How Do You Feel About John Force???

How do you feel about John Force at the Nationals

  • He threw the race and should be suspended

    Votes: 17 25.4%
  • He did not throw the race

    Votes: 14 20.9%
  • He threw the race and should NOT be suspended

    Votes: 36 53.7%

  • Total voters
I've alway been a John Force fan so I'm a bit biased in my opinion. I've seen other teams pull the same crap in NHRA and other forms of motorsports. It sucks but what do you do. I don't mind teams heck it keeps the sport alive, money has a way of doing that. I've seen teams in F1 have a driver pull right over that was leading a race and give the win to his teamate...that sucked. What John is guilty of is a terrible acting job. He could have made the loss more realistic and no one would be talking.
John is the man. I think it's hilarious how bad of a job he did blowing the race against Robert. He could have done a better job but you have to wonder if he knew how much B.S. was being slung his way before that round if that wasn't a big "F.U." to all those crybabies and we all know who they are now!!! :biggrin:

Pedregons needed to step up and lost.... Karma's a bitch isn't it? I'd be pulling their sponsorships because they are whiners, that's for sure... Suck it up and beat them on the racetrack. You don't call somebody a cheater before the fact on national T.V. Not cool...

I can care less if he throws a race against his cars and have never expected a "Real" race when his cars line up against each other. I'm sure one car is supposed to win the other is for testing. It's his business to run his business the way he chooses.

Just my opinion....
And Mike Dunn made that point when Tony was whining about it. Tonys car was a test car for Castrol and if it came down to it he knew he would have to take a dive if he came up against his boss or team mate.

I did like Dunns' statement though. "You can call it what you want John threw that race and it stinks to high hell." On national TV. Thats balls.
Pedregon had his chance to change the outcome of the race and the points if he would of beat force in a earlier round,but he did not.[tony called john a cheater on national tv] John I believe did throw the race and the pedregons whinned about it, but you can bet your ass if they had a 4 car team and could change the outcome to get one of their cars in the count down they would have done the same thing.
X2 I feel the same way!

Cheating has been around since the second race that was ever ran and is still here Today in just about EVERY single sport!
"If you can't beat em, Join em" and "if you can't join em, Narc on em" :) :rolleyes: LOL

That was funny,I don't care who ya are !!

They were being crybabies about it. Like said earlier they had their chance to take John out and didn't...

IMO it was a brilliant team move, as owner of the teams he did what he had to do for his team. Sorry but the overall means more than a single race. That is the way the system is set up. Not Force's fault...

He took them completely out of the game by using his mind...

I can't say it was 100% right or wrong. Guess until I am in that position I would be a back seat driver for saying...
A long time ago when Spike TV was still The Nashville Network and the programming was a little more redneck they did a special on one of the retired NASCAR cheif inspectors (I can't remember his name right now). He took them out to his shed which held parts confiscated off of various cars that had been caught of rules violations. And there was some doozies (a dump can with a false bottom with a flapper valve so they could dump a whole 11 gallons in less than a second)

This guy said something that stuck with me even if his name didn't.

"It's the teams job to try and get every advantage they can, and it's my job to catch them."

If nascar and NHRA would get rid of the Playoffs (this isn't football) you wouldn't see this (until the last race)
And Mike Dunn made that point when Tony was whining about it. Tonys car was a test car for Castrol and if it came down to it he knew he would have to take a dive if he came up against his boss or team mate.

I did like Dunns' statement though. "You can call it what you want John threw that race and it stinks to high hell." On national TV. Thats balls.

I can't believe how opinionated Mike Dunn was about it lol.

As for JF, yeah I think he threw the race. As a business owner he made a
business desicion, right or wrong depends on which side of the fence you're on.

Personally I think teams should be limited to two cars.
Jf & rh..

are both rednecks w/ money.
RH's babbling after the win, sounded so much like JF's BS interviews, that the mute button became a necessity.:rolleyes:
NHRA sucks pond water, and is slowly dying...
From the other thread:

Ill throw myself to the wolves here. When taking a dive will change the outcome of a race, it becomes cheating, not team work. When the top commentator in Drag Racing, Mike Dunn recognizes it on National TV, its cheating. Money or not, team or not, you always race heads up. Taking a dive has gone on forever in drag racing, but when you are the top guy, then tell the folks that the race will be heads up...and dont......

