What our country's come to

The guy will be found guilty, then 2 years later one of the cops that arrested him will find some thugs stealing his car and shoot one of them in the back, then he will say that he should be not guilty:mad: This is a sick country in some respects
Yes it'd true, Car Thieves can still be shot in texas. You may have to go before a grand jury, but there's a pretty good chance you won't be charged with anything, if you admit that you "probably shouldn't have done it".

If the guy you shoot has a rap sheet, you may get off under the "deserved killin' " statutes.
Originally posted by UNGN
Yes it'd true, Car Thieves can still be shot in texas. You may have to go before a grand jury, but there's a pretty good chance you won't be charged with anything, if you admit that you "probably shouldn't have done it".

If the guy you shoot has a rap sheet, you may get off under the "deserved killin' " statutes.
I once saw a video of repo men taking back an SUV. The delinquent owner followed them in his truck with his arm out the window shooting at them.......right on friggin' Main St! They finally stopped at a gas station and the police showed up shortly after, instructing the repo guys to give the SUV back! Also, if I ever feel a divorce coming on, I'm gonna convince the wife to move to TX beforehand! When a woman shows up to divorce court in TX, she better have cooked something to bring with!:D
Shoot 'em then drag 'em into your house...then its legal
Or at least get them to turn around so you can shoot them in the chest.
The moral to the story is dead men dont talk. If he hadn't shot him in the back he'd be off in a heart beat .