American civilian has been beheaded by Iraqis

If you are going to do a job do it right. There was a general who testfied that larger #'s of troops would be needed to effectively secure and complete the objectives set forth in Iraq. This administration chose to ingore those #'s and fight the war the Neocon way and civilian contractors will continue dying
I shouldn't have watched that video, now I feel like crap. I have a total feeling of vengence. We should just give the Pittsburgh Steelers shot guns and let them go to Iraq and take care of the situation.
Even though I know it is wrong, I am starting to think about the genocide of Iraq.
"Believe it or not, not everyone in the middle east wants to kill themselves so they can take americans with them. People thought the Japanese could never be civilized, either. "


Dont even compare these terrorists to the Japanese. If you know anything about the Japannese culture who wouldnt be making this comparison. The Japanese culture was and is based on Codes of Honor...Bushido! They had/have a long history of a honorable way of life. Their emperor told them to give their lives and they did so willingly. Their acts were based on honor not terror. Different war and different times....
I watched that and wish I hadn't. Somethings are meant to be public. That is incredibly sad. You know what gets me the most is the Allah Akbar being screamed. Their Allah and My Catholic God (I AM), father of JC are the same entity.

At some point, people will begin to lose tolerance for the Muslim religion. OBL basically makes his case with class warfare. I wish I had a fuller knowledge of the Koran but from what education I do have on it, the Muslim religion IS NOT peaceful and full of love if you're not Muslim.

Whether you believe in what we did in Iraq or not, you have to begin to side somewhere on the issue of Radical Muslims vs. the West. The war came to us first and would / will surely continue. Take a look at Israel. Sooner or later, everyone will have to face the problem. Would you rather do it here or there? Do you believe that radical Muslims just think we're bad neighbors? Ask yourself why they are so intent on de-railing a democratic effort? Be honest in your reflection on the subject. Why do we have Syrians, Saudi's, Egyptians and other Mid Easterners in Iraq? We didn't abuse Egyptian prisoners.

Ask yourself this last question. If the US effort to democratize Iraq succeeds what will be the horrible outcome that Al Queda is afraid of? How are you oppressed here in the US? Don't you think that there are some Iraqi people who'd love to hop in their TR and go drag racing? I've seen the super wealthy Saudi videos racing their cars so I know that Middle Easterners enjoy it as much as we do.

How will the radical muslims be satisfied? The Koran says that no Muslim should be ruled by anyone but a Muslim. Pillaging & murder are dictated in the holy book. It actually prescribes that when you take over a enemy of the Muslim people's country that you must only take 4/5's of their property. If it's in the name of a holy crusade, it's OK to do it. Hence the praise to Allah when they cut the young man's head off.

Look at it this way. There are 3 versions of the world's most popular religious deity. The holy scriptures (old testament), the new testament and the Koran. They all believe in the same God. Only one person of the significant characters in those books advocates this type behaviour in the name of God. Wanna guess who? Hint, it wasn't Moses, David, Jesus, Peter or any of the others in the first two book mentioned.
Originally posted by We4ster
"Believe it or not, not everyone in the middle east wants to kill themselves so they can take americans with them. People thought the Japanese could never be civilized, either. "


Dont even compare these terrorists to the Japanese. If you know anything about the Japannese culture who wouldnt be making this comparison. The Japanese culture was and is based on Codes of Honor...Bushido! They had/have a long history of a honorable way of life. Their emperor told them to give their lives and they did so willingly. Their acts were based on honor not terror. Different war and different times....

Bataan and Nanking were all about Honor :rolleyes:

Nice try.
I watched the video this morning. I thought I was pretty desensitized, but this video was one of the worst things I've ever seen. RIP Nick :(

Bataan was horrible, no question! But the Japanese people were/are honorable people...War changes people! Look what we did to the japanese/americans....internment...
The radical muslims have no honor!

Ever heard of the crusades or the spanish inquisition?
How many times have christians killed in the name of god?

The radical muslims do not speak for the majority of the muslims,
they are scum.........
Originally posted by are_one
I watched the video this morning. I thought I was pretty desensitized, but this video was one of the worst things I've ever seen. RIP Nick :(
For those who still haven't seen it; do yourselves a favor: don't watch it. I wish I hadn't seen it now. It'll twist your stomach into knots and stay with you. It's vile. Pure evil! Disgusting!:mad:
Originally posted by We4ster

Bataan was horrible, no question! But the Japanese people were/are honorable people...War changes people! Look what we did to the japanese/americans....internment...
The radical muslims have no honor!

The Japanese at Nanking or Wake Island had no Honor.

Saying "look what we did to Japanese americans" and comparing that to what the Japanese did to Nanking is like comparing the "prisoner abuse scandal" to the 300,000 Iraqi's Saddam put in Mass Graves.

NO comparison.
Originally posted by We4ster
"Believe it or not, not everyone in the middle east wants to kill themselves so they can take americans with them. People thought the Japanese could never be civilized, either. "


Dont even compare these terrorists to the Japanese. If you know anything about the Japannese culture who wouldnt be making this comparison. The Japanese culture was and is based on Codes of Honor...Bushido! They had/have a long history of a honorable way of life. Their emperor told them to give their lives and they did so willingly. Their acts were based on honor not terror. Different war and different times....

