XFI Program selector not working


Nov 21, 2002
My XFI program selector switch quit working. I have checked the four wires for continuity from switch to the xfi plug. There is also a resistance change on the wires when different numbers are selected. Any Ideas on what to do next?
Please don't take this wrong, but.... Gentlemen, please post results in this forum.
I've watched many threads in this forum end exactly the same way. "problem solved", then Cal or someone posts "no problem, help is a phone call away"
Cal's help is always great and much appreciated by everyone I'm sure. But for someone doing a search and coming across this thread will learn nothing.

If someone posts a problem, can someone else or the OP please post the resultant fix? Thanks!!
I apologize for not sharing earlier. My business is based upon the technical support we provide. Sometimes I become a little too selfish with my information (anyone who bought a system elsewhere and calls for tech support knows exactly how I feel).
Craig's problem was two-fold. The main issue he had was the wrong channel selected in the Calibration Channel Overide screen. When using the thumbwheel, the "0" channel needs to be selected in order for the thumbwheel to overide it. The other issue he had was Pin A-23 was not providing a ground to the XFI.
The selector switch was bad. I called John as Caspers Electronics and I should have a new one today at no charge. :)