Anybody see this video of the 5th wheel hitting the Bank awning?

how ironic

There is a autozone across the street. I bet they seen the window sticker caption that says " If you can't dodge it, Ram It " It motivated them :p
I'm suprised noone was hurt. Before the camera gets crushed it looked like the cab got it pretty bad.
lmao that was awesome!! I have a 5th wheel so I have to watch for that crap too. My buddy pulled his small 17ft'r under a car wash and knocked off his roof A/C unit lol
Somehow the driver lived, you can see how the very side of the wall just took out the door.

Man that's a rough day and luckily they are ok but, can you image this claim to your insurance company?:eek: :frown: :mad:
I watched an RV driver do the same thing out in Wyoming. I never could figure out why he did not see the roofline of the canopy over the gas pumps coming towards his windshield.

Chicago is low bridge city so you have to know where you are going when you drive a big truck.

Had another driver try to beat me to a loading dock (they only load one truck at a time) and he went straight where we were supposed to turn left to take a detour around a low bridge. I yelled in the CB for him to stop but too late.
He hit the railroad bridge and shoved the reefer about 8 feet into the trailer.

if you do some searching, GMA did a spot on that, interview with the guy and kid in the truck and everything. I'll see if I can find the link again.