new site issues!

looks like its working for me now !!!! thanks ! im posting this from the computer and not my phone like my earlier posts!!!!
Please be patient,

I enabled one of the disabled features AGAIN and hope you guys can confirm me if the problem is back again or it's still fixed.

It will take about 5min but it will help me find the root of the problem that was caused.

Thank you
Thank you guys,

I found the issue and it should working for all of you from now on.

Thank you for your patient and being very helpful to me with feedback and screenshot.


I can confirm that the problem is fixed. Enjoy the site.

If any of you still have problem with posting or any other error, feel free to write it here, I will check it asap.
If you have any suggestions, please go to xenforo wish-list thread.

mine was doing the same yesterday. I tried to reply to a thread, post this issue and use the search feature all seems well today. I posted this from the same machine that was giving me problems.
I'm on an XP lap now and it seems to be working correctly.
NOT MY FAULT!:eek: Someone pointed this out to me. Found that it did it on Internet Explorer and all the top band with new posts etc was gone. When I clicked on the links themselves it seemed OK, if I clicked on a blank part of the page it went to my site.

Using Google Chrome there were no problems at all.

Problem is fixed now from what I can see, looks like they fixed it by killing my banner ad.:rolleyes:
It's not just fixed by killing your banner ad but the addon to control the rotating ads in general.

I will discuss with Jay about another variation to display the ads. But for now, to let all users available to use the board in it normal condition, I have to disable it.

Edit test.
Second edit test.
Looks like it's working. Thanks! Life is now good, again.
I don't know if it's a problem or if it's on purpose, but on the main forum page that lists all the sections, the banner ad at the top is so wide that it is overlapping the right side 'online now' column about 1/4 way into it.
I don't know if it's a problem or if it's on purpose, but on the main forum page that lists all the sections, the banner ad at the top is so wide that it is overlapping the right side 'online now' column about 1/4 way into it.
May I ask for your screen resolution ?

Thank you