American civilian has been beheaded by Iraqis

I hope they catch the bastards! shove c4 up their arses and attach a remote detonator.....see how fast they can run!
Originally posted by We4ster
I hope they catch the bastards! shove c4 up their arses and attach a remote detonator.....see how fast they can run!

It's all over the news right now. The guys that did this are some nasty guys. Supposedly some of Osama's boys. They say this is in retaliation of mistreatment of Iraqi prisoners.
Well, at least nobody pointed at his d!ck and laughed.....'cause that would have been much worse.

Actually that is just the point. If we are to show the whole world that we are a moral nation respecting human life (no matter how much you might dislike someone) while they are our prisoners, then any kind of mistreatment must be avoided at all costs. I don't know if you saw Senator McCain talking during the first day of testimony but he was definately holding back some deep seated emotions from his imprisonment. You could see it in his face and his voice. He was lucky to live through his torment. I believe he does not want the US to do what was done to him to anyone, even if they are the enemy.
We should just let them kill us if we're prisoners like the poor guy they just beheaded. An American from near Philadelphia. The terrorists said it was revenge for the prison if they need an excuse. Whatever happened to the people who killed the four guys in the SUV? We were supposed to get them. I'm still waiting. I think these Iraqis are jerkin us off and the enemies of this country, in and out of it, are lovin' it.
Originally posted by Captain Mark
The last thing said on the video. "There are more killings to come":mad:
That's exactly what I'm talking about.......these girls are the same as the kid who f***ed with you all time in gradeschool 'til you layed his a$$ out in front of everybody.

All I can think is, 'Are YOU threatening US?!'
Originally posted by Red Regal T
We should just let them kill us if we're prisoners like the poor guy they just beheaded. An American from near Philadelphia. The terrorists said it was revenge for the prison if they need an excuse. Whatever happened to the people who killed the four guys in the SUV? We were supposed to get them. I'm still waiting. I think these Iraqis are jerkin us off and the enemies of this country, in and out of it, are lovin' it.
Exactly. This is atrophy, folks. We were the most feared/respected country in the world......and now look at us. We've made it clear that anyone can do whatever they want to us and we'll do nothing about it.
Yup. I wish they'd start drafting so I could go over there and shoot every male over 18 years of age in the mother****ing face. Naw, 14 years.
Originally posted by Captain Mark
F------ cowards.

It's the cowards here, that are the cause of it. Dimocrats supporting the elitist liberals (you dumb rednecks), left wing media, CBS, NBC, Abc, CNN, hollywood types, the michael moores, Bill Mahrs. These people think they can get along with Al Kaida.
Originally posted by Red Regal T
It's the cowards here, that are the cause of it. Dimocrats supporting the elitist liberals (you dumb rednecks), left wing media, CBS, NBC, Abc, CNN, hollywood types, the michael moores, Bill Mahrs. These people think they can get along with Al Kaida.
All I can say is, 'Ditto'. I have an awful feeling that if these liberal idiots don't cut it out that the $hit is gonna hit the fan in a horrible way someday. I pity my children's world.
America has become a nation of chicken ****s.

Not only do we not have the stomach for war, we don't even have the stomach to defend ourselves.

Might as well disband the military, and let the scumbags come over here and enslave us all.

I thank Merciful God that my Father and his Father and his Father before him don't have to see what a gutless, pathetic bunch we've become...
Originally posted by strikeeagle
America has become a nation of chicken ****s.

Not only do we not have the stomach for war, we don't even have the stomach to defend ourselves.

Might as well disband the military, and let the scumbags come over here and enslave us all.

I thank Merciful God that my Father and his Father and his Father before him don't have to see what a gutless, pathetic bunch we've become...
It is pretty sad when "our" free press proclaims their treason to be patriotism. They call the it "torture" when the psy-ops guys use a little pressure on terrorists to get info.!!! Yet, they gloss over the atrocities commited against our people. They should show tapes of 9/11 after every shot of one of their "insurgent" (terrorist!) buddies being "tortured"; lets see the pics of our people being dismembered burned and then hung on bridge railings. Obviously these people have never served their country and have no idea what the cost of liberty is. It is sad and disgraceful that they give aid and comfort to a despicable enemy and then parade themselves around as "enlightened". They remind me of the traitors in the Nazi concentration camps who would oversee the torture and slaughter of their own people thinking they could curry favor and win the approval of their Nazi masters. May God have mercy on their souls. :(
Semper Fi!
Registered: Sep 2003
Location: Stanley, New Mexico
Posts: 942

Yup. I wish they'd start drafting so I could go over there and shoot every male over 18 years of age in the mother****ing face. Naw, 14 years.
why do you need to wait for the draft? If your such a bad ass just join and go.