2003 TSM Points Series Rules Change proposals


Mean Scott
Oct 2, 2001
These have been posted in the TSM forum at the gnttype discussion group website Click Here, including the impending deadline. Please visit over there and join in on the thread if you have any comments on what has been posted. The proposals listed are the only ones up for discussion.

Please limit the discussion to threads at that forum so I can have all data in one place.:rolleyes: Thanks!

Hi Scott,
Thanks for putting up the forum in reguards to class rules I probably responded in the wrong place if I did,if you could move my post I would not be offended:rolleyes:

Thanks, Steve

Even after all the lobbying some of the rules they want to change sound a lot more "not stock appearing" but maybe I can't distinguish the difference between a "FORD" 9" rearend I didn't know they were stock appearing and thought the class is Turbo Street Modified! And I have yet to see a GN come with a fuel cell. Sorry for venting and I usually try and hold my composure but some of these issues are a joke!:eek: Here is some of my post over at TSM {Well as my eye's see this is that even afterall the lobbying for some changes so minor as they are were not discussed at the meeting so why even change the rules as in your opening statement "In my opinion, we should try to not materially change the rules so as to keep the playing field fair for those whose cars were built to the 2002 rules." But then who are you trying to make the rule changes for or is it personal to get certain cars in. The fuel cell and extra injectors don't sound stock appearing in my excuse bank thanks for not bringing up mine and Rodgers requests for rule changes at the meeting. I wish the class much success but it must be the fear this factor. Just a little disappointed. }

Sorry for posting this here .
Hey Steve. congrats on the big numbers.
any times yet for the new set up. Now all you need is a stock intake:mad: for tsm 2003 . I personally think a vote should be taken on issues like this. But some issues cant be won. Good luck on which ever route you take.