And now a completely different Buick turbo powered car!

TR Custom Parts

Mark Hueffman - Owner
May 25, 2001
Here's a couple of pics of a friends 63 (I think) Olds with it looks like a converted Hot Air motor. (yes it has an intercooler) What a sleeper. He already blew the trans and it talking about putting a manual trans in it. Trying to talk him out of it. Don't ask me any tech questions about it as I don't have a clue how he did it or why.:) Haven't seen it in person yet.
Ahh if I only had the confidence and time to transfer a TB motor into my(feel free to insert your car here) 81 z28.

Thats a good transplant looks nice and I bet its quick.
with the amount of work involved there he probably would have been better off going w/ an 86/7 motor....thats a lot of, thats pretty neat actually!!!
I've been wanting to do an LC2 in a 65 Riv for a long time. I'd like to talk to this guy.

How does the song say.. "Is that a Chevy 59?? How bizarre."

I will give anybody credit who will take on doing a hybrid in any car with a TR motor. Just wonder why he didn't go with an 86/7 motor instead. Seems that things would have been a little neater. Still.. there's no expecting what's under the hood of that.

Good job.
That's awesome! Gotta love the initiative. The only thing I don't like is the lack of separation of the ignition wires...could be interference involved.

Mark, does he get any kind of traction with that bad boy? Imagine some ricer's face..."Whoa, he's gotta have like a 454 or somethin in there."