It been made quite clear that the Peds are jerks. They have been always. Cruz always says the wrong thing. I cant wait to see when he speaks , because its almost always inappropriate. When Rahn Tobler came to work for him you should have heard the bumbling trash he spoke about Shirley Muldowney. (Rahn and Shirley were married) But the Peds raced heads up.

Tony did work for John and he took many dives himself for John. But he was always the Test car. This had been made quite clear over the years. John also made it clear in the past that Tony was there because Castrol wanted to target the hispanic demographic. So everyone says John gave Tony a Championship... well no he finally let him race and Castrol was pulling those strings.

In closing, did anyone hear what Robert said when he got out of his car? He says
" I cant believe we did this"
Did you also see him help his father in law out? No. If my father in law was also my boss and he was about to get in a fight , I would have done something , not driven away.
From the other thread:

Ill throw myself to the wolves here. When taking a dive will change the outcome of a race, it becomes cheating, not team work. When the top commentator in Drag Racing, Mike Dunn recognizes it on National TV, its cheating. Money or not, team or not, you always race heads up. Taking a dive has gone on forever in drag racing, but when you are the top guy, then tell the folks that the race will be heads up...and dont......

It been made quite clear that the Peds are jerks. They have been always. Cruz always says the wrong thing. I cant wait to see when he speaks , because its almost always inappropriate. When Rahn Tobler came to work for him you should have heard the bumbling trash he spoke about Shirley Muldowney. (Rahn and Shirley were married) But the Peds raced heads up.

Tony did work for John and he took many dives himself for John. But he was always the Test car. This had been made quite clear over the years. John also made it clear in the past that Tony was there because Castrol wanted to target the hispanic demographic. So everyone says John gave Tony a Championship... well no he finally let him race and Castrol was pulling those strings.

In closing, did anyone hear what Robert said when he got out of his car? He says
" I cant believe we did this"
Did you also see him help his father in law out? No. If my father in law was also my boss and he was about to get in a fight , I would have done something , not driven away.

I don't care what JD says about you Louie, that was great post ;):biggrin:

j/k JD!

Yeah, I heard him say that also. I had to back it up and make sure, I couldn't believe he said that. Oh well, guess he's not as a good of liar as the old man.
Just 1 question. How did Force determine the outcome of the race? He did what he had to do to guarantee his 3 cars get into the chase. It did not effect the outcome of the race. Ashely won the race because she eliminated Pedregon and then her own teamate Hight.

Force ran Hight and lost. He threw this round to guarantee he gets all 3 cars into the points chase.

All Pedregon had to do was beat Ashley and it would have been a Hight/Pedregon final but he didn't beat Ashley.

I don't agree with throwing any race but to say he determined the outcome of the race isn't correct either. Had John laid down in the finals against Ashley so she could get her 1st US Nationals win, I'd feel totally different.
He did by throwing the race against Height. Snowball effect. Now he guaranteed in the countdown and finals. Then Ashley beat Ped. At this point he is again in control. My son who loves her thought I was some kind of voodoo magician when i called the races. The whole thing went like the WWF. Scripted. Roberts motor expires just before the finish line? You dont think that was set up too? Immediately after that other stunt he pulled ? Come on... Ashley winning the US nats is many times more profitable that if Height won...

Now what if Ped won the round and raced Height. Force still had a say in the race , based on the fact that Height got in on the basis Forces intentional actions.

Ped was the only variable in the whole thing. Traction wasnt a variable, neither was the weather. When you take those two equations out , they can make that car blow up at 660 feet or 800 feet if they want.
John Force hurt the sport by doing the way he did it, a 2 something light, please its a joke, if I was a sponsor thinging about Funny Car, I would choose another class. It's not cheating it's stupidity at its highest level. I used to be a fan of his not any more. And for all you guys saying it happens in NASCAR, please show me an example of a driver taking a dive so someone else could win.

As Junior Johnson said "its only cheating if you get caught"
And for all you guys saying it happens in NASCAR, please show me an example of a driver taking a dive so someone else could win.
Lol.... yea, ok:rolleyes: NASCAR was the worst example of that I have ever seen in any sport till the rules changes to a 4 man team. Your joking I hope.
YES Brett I am seroius I have watched NASCAR for over 20 years but I have never seen a team let another team mate win a race, yes they do let them get 5 bonus point for leading, and hold up another racer, but Brett I am referring to Winning a race.