WE4STER............OUT OF BOTH SIDES OF YOU MOUTH. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by MeanBuicks
For those who still haven't seen it; do yourselves a favor: don't watch it. I wish I hadn't seen it now. It'll twist your stomach into knots and stay with you. It's vile. Pure evil! Disgusting!:mad:

That's good advice, Greg. I don't need to see it. I'm already pissed. However, all you peace need to watch it. These are the people we are at war with. You seem to have some problem accepting that the terrorists are totally evil and wish to kill you. The war is in Iraq. That's where THEY are. :mad:

Nick Berg..........only reason he was in Iraq was because he wanted to help Iraqi people. He wasn't military. All he was guilty of was being an American. :(
Originally posted by We4ster

Ever heard of the crusades or the spanish inquisition?
How many times have christians killed in the name of god?

The radical muslims do not speak for the majority of the muslims,
they are scum.........

Crusades? Weren't they in the 900s........AD? Spanish inquisition? Great analogies. :rolleyes:

I'd like to hear the majority of Muslims.......speak for themselves. I haven't heard much of anything from them. Nothing positive from the Arabic Muslims who live here. How come? :confused:
Originally posted by We4ster

Ever heard of the crusades or the spanish inquisition?
How many times have christians killed in the name of god?

The radical muslims do not speak for the majority of the muslims,
they are scum.........

That's a good comparison. You really should have thrown Hitler in there too. How about Stalin's purges or maybe even Pol Pot to step astride of your rickety arguement. David Koresh should probably be on your list too.

Listen you pull out the simple analogies like this and want me to take them seriously? I am a Christian - as in Jesus Christ my lord and saviour. (Atheists who belittle those with faith based foundations can ridicule me later.) Did he pull off the Crusades or any other killing in the name of man? Therre was only one person he allowed to be killed for the sake of everyone.

I believe the Koran speaks for the majority of Muslims though. Radicals only are intrepeting the Koran more literally than most muslims believe. You could compare them to Mel Gibson in his august representation of the Passion. Both are pretty fundamental in their belief. I made it through the Passion with my head still attached. Show me one passage of the new testament where killing is called for.

Muslims believe the same thing the radicals do but they are less fundamental than their radical brethren. A good comparison might be to compare a Protestant to a Catholic. Both are Christian but have varying opinions of what is "right". All that boils down to is your own personal reflection of what the holy word really means. Did Jesus Christ really mean for people to eat his body and drink his blood? Literally? As in cannibalism? I feast each week on his holy sacrifice. While I was a protestant, they only believed that the act was important and that I really wasn't eating the eucharist.
But according to the press as shown with the volumn of media they present, not as bad as watching a bunch of rogue butch MP's taking nude pics of terrorist. By the way, a lot of those aren't Iraqis.

Gotta love those good christians! I know you are better than everyone else! Lets see, if I dont believe in J/C I'm going to hell.
Hmmmmmmm, I thought our country was based on judeo-christian values? According to your book the Jews and Muslims are all going to hell! The bible is full of violence and fear of God!
Great way to fear! I'm not knocking your personal beliefs, those are yours by choice. Seems like Religious people are always killing for their God(an excuse), muslims and christians alike. Bush sees this as a Holly war............
Originally posted by We4ster

Ever heard of the crusades or the spanish inquisition?
How many times have christians killed in the name of god?

The radical muslims do not speak for the majority of the muslims,
they are scum.........

Not to start a religious flame war, but that was done by catholics. They are NOT the same as evangelical christians.
Originally posted by We4ster

Gotta love those good christians! I know you are better than everyone else! Lets see, if I dont believe in J/C I'm going to hell.
Hmmmmmmm, I thought our country was based on judeo-christian values? According to your book the Jews and Muslims are all going to hell! The bible is full of violence and fear of God!
Great way to fear! I'm not knocking your personal beliefs, those are yours by choice. Seems like Religious people are always killing for their God(an excuse), muslims and christians alike. Bush sees this as a Holly war............

My boy, now you know I never said the things you say above. "My book" - if you mean the bible, does send anyone to hell. It gives everyone a chance for salvation. The new testament isn't full of fear either. It's full of unselfish acts of love, compassion, tolerance, inclusion, justice...

It's the kindest act a person could ever do for anyone, everyone. All you gotta do is believe and accept. When did Christ kill anyone? Again, learn what Mohammed taught vs. what my man Jesus taught. Bush is a protestant, not a Catholic too, there are some differences. His war wasn't about religion either. It was more about other issues like WMD, oil, terrorism and the middle east peace process. What he is doing makes great sense if it can be pulled off. The israelli / palenstein conflict won't be able to solve itself. Yassar Arafat wanted(s) the nation of israel and it's people to dissappear. See many Christians over there where all the holy sites of Jesus exist killing Jews to get them out of their land? How about Christians killing muslims by suicide attack to de-stabilize the many muslim governments? I don't know, you decide what side you think is right. I'm pretty clear on it, crystal clear actually. I lead my life in a manner consistent with that also.