XFI Rate sensor calibration

disco stu

Active Member
Apr 10, 2002
What value do you guys have in this area to get it to read MPH? And when you get it close does increasing or decreasing in small numbers allow you to fine tune it or is it of a random number algorithm kind of deal?

I should mentionI have a digital dash FWIW because I think the VSS is different, and I have 28" tall tires.
Stu i never set mine up,The t400 trans i have in my car has no provisions for a speedo!, I am installing another type of speed sensor that is more accurate for distance traveled.
Ill get a hold of Lance and see if he has an answer
It depends on what virison software of XFI you have, The early Beta virisions had 1 calibration input, Later version has a (ppm) pulse per min. & MPH inputs.
The newer software has help files with the formulas for this. You should be able to get this from your dealer.