XFI - SES - Error Code 2 - #4???

Hot Air

E85 and S.E./Carolinas Moderator
Staff member
Nov 11, 2002
Just installed XFI on my TR and am getting Check Engine Light immediately.

When I go to Dashboard, I find Error Code = 0, Error Code 2 = 4. Checked FAST Operation Manual and find that 4 is n/a!

When I go to View, then Display ECU Fault Status, I find the FCS Fault block checked. What the heck is FCS Fault. I don't see it in the Glossary of Terms. Got to be Fuel or Fan.

Conrad Carter
"FCS" = Fuel Composition Sensor

Go to: View/System Configuration/Fault Detection and uncheck the FCS Fault Enable box. Since you're getting that code, you probably need to verfiy your Fuel Calc Parameters are correct too. Better check things, it sounds like you loaded an old program on a newer flash.
Thanks for the info. I appreciate your help.
FCS is used for alternate fuels.
If you dont have an FCS sensor plugged in,It sets a code
FAST is workiing on a kit that would contain a fuel sensor and wiring harness for quick and easy install. This would allow XFI to monitor the fuel and respond accordingly.