day, I frequently debate with him on engine theory and transmission tech. We both like to surround ourselves with people that have the same passion as we do and willing to exchange ideas.

Bison's lack of posting isn't because he's scared away. I don't think anything could scare him away. If you knew his personality, he just can't tolerate a-holes. He has much better things to do then exchange negative comments with people he doesn't know. He is a very busy person outside of this board.

Brian(Bison) does what he does because he has the passion and personal drive to better himself. He doesn't make a dime on giving tech advice, he just likes helping people and makeing there cars better. He would rather see someone make the best of what they got instead of wasting money on parts they don't need. I'm sure he rubs some of the vendors the wrong way because of this.

Allan G.
One of the main reasons I visit this site is because of the information people are willing to give out. It can be right or wrong. You have to decide that for yourself. It would be a loss if people like bison, turbofabricator and a host of many others quit posting on this site.
It's pretty unfortunate that a freaking website could cause so much damage and heartache. Unfortunately though, I'd have to agree with Bison. I wouldnt want to put up with half the idiots on this board if I had the knowledge he does. This community is so small and everybody thinks they are the "best" and thats why the MAJORITY of vendors/speedshops/shop owners wont post technical advice on here. Why would they unless they are making a profit. The only time these people post is to either defend themselves or to advertise. It's all a profit game. Example, Chris is about the only trans builder (company owner) that post tech info in the Transmission section. I appreciate that and I have sent people his way becuase of that. Knowledge is a huge thing and Support is even more huge for this board. Now you have a guy like Bison come on here and spend multiple hours posting tech advice and helping our members for free. Then to have some idiot come on here and post like he did would really piss me off if I was Bison. We all know the poster is really someone that is hooked up with a particular shop. I'd say F it too. Not worth the time. Too many people acting like woman on this board sometimes. I'm glad I'm dumb compared to Bison and dont have to worry about!
There about a handful guys on this forum that really know there stuff and share it openly. I don’t support of condone what took place in the other thread but to lose Bison is a great loss. Come on back Bison I always like your direct to the point advise and have learned much from. thanks Chad
It's a shame. I spend a huge part of the time on here just reading reading reading. Mostly of what people like Nick Micale, Bison, jdpolzin, and a small handful of others have to post even if it's not directed at any problems that affect me. I've picked up so much from this site in the short time I've been here. These guys have helped me in so many ways and don't even realize it. It's priceless.
Bottom line, we are all here to share info. Like Nick says, whether right or wrong you have to come to your own conclusions. I have gone round and round with members and hold no grudge. Thats how it should be. No one knows everything and no one can give the right answer for every little thing that pops up over the net. It's just not possible. We can only give advice based on our experiences.

I have helped a ton of people on this board with little to no credit at all. I take phone calls at night and on weekends. I give better support than the vendors.

It gets old.