Battery drain issue..

Anything's possible. Get a magnetic base and a dial indicator. While you have the rocker shaft off, put it on all the pushrods and see if they all travel the same.

You could also fire it up with the valve cover off and listen. You'll get a few oil spatters but nothing major.

If the noise if from a wiped cam, the lifter and pushrod should be sitting low in the engine. While that one is on the base circle, the rocker should be 'sloppier' than the others.
Found the problem with the car. The EGR block off plate was leaking but in the garage it sounded like a clunking. Pulled it out of the garage and listened to it more. It sounded more like an exhaust leak than a clunk outside of the garage.

I pulled both valve covers and ran the car. It ran flawlessly but still had the noise that's when I decided to pull it outside and take a listen. I still had the EGR so I put it back on and it was running perfectly. Just got back from taking it for a drive and it ran smooth and no noise. It sounded completely different inside the garage. It is so strange. I am still going to get the rocker shaft braces.

Thanks for all the help. I still have the battery drain issue but I will be able to get the car out next Tuesday. I put it in the garage with the hood closed and no battery tender. I will see how many volts I have after letting it sit for the next 4 days.