anti theft options


i like my 85
Sep 22, 2004
What is the right way to go with an anti theft device? What are the easiest and the cheapest options? Chips, Homemade kill switches? Car is an 85 Turbo buick all stock.
Homemade kill switches.
Then try to think of something new, that the average crook wouldn't think of.
Once you post on the net your clever idea, in 15 mins the crooks will also know.
Dents and primer always worked for me:D
Oh and put some reg. steel wheels on minus hubcaps, that keeps the vermin away;)

Seriously kill swiches as Bruce mentioned and whatever you do do not tell anyone where they are or post anywhere on the net. Trust no one and you should have far fewer problems, sad but true.

A friend of mine had a switch on his Civic, he came out in the morning to find his column busted but his car was still there. No alarm or he may have heard them but at least he had the switch.
Steadfast in tandem with a few other things such as kill switches, etc. are good. Be smart about where you leave your car and how long you leave it there.
Siren inside

I think someone once posted about having the alarm siren inside the car. 145db won't feel too good on the ears as they are jacking your ride.
Alarm, Fuel, Spark, and electric kill switches for starters. Then Colum guard and 4 locks and a alarm on the garage.. That seems to keep them at bay ;) :D And it's not bad at all where I live! I'll tell you one thing.. If I had one beer I don't think I could remember how to start my car! :p
We aren't going to tell you because then it would no longer be a mystery... to be vague it is a kill switch of sorts.
grandnati0nal said:
what is that kirbans mystery theft deterrant thing they talk about?

NOT trying to find out "How it works", but ............ is it effective??
Anyone know or recommend it?
I'm considering a device made by Ratelco for a couple of our vehicles as we live within 15 miles of the auto theft capitol of the US. The simplicity and resonable cost make it attractive, along with the hidden fuel shutoff switch and newly purchased "the wrap" to try and discourage amateurs.

I talked to the president of the co. "Ravelco"

He sent me some pics of an STi that had it. The sterring colum was Fugged but the car was still there. It's on my list of anti-theft goodies to be installed.

I've seen the "mystery deterrent". It is worthwhile.....

Also, I have the collar lock on my ride. And the VIN etched in every window. Pittweiler, Chow and Shepherd security system and an armed garage. Plus the door gets blocked by a couple of other cars.

When I'm out with the GN, it does not leave my sight unless I'm at a show because the other participants are my eyes and ears... ;)

If someone wants this car they'll need to bring a tactical assault team :cool:
Kirban's Mystery deterrent is worth while. I recently bought one. Just be creative where you hide it....aka NOT under the dash, near the column.
rip off deterrent

I like multiple layers of protection.These cars are so easy to steal. All it takes is a skinny arm and a Stanley screwdriver. First is the club, keeps the real putzes at bay. Then I have my Ultrachip, set on 0. Then I make a disabling disconnection or two, and finally, I back the car into place,cut the wheel and set the emergency brake. Makes it as hard has possible on the mothers.If they want it,and I'm not there to protect it, they will get it, but they will have to work for it! F 'em!
83ttypecooled said:
I back the car into place,cut the wheel and set the emergency brake.

I always thought nosing in and cutting the wheels made it harder. That way they can jack up the rear but as soon as they pull the front end will veer of sideways.

I have the mystery theft, chip, column lock, club and always park in garage with my Jeep blocking it. Also have two vicious ankle biters near by that will do their best to tear you feet up.
Just a hint guys.. Don't bother wasting your time nosing in or cutting your wheels. I use to repo cars and worked for many insurance companys and banks. I use to keep gallons and gallons of dish soap in the truck. When I saw someone parked like that made me want to get it more because it was a challenge! Pour the dish soap all over the driveway,on the wheels, and it would slide out like nothing. Best part is the wheels would not even make a sound. Takes some pratice but I've taken cars from driveways while the owner sat in the living room watchin tv. I was the bastard of the city but I came home with tons of money at the end of the week! :biggrin:

If someone wants your car they will get it. Leaving it parked in the open on busy streets is the number one worst thing to do. Hide it and like 83ttypecooled said.. have many layers of security. If I dropped dead I don't think there is a person on this earth that could get either of my cars started! I have kill switches to kill the kill switches. GPS is always nice as well! Don't be cheap. Protect the cars! Living in Philly I know of at least 10 people who lost GN's since they came out in 87. And none of them got them back!
Best system in my opinion, since I have it in my GN is

Viper alarm (shock sensor & back-up battery) tied into GPS
Car move 10 ft of its GEO-Fence area or alarm goes of (door,hood,trunk, shock) I am notify in less 10 second via 3 phones(house, mine & wife's cell phone) & tells me exactly were car is & asks me what I want to do